Individual Details

Richard Barfield

(Abt 1670 - Aft 22 Nov 1728)

Research by Fletcher Freeman on the Barfield's, and showing evidence that John Barefeild is Richard Barfield's father -

The first reference to Richard Barefield is on April 20, 1694, when he received 90 acres in the Up. Par. of Nansemond County, Va. for the transport of 2 persons. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book 8, p. 389) This is 41 years after Jon Barefeild arrived in Virginia which would indicate that Richard was much younger than Jon and hence possibly a son.
On November 14, 1694, a James Loadman of Perquimans Pct., North Carolina died and left a will naming as legatees Jane Barfeild and Richard Barfeild of Somerton, Va. James was apparently a Quaker, having donated land for a Quaker meeting house. James lived near Sumerton (approx. 10 miles) and left some of his property to other known Quakers. Quaker records of the Sumerton area meeting around 1700 and earlier indicate that a Robert Brasseur, of Virginia, was also a Quaker. This may be the same Robert Brasseur who brought Jon Barfield to America. Hence both Richard and John may have been Quakers, or at least had strong affiliation with Quakers in the community.
The assumption that John Barfield was Richard Barfield's father is based on the fact that they both lived at Sumerton in Nansemond County, Virginia, there were no other Barfields in Virginia another than Thomas as late as 1704, and Jon was substantially older than Richard. It should be noted that Richard did not name any of his children "John" but he did have a son "Thomas" according to his will. He also had a brother, "John" who later lived in Onslow, N.C.

April 17, 1703, Richard Barfield witnessed Henry Baker of Virginia giving Power of Attorney to Sam Swann Esqr. in Carolina (Alderman 10), a copy of which is in "The State Records of North Carolina".
Richard and John Barfield seem to have moved to North Carolina in 1715. There on 16 April 1715 (at one point mistakenly transcribed 1719) Charles and Elliner Merrit and Peter Evins of Chowan Prct. sold for 30 pds. to Richard Barefield "of Virginia" 280 acres joining ye mouth of Deep Branch on ye north west Side of Deep Creek, witnessed by William Mixon, Peter (PE) Evins. On 31 Mar. 1718 James and Elizabeth Boon sold to Richard Barefield 250 acres on Chowan River, joining Peter Evens, the main road and Gum Branch, (witnessed by John Gray, William Crawford). The 1721 tax of Chowan lists Richard with 500 acres.
Bertie County was created from Chowan in 1722, and there we find that Richard sold the 250 acres purchased from the Boons to Edward Outlaw on 10 February 1723/4 (witnessed by George Marsham, John Power), and the tract purchased from the Merritts to William Reed on 1 January 1724. In the meantime he had on 1 April 1722 obtained a patent of 470 acres on the west side of Ahoskey March, and on 9 February 1724 purchased another 200 acres there from Henry Baker. "Richard Barfield the elder" sold 100 acres on the south side of Ahoskey Marsh "out of Firebent's patent" to Thomas Barefield Junior, Hen. Baker, John Molton), and on 11 May 1725 Richard Barfield and wife Mary made gifts of land to their son-in-law William Moore and grandson John Grady. In July Court, 1724, William Gray sued Richard Barfield for "Trespass on the case damun 50 pounds returned executed dismist. "accourding to the N.C. Higher Court Minutes 1724-1730 by Parker. In October Court, 1725, Richard and Thomas Barfield were securities for John Molton of Bertie County, who was being sued by Henry Baker for debt. On 1 February 1726, Richard purchased another 300 acres "North West Side of Uper Horseky Meadow" from John Speir. One of the witnesses was Henry Baker who later sued him. At March Court, 1726, John Milton did not appear so Thomas and Richard were held liable for 2112# tobacco, 233# pork, 12 pounds, 7 shillings, 9 pence. In July Court, 1728, Henry Baker was still trying to collect.
November 22, 1728 : Richard Barfield died in Bertie County. He was survived by his wife Mary, and sons - Richard, Solomon, James, Henry, William and Thomas - and a grandson Richard, according to Last Will & Testament.

Question - Was this Richard married twice? First to Jane (Loadman?) and then to Mary ?
Here are two will abstracts, which are for the same man (two different transcriptions).

Will of James Loadman of Albemarle County
dated 14 Nov 1694
Jane Barfield
Richard Barfield
William Butler
Sarah Beasley
Timothy Clear
Elizabeth Phelps
James Keniday
Executor: William Bogue
Witnesses: Johanna Beasley
Jane Byard
Patrick Cenady
Clerk of the Court: John Stepny
Probated - Apr 1695

Will of James Lodman (no location given)
14 Nov 1694
Wm. Barfield
Sarah Basly
Timothy Clear
Elizabeth Phelps
James Kenedy
William Booge (Executor)
Witnesses: Johana Pasly
Jeane Byrd
Patrick Kenedy
Clerk of the Court: John Stepney
Probated 08 Apr 1695

Jerome Tew's notes:
Richard Barefield 16XX=1728 MD: Mary_____ 1728 Bertie Co. Will
Issue : BD A-408
1. Richard Barfield 1687-1755
2. Isham Barfield
3. Solomon Barfield 1691-1738+ MD: 172X Mary Rutland
4. James Barfield
5._____Barfield MD: William Moore, Grandson - Richard Barfield 17XX
6. Henry Barfield 169X-1726+
7. William Barfield
8. Thomas Barfield 1698-1726+
9. _____Barfield 17X - Grandson John Grady

FROM THE MILTON/MELTON POT QUARTERLY V. 3 pgs. 1-3 & V. 4 pgs.82-84.

BK B PG. 112
1715 - Elinor Merrett/Meriet to William Nixon/Mixon (melton) 16 Apr 1715 p of atty to act in open Court 130 A for ye said William Merret unto James Peeke. Witnesses: Peter Evens, Rich Barfield.

Ellinor Merritt to Wm. Mixon. Power of Attorney to acknowledge deed to Rich'd Barefield for land sold by my husband Charles Merritt and Peter Evans to said Barefield, 280 acres on Deep Creek branch, Test. Wm. Mixon, Peter Evans.
Same to acknowledge deed to James Peake, of Boston, Executed by my husband Charles Merritt for 130 acres on south side of Chowan River, at ye mouth of Deep Branch; Apl. 16, 1715. Test, Peter Evans, Richard Barefield (NCHGR 138).


BirthAbt 1670(prob.), Sumerton, Nansemond, Virginia, British America
MarriageAbt 1688Virginia, British America - Mary Evans?
Will22 Nov 1728Bertie, North Carolina, British America
DeathAft 22 Nov 1728Bertie, North Carolina, British America


SpouseMary Evans? ( - 1727)
ChildJane? Barfield ( - )
ChildElizabeth Barfield (1688 - )
ChildJames Barfield (1688 - 1770)
ChildWilliam Barfield (1688 - 1783)
ChildHenry Barfield (1690 - 1728)
ChildSolomon Barfield (1691 - 1738)
ChildRichard Barfield (1696 - 1755)
ChildThomas Barfield (1698 - 1768)
ChildUNK Barfield (1688 - 1725)
FatherJohn "Jon" Barfield Sr. (1630 - 1686)
MotherJane Loadman ( - )
SiblingThomas Barfield (1670 - )

