Individual Details

Isaac Payne Sr.

(1713 - Bef 5 May 1801)

the DNA project by Dick Payne seems to have proved the lineage I list here. See the link below to find other Payne family links. I have tried to clean up this family according to the research and DNA results. The research I have have found over the years has been very confusing because of the multiple John, Joshua, Isaac and Isaiah Paynes in many different locations at the same time. What I've included here is a severely cropped tree for Isaac and Sarah.
Isaac and Sarah Daulton Payne. They are believed to have married after 19 Sep 1733 and to have lived in Queen Anne County until 1742 based on the records given below: Note: “loving friend”, not son-in-law in first citation.
Queen Anne, MD Deed Book RT A p 233-4 19 Sept 1733
James Dalton of Queen Anne’s co. planter, for love and Affection which I have and do bear towards my loving friend Isaac Payne of the same county all that tract of parcel of land commonly called and known by the name of “New London” lying in Queen Anne Co. MD on the East side of the main branch of Eutha hoo Creek next to tract formerly laid out for James Eustare
Signed: James X Daulton Wit: Wm Turnpen,
Phill Stoddeman
Queen Anne Co., MD Deed book RT B p 486
5 Feb 1742 Isaac Payne of Queen Anne co., MD and his wife Sarah sell the land he was given by James Daulton in 1733, Tract called “New London”, to John Morque.
Signed: Isaac Payne Sarah (X) Payne
Wit Wm. Junipe Henry Jasson
1753, Sept 3 - Isaiah Payne receives a land grant of fifty acres for "Isaiah's Choice" in Dorchester County, Maryland. [Coldman. page 211. Ref. YS*/678;BC11/242]
1756, Sept 16 - Daniel Payne files a land grant of fifty acres for "Hog Pen Landing" in Dorchester County, Maryland. Ref. BC10/266;BC11/242 [Coldman page 211]
1790 - US Census, Maryland, St Mary's Co., no twp. listed page 15.
Basil Payne 2(wm+16) 5 (wm-16) 3(wf) 0(others free) 7(slaves) 1(tot. in fam.) John R. Payne 1 0 3 0 0 James Payne 2 0 3 0 0
1790 Caroline Co. MD Census
Pain, Sarah 2 1 2 0 0 Pain, Isaac 3- 1- 2 -0 -0 (1 male born between 1775 and 1790, 2 males before 1775)
Notes from Patrick Payne :
"Caroline Co., MD Land Records, Vol B, 1786-1789 & Vol. C, 1789-1791", compiled by R. Bernice Leonard. Vol C. page 371. 19 July 1791 - 25 July 1791 Isaac Pain, Sr. to Isaac Pain, Jr. and Jas. Pain - cons L30 (pounds) - Bill of Sale for livestock, furniture and earthenware (3 feather beds and furniture, all my Pewter and Earthen ware, all Household furniture, 3 head of Horses , 9 head of cattle, 21 head of Hoggs) .
Signed: Isaac (X) Pain (Note that through the first of the document it was spelled Isaac Bain)
Wits: Wm Salisbury, Wm. Clough. Ack. bef. John Hardcastle.

(Note: Although Sarah is listed in 1790 Census, with the sale of household good and furniture she is probably deceased by this time, July, 1791. Isaac signed the bill of sale, but is thought to have died shortly after.)[records of Patrick Payne]
_________________________________________________ Most of the documents from here on do not apply directly to this listed family. ________________________________________________________________
1797 July 4 - Thomas Payne, son of Isaac, files a Will in Greenville Co., S. C., [S. C. Archives, online MSS Will: Estate Record Book A, pages 108-109; estate packet: Apt 9, File 643, S108093]
Will of Thos. Payne In the Name of God Amen I Thos. Peyn of the County of Greenville and State of South Carolina Being lowin Body But of Sound and Perfect memory Do ordain this my Last will and Testament Revoking all other wills by me heretofore made Committing my Body to the Dust and my Sohl to God tht gave it and as for what worldly goods the Lord hath been Pleas,d to Bestow on me I leave as followeth Item I give to my Daughter Prudence her Bed and firniture, So Cal,d. Itim I give to my Daughter Rachel her Bed and firniture So Cal,d. Itim I give to Son Thos. one Bed Itim Give the Rest of my estate of what Nature or ..ind..soever to my Loving wife Ann Payn to Be at Disposal Itim my Desire is that my sons James and Thos Payne be my executors of my estate to witness hereof I have set my hand and seal this the 4th Day of July in the year of our Lord 1797 Sign'd Seal'd in the presence of James Payne Thos. Payne His Thos. Peyn x ( mark Recorded in Will Book A Page 108 Apt. 9 File No. 643
1800 - US Census, North Carolina, Rowan County, Salisbury township. page 349 Isaac is over 45 and may be Isaac Jr. who should be about 65. The four other males are probably his adult children. Isaac Payne males 0 0 1 3 1 females 0 1 0 0 1 no slaves
Rowan Co., No. Twp. Page: 368 James Payne 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 Barnabus Payne 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 Benjamin Payne 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 Rowan Co., No. Twp. Page: 411 Charles Payne 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Rowan Co., Salisbury. Page: 278 William Payne 3 0 1 0 0 3 0 2 0 0
1810- US Census, North Carolina, Caswell Co., p. 495
male 0-10 10-16 16-26 26-45 45+ female 0-10 10-16 16-26 26-45 45+ slaves Payne, John Esq. 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Payne, John 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 Payne, Thomas 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 0 24 US Census, South Carolina, page 119 Payne, Wm. 2 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 2
1820 - US Census, North Carolina, Stokes County, no township. page 341 The Isaac listed here is probably Isaac Jr's son (Isaac no. 3 of this page) Payne, Isaac males 5 (-10) 0 (10-16) 0 (16-26) 0 (26-45) 1(45+) females 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Payne, Benjamin males 1 2 0 0 0 females 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 3
1833 - The following Revolutionary War application by Nehemiah Payne helps to document the migration of the Payne family from Maryland to Georgia. The dates of birth and location are not consistent to make him a child of Isaac and Sarah above. He may be the child of William Payne, according to Patrick Payne, who moved to Dorchester, MD from Middlesex, Virginia. "Patrick Payne says the Middlesex, Va Payne's and Md Paynes are related and used matching DNA evidence of this relationship. Some state that Thomas Payne and Nehemiah Payne are brothers but I have seen no eveidence to support this claim except they were both in Orange, NC prior to the Rev. War. "[notes of Dick Payne 6/10/2010] Note that it is filed as "Nehemiah Paine". He applies for a Revolutionary War Pension certificate #2-32433 "at age ninety nine years on the 13th day of December last" of 1833. Although Nehemiah Payne is not connected to this particular family this history give some feel for the possible migration route of other Paynes. He says that he enlisted "in the Spring of 1775 under Capt. McDaniel and attached to Genl. Butlers command in Orange Co., North Carolina and marched to Hillsborough North Carolina and served a tour of three months was discharged by Capt McDaniel returned home and was frequently called out skirmishing parties but cannot say what length of time was employed this was the year 1776 and 1777 and 1778. I was drafted to serve a three months tour as a substitute by the name of White. In the year 1779 I was with Capt William Douglap horse company in several scouting expeditions but cannot say positively how long and in the year 1780 I was also engaged at times with Capt Douglap and in the yar 1781 I was drafted into service for three months under Capt John Taylor who was attached to Col. Rayborns Regiment marched to Hillsborough North Carolina and remained there guardeing the said the whole of said tour.." . "
1 I was born in Dossett (Dorchester) County, state of Maryland on the 15th of December 1733. 2 I have no record of my age it having been burned. 3 I wed in Orange County North Carolina and lived in Orange County, NC at enlistment. After the Revolution I lived in Greenville Dist. South Carolina since the Revolutionary War until nine years ago the 7th of last January when I moved to Hall County State of Georgia where I now live. 4 I was drafted into the service 5 Gen. Butler Col. Mayburn and Capt Eli McDaniel are officers I recollected to have 6th I received two discharges one from Capt McDaniel the other from Capt Farmer 7th Thomas Hix Isaac Butterworth Lemuel Clayton and the Reverend Jame Whittne are persons to whom I am well known 6th and in Jan 1824 he moved to Hall County GA where he applied for pension 17 Jun 1833." other documents attached say that his Certificate 23836, issued April 10, 1834, rate $20 per annum, commenced March 4, 1831, Act of June 7, 1832, Georgia Agency. His parents and other relative are not listed. Dorsset probably meant Dorchester Co.. Col. "Mayburn" proabably meant Mebane. [Rev. War Pension file S32433.] source:
Coldman, Peter Wilson. Settlers of Maryland 1751-1765. Genealogical Pub., Maryland 1996 LDS records Payne, Dick. records and coorespondence 6/2/2010-- Payne, Patrick A. home page: records at Revolutionary War Pension Application, US Archives. #S32433 US Census records


Birth1713St. Mary's County, Maryland
Marriage1732Maryland - Sarah Daulton
DeathBef 5 May 1801Caroline County, Maryland


SpouseSarah Daulton (1716 - 1791)
ChildIsaiah Payne (1735 - 1818)
ChildBarnabus Payne (1745 - 1827)
FatherThomas Payne (1695 - 1748)
MotherElizabeth Taylor ( - 1770)
SiblingJoseph Payne (1722 - 1751)
SiblingThomas Payne (1728 - )
SiblingMary Payne (1730 - )
SiblingElizabeth Payne (1733 - )
SiblingDiana Payne (1735 - )
SiblingJohn Payne (1741 - 1763)
