Individual Details

Alta Monyette Lee

(Mar 30, 1889 - Mar 7, 1977)

B. Peter Lee - Family stories say that Mollie Wilson married a man named B. Peter Lee around the time that her daughter Alta Monyette was born, thereby giving the child the last name of 'Lee'. Those stories also argue that B. Peter Lee was a fictional character who was created to explain Mollie's pregnancy. To date no records of Lee's existence, or of the alleged marriage, have been identified.

William T. Stevens - The 1900 US census shows that Mollie Wilson and William T. Stevens married in 1898, when Mollie's daughter, Alta Monyette, would have been about 9 years old. The couple's marriage certificate has not been located to date.

Alta Monyette's Biological Father - Research using a DNA sample provided by Alta Monyette's son, George W. King, is underway to try and determine the identity of Alta Monyette's birth father. Reports of that research will be shared on the OurBelovedAncestors webpage as that work is completed.


BirthMar 30, 1889Cairo, Alexander, Illinois
BirthMar 30, 1889Alabama (Conflict on 1920 census to be resolved)
Census1900Marital Status: Single; Relation to Head: Step Daughter, Chicago Ward 4, Cook, Illinois, USA
MarriageJun 12, 1907Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee - Alfred Garfield King
Census1910Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Boarder, Nashville Ward 3, Davidson, Tennessee, USA
Census1920Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head: Wife, Civil District 2, Hamilton, Tennessee
Census1930Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head: Wife, Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee
Residence1935City Directory - Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee
Census1940Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head: Wife, Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee
Residence1948City Directory - Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee
Residence1956Social Security Death Index (Widow), Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee
DeathMar 7, 1977Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee
Alt nameAlta Monyette King
BurialHighland Memorial Gardens, Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee
Obituary for Alfred G. King (Aged 66)1951-06-19Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee


SpouseAlfred Garfield King (1884 - 1951)
ChildMonyette K. King Haslerig (1908 - 1990)
ChildDr.Johnetta E. King Williams (1911 - 1972)
ChildMildred King-Gaines (1913 - 1976)
ChildAlfred G (Nicky) King, II (1925 - 1993)
ChildAlta Jean King (Brown, Bellinger) (1927 - 2011)
ChildGeorge Wesley King (1928 - 2019)
ChildRobert Louis King (1930 - 2015)
MotherMollie Wilson (1869 - 1905)

