Individual Details

Mary Parlby

(17 Aug 1728 - 21 Jun 1784)

Will of Mary Templer (neé Parlby)
In the name of God, Amen
I, Mary Templer Senior of Colyton in the county of Devon being of sound mind and memory and understanding, thanks be to God for the same, do hereby make and publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say first I give, devise and bequeath the full third part of my nominal bank stock left by my dear husband to be at my own disposal respecting my children do desire it to be equally divided between all my children, my plate to be disposed of as follows. The tankard I give to my son John, my bread basket and tea urn if one shall be found, together with tea pot and tea caddy I give to my son George and all the rest of my plate in general I give to my two sons Henry Line Templer and Charles Beckford Templer; all my household linnon to be equally divided between them; I give unto my daughter Ann Pole my best dressing table and the contents of the same together with such of my wearing apparel as she shall think proper to accept, if no memorandums are found for the disposal of some small matters of it, of which at present I intend to make and in that case all such memorandums I desire may be put in full force and complied with as all will be in my own handwriting for that purpose. It is my further desire that all the china that was sent by my son George to me for a present may be given to my said son George as I look upon it as his real property. I give unto my son James my diamond ring set around with brilliants and with his brother William’s hair on a wheat sheaf. I give unto my grand daughter Mary Templer my watch and the locket set in gold with my dear husband’s hair by Lupin (?). I give to my son Charles my gold seal and to my grand daughter Ann Templer I give the locket set out with my children’s hair. I likewise give to my grand daughter Ann Templer a diamond ring together with my bracelets. I give to my niece Susanna Parlby the picture of my brother John set in gold and hope my daughter Ann Pole will accept of the picture of her dear father that hangs on my hearth as there is a likeness of him, all the trinkets above mentioned and ? the watch. I give to Mr John Templer my best diamond ring that was left me as a legacy from Mr Line. It is further my will that all my household furniture in general with pictures prints china glass liquors and every other utensil that may be found on my property and not disposed of by sale may have an inventory taken of everything by some discreet person under the supervision of my brother Thomas Parlby and Thomas Lane Esq., on behalf of my two sons Henry Line and Charles Beckford Templer if they are under the age of twenty one years at the time of my decease. After the above is completed with, it is my will that an equal dividend may be made between all my children. I give to my brother Thomas Parlby the sum of twenty pounds for a ring, for Mrs Mary Parlby of Portsmouth the sum of ten guineas for mourning, to Mrs Ann Young (?) of Rotherhithe the sum of five guineas for a ring. It is my desire that my children may
give unto Mary Rolph (?) out of the main stock the sum of ten guineas a year during her natural life if she is living with me at the time of my decease; if not, to give her the sum of forty pounds only ~ that ten guineas a year is to be paid by equal shares from all. It is further my will and pleasure that no ?? or demands shall be made whatsoever on or for my son Charles Beckford Templer for any expense or expenses that ?? on his account or that I have paid for his own use since the death of his dear father. It is further my will that if I should die before my son Charles arrives at the age of twenty one years that all such bills as may be due on his, my said son Charles’ account at my decease shall be paid out of my property without ant diversion whatever but that his dividend shall be equal with all the rest of my children. I
desire I may be buried in my wedding ring. This to be my last will and testament if no other shall be found which may not be the last. I do hereby sign this my last will and testament the tenth day of October One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty three, witness my hand ~ Mary Templer.


Memorandum of some little affairs which I have omitted in my will. It is my will and desire that every thing or things that may be mentioned in this memorandum shall be disposed of as follows; first it is my desire that my son James may have the picture of Jacob’s travels..the large flower plate ~ both the above will be found in the Dining Parlour ~ likewise my son James to have the picture of my son George that was sent from India with the white ?? quilt . M. Templer I give my son John the painting of Scotland (?) in the Dining Parlour with the picture of his dear brother William in the Breakfast Parlour with the picture of his dear brother George by Whitly (?) together with my brother John’s picture and the chintz counterpane with the silk fringe. M. Templer.~~ I give to my son Henry Line Templer Mr Line’s picture, likewise the landscape in the Dining Parlour, likewise the two small yellow counterpanes. M. Templer ~~ I give unto my son Charles Templer the mahogany desk and bookcase with the contents of the same. I likewise give my son Charles the mahogany bureau that is in my room. Likewise the tent bedspread and furniture with bed and bedding compleat with the window curtains of the same with the best ?? chintz quilt. M. Templer ~~ I give unto my daughter Ann Pole the small bed and furniture compleat that was in the nursery, it being hers when young. M. Templer ~~ I give my son George the large white bed quilt it being his ?? ?? . M. Templer ~~ It is further my will that any of the thing or things that may be left of any kind shall be equally
divided between all my children as ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? full value to be paid for them ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? may be found in ?? it being my sincere wish and desire that my dear children may be advantaged ??? ??? ??? contented and that they may all ??? ???? ???
life and that they may all live in ?? happiness ??? ??? sincere and constant prayers. M. Templer dated November (?) the 10th 1783; The picture of Mrs Parlby of Portsmouth to be given to my brother.. M. Templer

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Will of Mary Templer (neé Parlby)
In the name of God, Amen
I, Mary Templer Senior of Colyton in the county of Devon being ofsound mind and memory and understanding, thanks be to God for thesame, do hereby make and publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say first I give,devise and bequeath the full third part of my nominal bank stock left by my dear husband to be at my own disposal respecting my children do desire it to be equally divided between all my children, my plate to be disposed of as follows. The tankard I give to my son John, my bread basket and tea urn if one shall be found, together with tea pot and tea caddy I give to my son George and all the rest of my plate in general I give to my two sons Henry Line Templer and Charles Beckford Templer; all my household linnon to be equally divided between them;I give unto my daughter Ann Pole my best dressing table and the contents of the same together with such of my wearing apparel as she shall think proper to accept, if no memorandums are found for the disposal of some small matters of it, of which at present I intend tomake and in that case all such memorandums I desire may be put in fullforce and complied with as all will be in my own handwriting for thatpurpose. It is my further desire that all the china that was sent bymy son George to me for a present may be given to my said son Georgeas I look upon it as his real property. I give unto my son James my diamond ring set around with brilliants and with his brother William’shair on a wheat sheaf. I give unto my grand daughter Mary Templer my watch and the locket set in gold with my dear husband’s hair by Lupin(?). I give to my son Charles my gold seal and to my grand daughterAnn Templer I give the locket set out with my children’s hair. Ilikewise give to my grand daughter Ann Templer a diamond ring togetherwith my bracelets. I give to my niece Susanna Parlby the picture of my brother John set in gold and hope my daughter Ann Pole will accept of the picture of her dear father that hangs on my hearth as there is a likeness of him, all the trinkets above mentioned and ? the watch.I give to Mr John Templer my best diamond ring that was left me as a legacy from Mr Line. It is further my will that all my household furniture in general with pictures prints china glass liquors and every other utensil that may be found on my property and not disposed of by sale may have an inventory taken of everything by some discreet person under the supervision of my brother Thomas Parlby and Thomas Lane Esq., on behalf of my two sons Henry Line and Charles Beckford Templer if they are under the age of twenty one years at the time of my decease. After the above is completed with, it is my will that an equal dividend may be made between all my children. I give to my brother Thomas Parlby the sum of twenty pounds for a ring, for Mrs Mary Parlby of Portsmouth the sum of ten guineas for mourning, to Mrs Ann Young (?) of Rotherhithe the sum of five guineas for a ring. It is my desire that my children may give unto Mary Rolph (?) out of the main stock the sum of ten guineas a year during her natural life if she is living with me at the time of my decease; if not, to give her the sum of forty pounds only ~ that ten guineas a year is to be paid by equal shares from all. It is further my will and pleasure that no ?? or demands shall be made whatsoever on or for my son Charles Beckford Templer for any expense or expenses
that ?? on his account or that I have paid for his own use since the death of his dear father. It is further my will that if I should die before my son Charles arrives at the age of twenty one years that all such bills as may be due on his, my said son Charles’ account at my decease shall be paid out of my property without ant diversion whatever but that his dividend shall be equal with all the rest of my children. I desire I may be buried in my wedding ring. This to be my last will and testament if no other shall be found which may not be the last. Ido hereby sign this my last will and testament the tenth day of October One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty three, witness my hand~ Mary Templer.


Memorandum of some little affairs which I have omitted in my will. Itis my will and desire that every thing or things that may be mentioned in this memorandum shall be disposed of as follows; first it is my desire that my son James may have the picture of Jacob’s travels..the large flower plate ~ both the above will be found in the Dining Parlour ~ likewise my son James to have the picture of my son George that was sent from India with the white ?? quilt . M. Templer I give my son John the painting of Scotland (?) in the Dining Parlour with the picture of his dear brother William in the Breakfast Parlour with the picture of his dear brother George by Whitly (?) together with my brother John’s picture and the chintz counter pane with the silk fringe. M. Templer.~~ I give to my son Henry Line Templer Mr Line’s picture, likewise the landscape in the Dining Parlour, likewise the two small yellow counter panes. M. Templer ~~ I give unto my son Charles Templer the mahogany desk and bookcase with the contents ofthe same. I likewise give my son Charles the mahogany bureau that is in my room. Likewise the tent bedspread and furniture with bed and bedding compleat with the window curtains of the same with the best ??chintz quilt. M. Templer ~~ I give unto my daughter Ann Pole the small bed and furniture compleat that was in the nursery, it being hers when young. M. Templer ~~ I give my son George the large white bed quilt it being his ?? ?? . M. Templer ~~ It is further my will that any of the thing or things that may be left of any kind shall beequally
divided between all my children as ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? full value to be paid for them ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? may be found in ?? it being my sincerewish and desire that my dear children may be advantaged ??? ??? ???contented and that they may all ??? ???? ???
life and that they may all live in ?? happiness ??? ??? sincere andconstant prayers. M. Templer dated November (?) the 10th 1783; The picture of Mrs Parlby of Portsmouth to be given to my brother.. M.Templer


Memorandum made the 23rd day of November 1783 that I do acknowledge that I did agree to sign a contract to my son John to give and allow him my said son such parts of the profits of my share of the works now carrying on by my brother Thomas Parlby of which I have a joint share with him my said brother together with half of the materials. I do here declare that the share of what may be mentioned in my _____ _____ agreement is for him to continue to carry on the said business for my share of the same and likewise for my son James after my decease and I do give to my said son James after my death all the profits that shall be due to me at the time of my decease
and all the profits that shall after that arise from the said works to be paid to him my said son James without any deduction or deviations whatever by my son John who now conducts the said business on my account. This is my will and desire. Mary Templer

16th July 1784
On which Day appear personally Robert
Kennett of New Bond street in the parish of Saint George Hanover Square in the County of Middlesex, Gentleman, and Ann Kennett wife ofthe said Robert Kennett who being severally sworn on The Holy Evangelist to depose therewith did jointly and severally way and depose as follows / to wit / that they and each of them knew and were well acquainted with Mary Templer late of Stover Lodge in the Parish of Teigngrace in the County of Devon, widow deceased for some time before and to the time of her death and during such there acquaintance with her have frequently seen her remit and subscribe her name whereby they and each of them became well acquainted with her _____ and character of handwriting and having now carefully
viewed and perused three paper writings purporting together to be her last will and testament marked A, B & C, hereunto attested the first of them marked A beginning with “In the name of God, Amen. I Mary Templer” and ending thus “the tenth
day of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty three witness my hand” thus subscribed Mary Templer, the second of the said paperwritings marked B beginning thus “Memorandum of some small affairs which I have omitted in my Will” and ending thus “The picture of Mrs Parlby of Portsmouth to be given to my brother. Mary Templer”; the third of the said paper writings marked C beginning Memorandum made this twenty second day of November 1783” and ending thus
“by my son John who now conducts the said business on my account.This is my will and desire” and thus subscribed Mary Templer. They,those deposits do jointly and severally Say and depose that they doverily believe the whole series and Contents of the said paper writings marked A, B, C as aforesaid and the name Mary Templer severally set and subscribed to the two paper writings marked A and C as aforesaid to be all of the proper ______s and writings of the said Mary Templer Widow deceased. ~ Robert Kennett ~ Ann Kennett ~. Same day the said Robert Kennett and Ann Kennett were duly sworn to the ______ of this affidavit before me ~ Collee Ducarel (?) Surrogate

On the twenty first day of July in the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty four, administration (with the will contained in three paper writings marked A, B and C annexed) of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Mary Templer, late of the parish of Teigngrace in the County of Devon, widow, deceased was granted to John Templer Esquire the natural and lawful son and one of the next of kin of the said deceased (no Executor or Residuary Legatee being named in the said Will) having been first duly sworn to administer.


Birth17 Aug 1728Chatham, Kent, England, United Kingdom
Marriage4 Sep 1745St Alphege, Greenwich, Kent, England, United Kingdom - James Templer
Death21 Jun 1784The Globe Inn, Newton Abbot, Devon, England, United Kingdom
BurialTeigngrace, Devon, England, United Kingdom


SpouseJames Templer (1722 - 1782)
ChildJames Templer (1748 - 1813)
ChildRev John Templer (1750 - 1832)
ChildWilliam Templer (1752 - 1777)
ChildGeorge Templer HEIC (1755 - 1819)
ChildAnne Templer (1757 - 1832)
ChildSusanna Templer (1760 - 1761)
ChildHenry Templer (1760 - 1761)
ChildEdward Templer (1762 - 1764)
ChildLt Col Henry Line Templer (1763 - 1818)
ChildSophia Sarah Templer (1765 - 1769)
ChildCharles Beckford Templer (1770 - 1786)
FatherJohn Parlby (1700 - 1766)
MotherAnn Crawford (1696 - 1764)
SiblingJohn Parlby (1721 - 1777)
SiblingWilliam Parlby (1725 - 1760)
SiblingThomas Parlby (1727 - 1802)