Individual Details

William Dalton

(Abt, 1665 - 1722)

Some information about the family of William Dalton is from Glennis Carr Neuhauser, email:>.

Additional information from: Melanie McKinzie, 2003, with the following notes: Early Virginia Religious Petitions, Library of Virginia: December 8, 1786, Albermarle, Fredericksville Parish, William Dalton and Samuel Dalton signed a petition opposed to repeal. William Tandy also signed. Subj: Re: Old Daltons Date: 98-01-08 19:42:19 EST From: To: Doc A Duck The Old Daltons I have been asked to submit my speculations on the parent of Timothy Dalton Sr. So, here it is. I strongly caution anyone reading this to accept my conclusions that both Timothy Dalton Sr and Samuel Dalton Sr were children of William Dalton the Elder. I am providing the following information and speculation in order to help anyone researching into the matter. I would also like to receive any information, ides or speculation on this same problem.

The European history of Virginia began in 1570 with a short-lived Spanish Mission located on the York river. In 1584, Sir Humphrey Gilbert obtained a grant from Queen Elizabeth to colonize all of North America not occupied by the Spanish or the French. The first expedition to America was sent out that same year by Sir Walter Raleigh and arrived at Roanoke Island in 1585. The new territory was named Virginia in honor of the Queen. Additional settlers arrived in 1587, but by 1591 because their re-supply was interrupted by England's war with Spain, all the colonists had died or disappeared.

On December 20th 1606, the London Company, established by Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southhampton, sent out three ships named, Susan Constant, Discovery, and Goodspeed carrying 143 colonists. The ships landed on 6 April 1607 and the settlement of Jamestown, named in honor of the King, was established May 14th 1607. The English crown took control of the colony in 1624, and by 1635 the population was 5,000. Although plagued by Indian raids, settlements were established along the rivers of the lower Tidewater. Depressed tobacco prices, Indian uprisings, and the refusal of Governor Sir William Berkeley to call new elections to the House of Burgesses led in 1676 to the short-lived but serious Bacon's Rebellion. Jamestown, which was never a satisfactory site for a town, soon lost its preeminence to Williamsburg in the Tidewater region of Virginia to which the capital was shifted in 1699. By the year 1700, there were more than 80,000 people living in the Tidewater region. Twenty thousand more had come by 1717. During the next 37 years, the population increased by almost two hundred percent, reaching 284,000 by 1754, and spreading westward into the Piedmont region of Virginia. As early as 1730 there was a heavy migration from Pennsylvania into Virginia of Scotch-Irish, Welsh, and Germans, most of whom settled in the upper valleys, west of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Virginia was well settled by 1775, and by 1800 it had upwards of 90 counties and a population of nearly a million.

The Daltons were among the early arrivals in the Piedmont region of Virginia, and I would guess that they migrated out of the Tidewater Region. The Piedmont was an area of Virginia that was undergoing rapid geographical changes. Initially, the Daltons lived within the jurisdiction of Hanover County where research is almost impossible due to the near total destruction of records during the Civil War. The part of present day Albemarle County where they lived was subsequently assigned jurisdictionally to Goochland, then to Louisa, then to Albemarle counties. To make it even more complex some Albemarle territory in the northeastern part of the County remained attached to Louisa for some years after Albemarle was formed in 1744. The boundaries were adjusted again in 1761 and this part of Louisa was assigned to Albemarle. The result of all of this was that the Daltons seemed to have been moving around in four different counties when they actually lived in the same northern region of present day Albemarle County, near the border of Orange and Green Counties.

I believe that William Dalton the elder, who died in 1727, and his brother John Dalton were part (if not all) of the original Daltons who immigranted from England. We may never know when William Dalton the Elder was born, but based on the age of his first born child, he must have been born prior to 1670, and it could have been much earlier. I have seen speculation that he was born in Yorkshire, England, but I have no knowledge of the evidence that would suggest his birth in Yorkshire. William Dalton the elder, married a woman named Margaret. This Margaret must have been Margaret Brockenbrough, the daughter of William Brockenbrough and Mary Newman. John Dalton, who was the brother of William Dalton the Elder, married Mary Newman Brockenbrough, the widow of William Brockenbrough on 6 May 1702. This also suggests that John Dalton was not a young man, and this could have been a second wife. But that is not known.

The first record of a Dalton in the Virginia County of Gloucester seems to be a 1707 record where William Dalton, the elder, bought several lots in Gloucester Town. His next appearance was in the Abingdon Parish register when his fourth through eight child was named and baptized. I believe that the first three children on this list were also children of William the elder, but were born prior to his association with the Abingdon Parish and were therefore, not part of the baptism record. To further complicate matters, we can only speculate as to when William Dalton the younger, and Timothy Dalton Sr, (my ancestor) were born. Evidence suggests the early 1690's for both. It was also in the Abingdon Parish register that we first discover that William the elder's wife was named Margaret. The children of William and Margaret Dalton were: 1. William Dalton, the younger, who was born about 1690. 2. Timothy Dalton Sr., who was my ancestor and was born about 1690 3. Samuel Dalton Sr., who was born 24 March 1699. 4. Tyrell Dalton, who was baptized 20 February 1708 or 1709. 5. Elizabeth Dalton, who was baptized 22 April 1711, and married a Noden. 6. Margaret Dalton, who was baptised10 December 1713. 7. Sarah Dalton, who was born 12 October 1716. 8. Michael Dalton, who was born 29 September 1720. 9. John Dalton, who was born in 1722, married Jemima Shaw about 1740, and died in 1777.

On 2 April 1721, William Dalton the elder, bought for the sum of 100 pounds, 996 acres in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, from Larkin Chew. By 1727, William Dalton, the elder had died interstate (without a will) because his widow Margaret, the administrator of his estate, hired Alexander Cleveland to represent the estate in Spotsylvania County. Alexander Cleveland was the father of Elizabeth Cleveland, who married James Coffey, and Jane Cleveland who married Chesley Coffey. James Coffey was the brother of John Coffey, one of my ancestors, and Chelsey Coffey was a close relative to the brothers. Because he had died without a will, an inventory of the estate had to be filed in court, which was why Alexander Cleveland was hired. Also because he died interstate, William Dalton's estate was divided by Virginia law with 1/3 going to his widow and all the remainder to his eldest son William. In acres, Margaret inherited 103 and William 893. Margaret Dalton, the widow of William Dalton, the elder, married second, John Lister. The following is an extract from John Lister's will. John Lister of Abingdon Parish, County of Gloucester, Shipwright. Leaves to his wife Margaret all the estate which is left of Mr.William Dalton's, deceased, if she pays Michael Dalton, Margaret Dalton, and Elizabeth Noden their portion. To Michael Dalton at twenty-one, the plantation called "Half Way ouse" (House) between York and Hampton at the expiration of Captain Tabb's lease. To Mary Noden and Benjamin Lister, the son of Mary Daley land adjoining Gloucester Town. To Richard Ambler of York County, Esq. Ex. and guardian of Benjamin Lister, land bought of Capt.William Dalton. (William the younger) This will was dated 10 January 1734. John Lister died and the will was effected 23 January 1734. It is believed that Margaret Brockenbrough Dalton Lister died about a month later.

1. BOOK:#1- National Society of The Colonial Dames of America, Maryland: R929.1N277a, Vol. 2. 2. First Families of Pittsylvania County, Virginia: by Lucy Henderson Horton, p.79.
Notes: National Society of The Colonial Dames: Gives the name of John to this Dalton. He and several brothers settled in Westmoreland County, Virginia before 1722. The Dalton brothers prior to 1685 settled in Glochester Co., Virginia.
Sources; Sheila Anderson-Lewis,> 9/24/99, great granddaughter of Dora California Dalton.


BirthAbt, 1665Yorkshire, England
MarriageBef 1690Virginia - Margaret Newman Brockenbough
Death1722Fairfax County, Virginia


SpouseMargaret Newman Brockenbough (1670 - 1730)
ChildWilliam Dalton Jr. (1690 - )
ChildTimothy Dalton Sr. (1691 - 1767)
ChildSamuel Dalton (1698 - 1804)
ChildTyrell Dalton (1708 - )
ChildElizabeth Dalton (1711 - )
ChildMargaret Dalton (1713 - )
ChildSarah Dalton (1716 - )
ChildMichael Dalton (1720 - )
ChildJohn Dalton (1722 - 1777)
FatherTyrell Dalton (1646 - 1666)
MotherElizabeth Goring (1646 - 1666)
SiblingJohn Dalton (1664 - 1734)