Individual Details

Capt. Benjamin N. Kilgore

(1740 - 6 Sep 1802)

Benjamin Kilgore, born 1740 in Middleton, Cumberland, Pennsylvania and died 6 September 1802 in Livingston, Kentucky. During 1779-80 he served in the Revolutionary War as Captain. He was captured by the British on 12 May, 1780 and sent as a prisoner to Charleston (South Carolina). He escaped and upon discovering all his superior officers had been killed, assumed command of the regiment as Colonel. He married (1) Ann McCreary in Duncan’s Creek, North Carolina. Ann was born 1744 in Duncan’s Creek. She was murdered and scalped by Cherokee Indians on the 21st of April, 1766 at Duncan’s Creek. Benjamin’s one year old son, James, was also attacked, scalped and left for dead but survived. In 1769 Benjamin married (2) Jane McDavid in Laurens, South Carolina. Jane was born 1756 and died 1856 at the age of 100.

The Will of Benjamin Kilgore:
I, BENJAMIN KILGORE of the state of Kentucky & county of Livingston being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind, memory, reason and understanding, now calling to mind the mortality of my body and Knowing its appointed of God for all flesh once to die do make, ordain and declare this my last will and Testament and desire it to be receivable all as such, first my body to the Earth from whence it was taken, my soul to God who gave it, touching my worldly estate where with it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I will and positively order that it be disposed and dealt with in the manner following and herein after by those to whom I shall commit its future management. I order that all my worldly debts be paid out of my estate, then leave to my son JAMES KILGORE two dollars as his full share of my estate and I also give my daughter JANE ADAIR the like sum of two dollars as her full share of my estate to be their entire share and legacy forever of my estate. Then I order my son JONATHAN KILGORE be schooled as long as will enable him to read, write and cypher well as far as the rule of three at the expense of my estate. Then I will and positively order that all and every singularly every part and parcel of the remaining part of the estate together with my lands Tenements and hereditaments be and remain in and for proper possession use and support of my wife JANE KILGORE for and during her natural lifetime without any other distribution except such as may be necessary for then from and after the time of her death I will and positively order that the remaining part there of be conducted in the manner following. I will give to my son JONATHAN KILGORE, one negro girl named JUDE, age about nine years old as also the plantation and track of land where I now live, containing two hundred acres which I also order be cleared through the office at the expense of my estate and if he the said Jonathan should die before he marries or comes of lawful age, then the Legacy to be equally divided between ELIZABETH WOOD, ISABEL GREER, DAVID, HUGH, SAMUEL, and POLLY KILGORE. Then I also give to my son BENJAMIN KILGORE fifty dollars as his full share and Legacy of my estate forever also give to my son JOHN KILGORE, one negro boy named GEORGE, about two years old. I also give to my son DAVID, one other negro boy named DANIEL aged about five years old. I also give to my son HUGH, one negro woman named SYLVI, aged about Twenty-six years old. I also give to my son SAMUEL, one negro man named DANIEL, aged about twenty nine years old. I also give to my daughter, POLLY KILGORE one negro boy named PETER, aged about 2 months old, the five last mentioned ne-gores if alive at the death of my wife are to be valued by two or more fit persons and the Legatees to whom I have left them are to receive them at their valuation. Then all my other estate that may be remaining together with the increase of th negro woman left HUGH KILGORE if any there should be before the death of my wife I order to be sold in due form of law and the money arising there from to be equally divided between ELIZABETH WOOD, ISABEL GREER, JOHN, DAVID, WILLIAM, HUGH, SAMUEL & POLLY KILGORE but if either of the five mentioned negroes should die before the Legatees should receive it they shall yet command their equal share as before mentioned so as to have the same advantage as before mentioned. I also make ordain depute constitute and appoint my wife JANE KILGORE executrix and JOHN MERCER executor of this my last will and Testament in testimony of this being my last will and Testament, I do hereto set my hand and affix my seal this 22nd day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two, delivered in the presences of WILLIAM GILKEY and ROBERT JONATHAN GREER in the presence of WILLIAM KILGORE.
Livingston County September Court, 1802

Isabel Kilgore Greer was listed in her father Benjamin's will ca 1803 in Livingston Co, Ky. One of the subscribing witnesses to Benjamin's will was Jonathan Greer. Jonathan Greer came to what was originally Christian Co, in Ky but became Livingston Co in late 1798. He came from Laurens Co, SC. His father and mother James T. Greer Sr. and Elizabeth (maiden name unknown to me) and their other children William, Isaac, Ruth, & James, Jr. all came to Ky from Laurens Co, SC about the same time as Benj. Kilgore and his family. The Greers and Kilgores lived as neighbors in Kentucky.


Birth1740Middleton, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania
Marriage1764Duncans Creek, Rutherford County, North Carolina - Anna McCreary
Marriage1769Greenville County, South Carolina - Jane Martha Ann McDavid
Death6 Sep 1802Livingston County, Kentucky
BurialLebanon United Methodist Church Cemetery, Laurens, Laurens County, South Carolina


SpouseJane Martha Ann McDavid (1756 - 1856)
ChildWilliam Kilgore (1770 - 1860)
ChildHugh Kilgore (1770 - 1860)
ChildAnna Isabella "Ibby" Kilgore (1776 - 1858)
ChildJohn Kilgore (1780 - 1836)
ChildDavid Kilgore (1786 - 1837)
ChildJonathan W. Kilgore (1790 - 1846)
ChildPolly Kilgore (1795 - )
SpouseAnna McCreary (1748 - 1766)
ChildJames Kilgore (1765 - 1813)
ChildNancy Agnes Kilgore (1765 - 1844)
FatherJames William Kilgore (1720 - 1771)
MotherElizabeth Jack (1719 - 1792)

