Individual Details

Henry Machen Sr.

(29 Nov 1716 - 1752)

1717, Nov 29 - Henry Machen is born in Middlesex Co., VA to Thomas Machen and Mary Chelton Machen.
We have little information on what happened to Henry after his father died. Laura Edwards believes that Henry was probably raised in the family of John Fearne, his brother-in-law, who became his guardian after his father died when he was 13 years old.
probably after 1738 - Henry marries Grace Greenwood
1740 and 1741- Henry shows up as a witness to two deeds in Orange County, Virginia involving Charles Carter of King George County. [Orange Co., VA Deed Books,]
Laura Edwards also found he was a witness to the will of James Jones of Hanover Parish. James Jones was the grandfather of the future president of the United States, James Monroe. [Edwards, p.6, King George Co., Will Book A-1 1721-1752, by George King, 1978]
They probably have several other children than above and since the dates are unknown on some of these, they could be off by several years. Of the several possible births only four seem to survive to inherit property.
1740's - Henry is living in Prince Wm. Co. VA, he apparently does not own any land since no deeds are recorded in his name. He is a witness to a deed in Prince William County on 20th of February, 1749. [Records of Laura Cleveland Edwards]
1752, between April 3 and Aug. 24 - Henry Machen dies in Prince Wm. Co., VA. [Leonardo Andrea Genealogical Collection]
1752, April 3 - Henry Machen is apparently very ill and makes his will. In this document he names his children, Henry Jr., John, Thomas, Mary, and states that his wife is pregnant. The child of the pregnancy would be Joseph. His wife, Grace, and his brother Thomas Machen are appointed as his executors with Thomas also appointed as guardian to his children should Grace remarry.
In the name of God Amen: I Henry Machen of the County of Prince William and colony of Virginia being sick and weak of body, but of sound mind and perfect memory blessed be God for teh same do make ordain and appoint this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all former will or wills by me heretofore made, and do adknowledge this to be my last will & testament Imprimis I yeild and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it me hoping through the meretorious death and passion of my blessed redeemer to receive full and free pardon of all my sins, and as for my body I commit it to the earth to be decently buried at the direction of my executors hereafter named, and for what worldly goods it hath pleased God to bestow on me I give and bequeath as followeth Item I lend the use of my estate of what nature or kind soever to my dear and loving wife Grace Machen during her widowhood to bring up my children on, and do desire that they may be learnt to read, write, & cypher and at the discretion of my executors hereafter named my boys to be bound out apprentices, but in case my wife Grace should marry before my children namely Henry Machen, John Machen, Thomas Machen and my daughter Mary Machen and the child my wife now goes with either boy or girl should attain to lawful age, then my desire is that each of my childrens part of my said estate may be and remain in the hands of my brother Thomas Machen until my said children attain to lawful age. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Machen and her heirs my negro girl named Betty and her increase to her my said daughter Mary and her heirs which shall be born after delivered by executors to my said daughter Mary of the said negro Betty to be delivered to her by my executors as soon as she attains to lawful age or day of marriage Item I desire that at the death of my wife Grace Machen or at her intermarriage that myestate may be equally divided between my childre, as also the child my wife now goes with to have its equal part of my said estate. item I give to my loving brother Thomas Machen my young home horse called bald eagle item I nominate constitute and appoint my dear & loving wife Grace Machen and my loving brother Thomas Machen exors of this my last will & testament revoking all other wills by me heretofore made and do acknowledge this and no other to be my last will & testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this 3rd day of April 1752.
Signed sealed published and declared to be my last will & testament in presence of -
George Nevill )................. Henry Machen (seal) Hum. Pope ) Thomas Athorpe )
[certified copy of the will from Prince William County, Virginia. signed by Count clerk, Ruth F. Freeman, Greenville County, S. C. from the files of the DAR Wash. D. C.]
1757- George Seaborn married before 1757 in Virginia to Mrs. Grace Greenwood Machen, widow of Henry Machen... They removed to Greenville Co., S. C. ... they had two children: James Seaborn b. 1 April 1757, and Sidney Seaborn(daugher) m. James Wofford. [Leonardo Andrea Genealogical Collection] c1760 - Mary Machen, dau of Henry marries James Wood. Laura Cleveland Edwards who gives a detailed summary of James Woods with his renting 100 acres from George Washington in Fairfax county, Virginia.On July 7 1771 he sold part of a 630 acre tract in Virginia about the time he moved to South Carolina. During the Revolution he became a Commissioner of Sequestered Property and was hanged by a group of Tories probably headed by William "Bloody Bill" Cunningham on May 10, 1781. On the same day they hanged James they also caught John Wood, James brother on the road and hanged him. Only one child of James Wood, Henry Machen Wood b. 1761, of this marriage can be identifies although there may have been others. [Edwards p30-33]
1783-92- Grace Greenwood Machen Seaborn died before th1792. 1792, April The children apparently refiled the original will in Greenville Co., S. C. on a suit against George Seaborn, the 2nd husband of Grace Greenwood Machen Seaborn. The nine years stated here may mean that Grace died about 1783.
Henry Machen. Will presented in open court Feb. term 1793 and admitted to record, recorded 22 Apr. 1793 Will - I, Henry Machen of County of Prince William and Colony of Virginia...Wife, Grace Machen and child she goes with either boy or girl... Children: Henry Machen, John Machen, Thomas Machen & dau., Mary Machen (to have negro girl named Betty when Mary attains age or marriage). Brother, Thomas Machen. Executors of Estate my loving wife, Grace Machen and loving brother, Thomas Machen. Written 3 Apr. 1752. signed Henry Machen (seal).
Wit: George Nevill, Hum. Pope, Thomas Athorpe. At a court held for the County of Prince William the 24th Aug. 1752. This Will was presented by Grace Machen and Thomas Machen, Executors and proved by oaths of witnesses and was admitted to record. Test: Jo Wagenor Cl Cur.
A Copy Test: Robert Graham Cl Cur. "I, Robert Graham, Clerk of the Court of Prince william Co., VA certify Will is a true copy this 3rd of Aug. 1790. Signed: Robert Graham. "
Loose papers in File - An account given upon the estate of the Henry Machen, Dec'd., returned into office 28 Oct. 1802. The only name given was: "Nov. 1794 by Judgement obtained against Geo. Seaborn for 50 pds Va currency with 9 years interest thereon at 5% abounting to 72.10 pds - which expressed in sterling is 56/7/91/4th. [Greenville Co., S. C. Court Record, pp54-56 / Apt. 5-file 337:1792 as transcribed by Rev. Silas Lucas.]
MACHEN HEIRS VS GEORGE SEABORN sued over some lands bought in S. C. by their stepfather, George Seaborn with money he obtained from the lands of Henry Machen in Virginia. Machen Heirs seemed to have received a judgement of £72 &10 pence ..... In this suit brought from Prince William County, Virginia, the certified copy of the will of HENRY MACHEN....This copy was certified in Pr. Wm. County, VA. was recorded in Greenville County 27th day of April 1793 and with Henry Machen as Administrator. [Leonardo Andrea Genealogical Collection] 1817, August - John Machen writes his will.
Will of John Machen In the name of God Amen I John Machen of the state of South Carolina and the District of Greenville being in low state of health ordain this my last will and Testament and as for what little property the Lord hath blessed me with I leave as follows Item I give to my Brother Henry Machen to dispose of as he may direct and settle all lawful demands that may come against me. As witness i have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd of August 1817. Test his Abraham Cox John X Machen (seal) James McKinsie mark Beverly Daniel South Carolina } Greenville District } By Spartan Goodlett Esqr Ordinary for said District Personally appeared before me in the court of Ordinary James McKinsie and being duly sworn doth say that he saw John Machen sign seal and declare the foregoing writing to be his last will and Testament & belief & that he with the other two subscribing witnesses did sign the same at the same time at the request of the testator in his presence. Giving under my hand this 30th October 1820. Spartan Goodlett O. G. D. Recorded in Will Book B, Page 3 Apartment #8, File 557 [South Carolina Archives, Will transcript Book B, Pages 3-4, Estate Packet: Apt 8, File 557]
1818, Nov. 8 - probate of George Seaborn who died 5 July, 1817 ... no wife is listed (deceased and Grace Greenwood) ..
Children: James Seaborn, deceased Sidney, the wife of James Wofford Ex. Grandson, George Seaborn (son of James) /wit. George W. Earle, Jeremiah Cleveland and Samuel Crayton [Leonardo Andrea Genealogical Collection]
Greenville Co., SC records DAR Patriot Index Leonardo Andrea Genealogical Collection, professional genealogist, Columbia, S. C. c1950 Lucas, Rev. Silas E., Jr. Some South Carolina County Records, Vol. 2, So. Historical Press, 1989. c/o Rev. Silas Lucas Jr., P.O. 738 Easley, SC 29641-0738 Edwards, Laura Cleveland, Three Centuries in America: Thomas Machen of Middlesex County, VA, 816 Perry Howard Rd., Fuquay-Varina, N. C. 27526, 1999. email -


Birth29 Nov 1716Middlesex County, Virginia
Christen5 Jan 1717Christchurch, Middlesex County, Virginia
MarriageAbt 1737Middlesex County, Virginia - Grace Greenwood
Death1752Prince William County, Virginia


SpouseGrace Greenwood (1721 - 1782)
ChildMary Machen (1743 - 1821)
ChildSgt. Henry Machen Jr. (1745 - 1821)
ChildJohn A. Machen (1747 - 1820)
ChildThomas Machen (1750 - 1809)
ChildJoseph Machen (1752 - )
FatherThomas Pead Machen ( - 1730)
MotherMary Chelton (1690 - 1745)
SiblingJudith Machen (1712 - 1760)
SiblingThomas Machen (1714 - 1782)
