Individual Details

Timothy Dalton Sr.

(March 24, 1691 - Bef February 6, 1767)

Sources; (Winston Dalton - Pittsylvania Co. Va. Journal) A lecture/talk given by Dr. Lucy Joan Slater, Editor and Secretary, Dalton Genealogical Society, Cambridge, England

The first record of a Land Grant to Timothey is in Albemarle County in 1732. He later owned land in Halifax County. Other records are found that indicate he may have owned land in Brunswick, Pittslvania and other counties. His will was proved 10 Feb 1767 in Albermarle Co VA. It was written 3 Oct 1755. Elizabeth was still living in 1755. (Winston Dalton - Pittsylvania Co. Va. Journal)

Timothy Dalton was given a land grant in Albemarle County, Virginia, in 1732. In 1759, he had 150 acres in Halifax County, Virginia, ( previously known as Lunenburg County, and later Pittsylvania County). Timothy Dalton's 1732 patent was on the Mechunk River in Hanover County. The Mechunk flows into the Rivanna after being formed by tributaries flowing off the eastern slopes of "the Little Mountain." The little Mountains form a ridge east of the Blue Ridge and a narrow valley separates the two ranges. It appears that all the early Daltons eventually lived in the northern part of the valley. There are references made to Priddys Creek, Jacobs Run, Wolf Trap Creek, and Turkey Run.There are other records that indicate he may have owned land in Brunswick, Spottsylvania, and other counties.

Timothy made his will in 1755. He left all his property to his oldest son William as was the custom in those days. Timothy Dalton b. ca 1690 VA? England?, d. 1767 Albemarle Co. VA.

1732 granted 400 ac. both sides of Machunk Cr. Hanover Co. Timothy & son Timothy, Jr. bought & sold land in Priddies Cr. area in Hanover Co. 1732-1745. Timothy, Jr relocates to Brunswick Co. VA & sells his Hanover land 1745.

This Timothy is the progenitor of many Daltons in Halifax, Bedford, Pittsylvania Cos. VA. He was b. ca 1715 , his WILL dated Jan 12, 1768 & proven Apr. 24, 1775 Bedford Co. Timothy, Sr. will written Oct. 3, 1755, proven Feb 6, 1767 Albemarle Co. and leaves all land to son William, excluding his wife, Elizabeth & other children. Sources; (melanie d. crain)

Because Tim Jr appeared to be the first Dalton who moved from Albemarle to the Bedford-Pittsylvania Co. area (patents dated 1759), he seemed to be the "father of them all." But was he? He came in the company of David and John and was followed a bit later by Robert. All four of these men show indications that they were about the same generational-age. The 1767 Pittsylvania Co. tithable list indeed had David (with son Benjamin), John, and Robert (with his sons John and Robert Jr). But NO Timothy...So he may have at least four Daltons producing all the later Pittsylvania Co. descendants. Sources;

Timothy first appeared in the public records in 1726: Hanover or King George & Stafford Co. Va: 2 May 1726 Power of Attorney: I Lewis Griffith, formerly of County King George, but now of County Hanover, impower my son, Richard of Parish Hanover, County of King George, to (sell) my land in King George & Stafford Counties. Wit: Thomas X Griffis, William X Obriant, & Timothy X Dalton ...Stafford Co. VA Deed Bk 3, pp 258-259

There is a Timothy with five tithables in Orange Co. in 1736 (himself plus four). Tithables by law were white males 16 yrs and older and male and female slaves. Therefore Timothy could have had one or more sons and the remainder tithables could have been laborers and/or slaves. Could this be Timothy Jr?--not very likely because Tim Jr was born about 1715 and would have been about 21 years old in 1736. With two Timothy Daltons in this location, it is not reasonable that the youngest would be paying 5 tithes and the elder would not be taxed; therefore, this is probably Tim Sr.

19 Oct 1736 Orange Co. Tithables List: Timothy Dalton - 5 Orange Co. Va Tithables 1734-1782, Part One, Barbara Vine Little (Orange VA, 1988), p. 4

There is not a document yet found that states the names of any of Tim Sr's children other than William, listed in his will. William could have been the eldest or the youngest or any in between in Timothy's supposed line of children. In the 18th c. fathers sometimes passed family lands to young sons when they needed it to get started--not when the father died. That meant that older sons might not be mentioned in Dad's Will when the younger sons were, sons who had not yet been given their inheritance. Son William below could be any age but a child (under 16). We don't know if William were over 21 since the Will does not mention any ownership of land.


Timothy gave permission for his daughter Elizabeth to marry William Arthur, Jr. June 24, 1762. Source: Nancy B Samuelson "The Dalton Gang Story"

1 Blake's "English Home of Timothy Dalton" 1899. 2 Hosmer's Winthrop's Journal, vol. II, pp. 45-6. 3 DALTON TIMOTHY, 1697 (???), Hampton, N. H. In Capt. John Ladd's Co., 1757

BEDFORD CO. 23 Sep 1754 Court: Timothy Dalton vs. George Walton. Action: Case Dismissed COB 1A: 22

Pittsylvania County 29 Oct 1754 Court: Dalton & others report for running the road therein mentioned; Tim Dalton overseer from Staunton River to Goose Cr; Augustus Leftwich overseer from Good Cr to Otter River COB 1-B: 19

26 Nov 1754 Court: Timothy Dalton, John Lawson, & Henry Henderson appointed viewers from Stanton River near mouth of Blackwater River to Otter River; Timothy Dalton appointed surveyor of the road from Stanton River to Goose Cr COB 1A: 39

__Jan 1756 Court: Timothy Dalton paid for 5 days attendance as witness for Pierce Cody at the suit of James Johnson COB 1 A: 145

__Jan 1756 Court: Timothy Dalton & Wm Harris sworn....[rest in unreadable abbreviations] COB 1-B: 55

Dalton Gang Newsletter, May 12, 1999 18th C. Timeline: Pittsylvania County Virginia, Part 15 Pittsylvania Co. 1781 Taxation: assessments [in monetary pounds] on the following selection of citizens were made by the commissioners to contribute the county's share of burden for the war: John Dalton 48 pounds Samuel Dalton 6 pounds John Dalton 10 pounds Charles Goad 5 pounds David Ross 805 pounds James Dalton 8 pounds William Goad 6 pounds Ro. Goad 11 pounds Timothy Dalton 4 pounds The History of Pittsylvania County, VA, M. C. Clement (Baltimore 1973), p. 192

Source: Dalton Gang Letter 5/12/99 1 Jan 1782/3? Power of Attorney: James Dalton, eldest son, heir, and executor of Timothy Dalton, dec'd, appointed Nathaniel Williams, Esq., Guilford Co., NC, to take possession of his right and title to land in Pittsylvania Co. and in Bedford Co., on both sides of the Staunton River where Timothy died. The land was being claimed by John Chiles and others by their getting possession and standing a suit for same. Wit: Randolph Dalton, William Arthur Signed: James Dalton, Joseph Cook [George Cook in transcription--Melanie Crain's note] Recorded: 16 Sept 1782/3? DB 7:128

Source: Dalton Gang Letter 5/12/99 Bedford Co. 24 Feb 1783 Estate Account: Timothy Dalton Estate Executor: John Talbot, one of the executors Among the accounts from 1775 forward: John Dalton, James Talbot, James Talbot for 1 barrel of corn for the widow & children, James Callaway & Co, George Herndon for John Dalton's bond etc., Benja. Tarrance [sic] per bond, Joseph Arthur, Randolph Bobbits bond etc, 1776 cash of William Baber for his bond, James Flannakin, cash of John Talbot for bond & int, by John Dalton for his bond, 1778 cash of John Talbot for an Entry of Land, James Flannakin in full, Cash of William Hammon for his bond, Thomas Colly in part of his note, John Talbot for Elizabeth Dalton's bond and Ints... Date signed by Examiners: 1 Feb 1783 WB 1: 444-445 Examiners: John Quarles, Robert Adams, Jr. Submitted by: John Talbot ====== NOTE! THE FIRST RECORD OF A LAND GRANT FOR HIM IS IN ALBEMARLE CO. IN 1732. HE LATER OWNED LAND IN HALIFAX CO. OTHER RECORDS ARE FOUND THAT INDICATE HE MAY HAVE OWNED LAND IN BRUNSWICK, PITTSLVANIA AND OTHER COUNTIES. His will was proved 10 Feb1767 in Albermarle Co VA. It was written 3 Oct 1755. Elizabeth was still living in 1755. (Winston Dalton - Pittsylvania Co. Va. Journal) Timothy Dalton was given a land grant in Albemarle County, Virginia, in 1732. In 1759, he had150 acres in Halifax County, Virginia, (previously known as Lunenburg County, and later Pittsylvania County). Timothy Dalton's 1732 patent was on the Mechunk River in Hanover County. The Mechunk flows into the Rivanna after being formed bytributaries flowing off the eastern slopes of "the Little Mountain." The little Mountains form a ridge east of the Blue Ridge and a narrow valley separates the two ranges. It appears that all the early Daltons eventually lived in the northern part of the valley. There are references made to Priddys Creek, Jacobs Run, Wolf Trap Creek, and Turkey Run. There are other records that indicate he may have owned land in Brunswick, Spottsylvania, and other counties. Timothy made his will in 1755. He left all his property to his oldest son William as was the custom in those days. Timothy Dalton b. ca 1690 VA? England?, d. 1767 Albemarle Co. VA. 1732 granted 400 ac. both sides of Machunk Cr. Hanover Co. Timothy & son Timothy, Jr. bought & sold land in Priddies Cr. area in Hanover Co. 1732-1745. Timothy, Jr relocates to Brunswick Co. VA & sells his Hanover land 1745. This Timothy is the progenitor of many Daltons in Halifax, Bedford, Pittsylvania Cos. VA. He was b. ca 1715, his WILL dated Jan 12, 1768 & proven Apr. 24, 1775 Bedford Co. Timothy, Sr. will written Oct. 3, 1755, proven Feb 6, 1767 Albemarle Co. and leaves all land to son William, excluding his wife, Elizabeth & other children. Would be interested in seeing documented accounts of Timothy, Sr. and wife prior to 1732. Sources; (melanie d. crain) Because Tim Jr appeared to be the first Dalton who moved from Albemarle to the Bedford-Pittsylvania Co. area (patents dated 1759), he seemed to be the "father of them all." But was he? He came in the company of David and John and was followed a bit later by Robert. All four of these men show indications that they were about the same generational-age. The 1767 Pittsylvania Co. tithable list indeed had David (with son Benjamin), John, and Robert (with his sons John and Robert Jr). But NO Timothy...So we may have at least four Daltons producing all the later Pittsylvania Co. descendants. Sources; He first appeared in the public records in 1726: Hanover or King George & Stafford Co. Va: 2 May 1726 Power of Attorney: I Lewis Griffith, formerly of County King George, but now of County Hanover...impower my son, Richard of Parish Hanover, County of KingGeorge, to (sell) my land in King George & Stafford Counties. Wit: Thomas X Griffis, William X Obriant , & Timothy X Dalton ...Stafford Co. VA Deed Bk 3, pp 258-259 There is a Timothy with five tithables in Orange Co. in 1736 (himself plus four). Tithables by law were white males 16 yrs and older and male and female slaves. Therefore Timothy could have had one or more sons and the remainder tithables could have been laborers and/or slaves. Could this be Timothy Jr?--not very likely becauseTim Jr was born about 1715 and would have been about 21 years old in 1736. With two Timothy Daltons in this location, it is not reasonable that the youngest would be paying 5 tithes and the elder would not be taxed; therefore, this is probably Tim Sr: 19 Oct 1736 Orange Co. Tithables List: Timothy Dalton-5...Orange Co. Va Tithables 1734-1782, Part One, Barbara Vine Little (Orange VA, 1988), p. 4 There is not a document yet found that states the names of any of Tim Sr's children other than William, listed in his will. William could have been the eldest or the youngest or any in between in Timothy 's supposed line of children. In the 18th c. fathers sometimes passed family lands to young sons when they needed it to get started--notwhen the father died. That meant that older sons might not be mentioned in Dad's Will when the younger sons were, sons who had not yet been given their inheritance. Son William below could be any age but a child (under 16). We don't know ifWilliam were over 21 since the Will does not mention any ownership of land: Albemarle Co. TIMOTHY GAVE PERMISSON FOR HIS DAUGHTER ELIZABETH TO MARRY WILLIAM ARTHUR JR. JUNE 24, 1762. Source: Nancy B Samuelson "The Dalton Gang Story" Sources: Fred Woodson Hendrick P O Box 1601 38950 South Fork Road Willits, CA 95490-1601 (707) 984-8911 1 Blake's "English Home of Timothy Dalton" 1899. 2 Hosmer's Winthrop's Journal, vol. II, pp. 45-6. DALTON TIMOTHY, 1697(???), Hampton , N. H. In Capt. John Ladd's Co., 1757 BEDFORD CO. 23 Sep 1754 Court: Timothy Dalton vs. George Walton. Action: Case Dismissed COB 1A: 22 Pittsylvania County 29 Oct 1754 Court : Dalton & others report for running the road thereinmentioned; Tim Dalton overseer from Staunton River to Goose Cr ; Augustus Leftwich overseer from Good Cr to Otter River COB 1-B: 1926 Nov 1754 Court: Timothy Dalton, John Lawson , & Henry Henderson appointed viewers from Stanton River near mouthof Blackwater River to Otter River; Timothy Dalton appointed surveyor of the road from Stanton River to Goose Cr COB 1A: 39 __Jan 1756 Court: Timothy Dalton paid for 5 days attendance as witness for Pierce Cody at the suit of James Johnson COB 1A: 145 __Jan 1756 Court: Timothy Dalton & Wm Harris sworn....[rest in unreadable abbreviation s] COB 1-B: 55 Dalton Gang Newsletter, May 12, 1999 18th C . Timeline: Pittsylvania County Virginia, Part 15 Pittsylvania Co. 1781 Taxation: assessments[in monetary pounds] on the following selection of citizens were made by the commissioners to contribute the county's share of burden for the war: John Dalton 48 pounds Samuel Dalton 6 pounds John Dalton 10 pounds Charles Goad 5 pounds David Ross805 pounds James Dalton 8 pounds William Goad 6 pounds Ro. Goad 11 pounds Timothy Dalton 4 pounds The History of Pittsylvania County, VA, M. C. Clement (Baltimore 1973), p. 192 Source: Dalton Gang Letter 5/12/99 1 Jan 1782/3? Power of Attorney :James Dalton, eldest son, heir, and executor of Timothy Dalton, dec'd, appointed Nathaniel Williams, Esq., Guilford Co., NC, to take possession of his right and title to land in Pittsylvania Co. and in Bedford Co., on both sides of the StauntonRiver where Timothy died. The land was being claimed by John Chiles and others by their getting possession and standing a suit for same. Wit: Randolph Dalton, William Arthur Signed: James Dalton, Joseph Cook [George Cook in transcription--MelanieCrain's note] Recorded: 16 Sept 1782/3? DB 7:128 Source: Dalton Gang Letter 5/12/99 Bedford Co. 24 Feb 1783 Estate Account: Timothy Dalton Estate Executor: John Talbot, one of the executors Among the accounts from 1775 forward: John Dalton, JamesTalbot, James Talbot for 1 barrel of corn for the widow & children, James Callaway & Co, George Herndon for John Dalton's bond etc., Benja. Tarrance [sic] per bond, Joseph Arthur, Randolph Bobbits bond etc, 1776 cash of William Baber for his bond,James Flannakin, cash of John Talbot for bond & int, by John Dalton for his bond, 1778 cash of John Talbot for an Entry of Land, James Flannakin in full, Cash of William Hammon for his bond, Thomas Colly in part of his note, John Talbot forElizabeth Dalton's bond and Ints... Date signed by Examiners: 1 Feb 1783 WB 1: 444-445 Examiners: John Quarles, Robert Adams, Jr. Submitted by: John Talbot Sources: Fred Woodson Hendrick PO Box 1601 38950 SouthFork Road Willits, CA 95490-1601 (707) 984-8911 A very well-documented book by John W. Bobbitt, entitled "The Bobbitt Family in America," Publ: Washington D.C. 1985, gives some different and extended facts on this family and its relationship to the Dalton family. Up to this time, Nancy Samuelson, authoress of "The Dalton Gang Story" has been the major source for details about the Bobbitts. Excerpts below are extracted from the book of John W. Bobbitt : p. 267: "We do not know what happened to Elizabeth Bobbitt. The last time she is mentioned in any record is in the list of tithables taken in 1767: Elizabeth Bobbitt and her negro Joe Bobbitt 1 tithable" [Here emerges a delicate little problem: there is an Elizabeth Dalton who married William Arthur, Jr. in 1762, Bedford County, consent given by Timothy Dalton. The 1767 tithables list of Camden Parish proves that the Elizabeth who married William Arthur is not the Elizabeth who was James Bobbitt's widow. Can anyone add any information to this dilemma?] p. 268: "We can find no evidence that James Bobbitt was married before he married the widow Elizabeth Bennett. The records indicate that all of the children mentioned in the will were mothered by Elizabeth Bobbitt. The records show that the children considered Timothy and Elizabeth Dalton of Bedford County Virginia to be their maternal grand-parents. There are two deeds which prove that Elizabeth's maiden name was Dalton, and that the Dalton family considered John and William Bobbitt to be their grandsons. January 5, 1764 - Halifax County Virginia records. "Timothy Dalton, and Elizabeth his wife, of the County of Bedford, and John Bobbitt of Halifax County, for five shillings, paid by John Bobbitt for 160 acres of land on the north side of Pigg River, being the plantation whereon the said John Bobbitt now lives." January 6, 1764 - Halifax County Virginia records. "Timothy Dalton, and Elizabeth his wife, of the County of Bedford, and William Bobbitt of Halifax County, for five shillings, paid by William Bobbitt, for 240 acres of land on the south side of the Pigg River, being land whereon the said William Bobbitt now lives." "xFive shillings was token payment to make the deeds legal and have the deeds recorded. x James and Randolph were much too young to be eligible to receive land gifts from their grandparents.


BirthMarch 24, 1691England
MarriageAbt, 1709Virginia - Elizabeth Talbot
DeathBef February 6, 1767Pittsylvania County, Virginia


SpouseElizabeth Talbot (1688 - )
ChildElizabeth Dalton (1709 - )
ChildJohn Dalton (1711 - )
ChildTimothy Dalton (1715 - )
ChildWilliam Dalton (1720 - )
ChildRichard Dalton (1720 - )
ChildRobert Dalton (1722 - )
FatherWilliam Dalton (1665 - 1722)
MotherMargaret Newman Brockenbough (1670 - 1730)
SiblingWilliam Dalton Jr. (1690 - )
SiblingSamuel Dalton (1698 - 1804)
SiblingTyrell Dalton (1708 - )
SiblingElizabeth Dalton (1711 - )
SiblingMargaret Dalton (1713 - )
SiblingSarah Dalton (1716 - )
SiblingMichael Dalton (1720 - )
SiblingJohn Dalton (1722 - 1777)