Individual Details

Thomas Barfield

(Abt 1698 - Aft 23 Mar 1768)

A List of Jurymen (freeholders) in Bertie Precinct, 1723, includes John Barfield, Henry Barfield, and Thomas Barfield (Hawks, 65-66).

Bertie Co. Deeds

Feb 4, 1725/26 B-72 James Rutland & wife Eliza (Elizabeth) to Thomas & Mary Barfield . For love and affection to our son-in-law & daughter 100 A. NE side Katherine Creek which was given by Lewis Williams dec'd unto James & Elizabeth Rutland on April 6. 1708. Wit: Joseph Horton, John Henard, Henry Baker. Feb Ct 1725.

Feb 7 1725/26 B-70 Thomas Barfield & wife Mary to Henry Baker of Virginia. 13£ for 100 acres on NE side Katherine Creek sold by Lewis Williams unto James and Elizabeth Rutland by deed dated April 6, 1708 & by them sold to Thos. & Mary Barfield on Feb 4 1725/26. Wit: Joseph Horton, John Henard, Henry Barfield Feb. Ct 1725

May 7 1729 Bertie Co. Deed Book C115(90) John Henard to Henry Horne. 20 pounds for 290 acres. On western and middle branch of Cashey. Adj. James Rutland. Part of tract granted Abel Curtis for 640 acres, dated August 1 1726. Wit: Joseph Lewis, Michael Horne, Thomas Barfield, May 1729. R. Forster.

12 May 1729 c-103 James Rutland to Thomas Barfield 20£ for 100 a. on NS Sandy Run at mouth of Licking Root Run adj. Robert Sherwood. Part of grant to Robert Sherwood for 640 a. dated 5 April 1720. wit: H. Horne, Joseph Lewis, Michael Horne, May 13, 1729.

8 May 1729 c-104 John Henard to Thomas Barfield 15£ for 150 a. at head of Cashy on WS Middle Branch adj. James Rutland, Henry Horne. Part of 640 a pat. to Abel Curtis. Wit: H. Horne, Joseph Lewis, Michael Lewis. May 13, 1729 Robert Forster C/C

12 May 1729 c-106 Thomas Barfield to James Rutland 15£ for 100 a. on SS Ahotskey Marsh. "being all the land which was left out of Firebent's patent..." Part of 470 a. granted to Barfield April 1, 1722. Wit: H. Horne, Joseph Lewis, Michael Horne. May 13, 1729 Robert Forster C/C

Aug 12 1740 James Rutland & Thomas Barefield 24£ for 230 acres adj "land that was marked out for Robert Mackfrieley," Robert Sherwood on Sandy Run, Part of patent granted to Robert Sherwood for 640 a. dated April 5, 1720 "now become due James Rutland" Wit: Charles Horne, jurat, James Rutland. Aug Ct 1740.

North Carolina Will Abstracts, 1660-1790

MacCrary, Robert, Bertie Co., Will date: May 30th, 1740 probate: July 20,1740. Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Barfield, Mary, Sarah, Priscilla and Elizabeth Brown daughters of Thomas Brown, deceased, Thomas Barfiled Executor. Test.
P. Roche, Thos. Barfiled, Mary Barfiled.

Bertie County.
(Grimes 229)

Bertie Co, NC - Deed Book Q page 257 - Arthur Cotton to Wm Barfield
This Indenture made the twenty fourth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninety fore between Arther Cotten of Bertie County and State of North Carolina of the one part & William Barfield of Glasgow County of the State of foresaid of the other part. Witness that I the said Arther Cotten for and in consederattion of the sum of one Hundred pounds speshea to me in hand made by the said William Barfield the receipt where of I the said Arter Cotten do here by acknowledge myself there with fully satisfied Contented and trade & of every part and parcell there of do Exonerate aacquit and Discharge the said William Barfield his Heirs Executives Administrators or Assigns forever have herein Granted Bargained sold alined assigned and set over and unto the said William Barfield his Heirs or Assigns forever a sartain Mesage or tract of Land Containing by Estimation two hundred acres be the same more of less lying and being in Bertie County on the South side of a branch cald Sandyrun Sm beginning at a red oak on the so side of Sandy Run one of Robert Sherwoods line trees --- turning West 180 poles to a red oak thence No 80 poles to a pine thence Est 180 poles toa red Oak in Sherwoods line thence along his line to the first station, it being a Tract of land Granted to James Parker by Patten bareing Date the 30th Day of March 1721 and was handed down by Records while it became Dew to a Sertain Thos. Barfield late of Bertie County deceast who in his last Will and Testament did give and bequeath the same to his son Thos who decest and died leving no ishshew behind him Suckcededed by his Sister Mary who entermarred with a Sertain John Harrell Dec and died leving no ishshew behind. The said Arther Cotten being the first and sole Eare by Brath and Blood to the said Thos Barfield after his son Thos. and his Daughter Mary deveise without Ishshew by name of Cotten the said Arther Cotten grandson to the said Thos Barfield by as doth appear To have and to Hold the said Granted and bargained Land and Priv? with all and singular the apertainces thereunto belonging or in any wise pertaining with all houses gardings or fenceing Timber trees theareon tho lying or growing with all woods weat and weater cosses and all other mines manerrals and Nearintaenments to the belonging or in any wise assertain to him the said William Barfield his Hears or alligns forever etc etc
signed Arthur Cotten --sealed and delivered in the presents of us
Edward Callum and Willis Callum reg Feb Term 1795

Book R -page 181 - Agreement Barfield & Cotton 7 Sept 1795 as above but a difference .... whereon a Seartain Thos. Barfield late of Bartie County descest lived on in his lifetime, who in his last Will and Testament did give and bequeth the same to his son Thos who discest and died leving now Eshshew behind him, was Suckceeded by his sister Mary who Intermarried with a Seartain John Harrell who descest and died leving now Ishshew behind hir. the said Track of Land made over by Sum title or agreement to a Seartain John Rutland of Bertie County which hold the Same in Parcession. Now the trew Intent and meaning of the above Artickkells is that any time when the said Lands shall be recovered from the said Rutland or any other person that should hold the same by any Title, the said Lands or the moneys that the Land should be worth shall be Equally divided between the said William Barfield & said Arthur Cotten theare Ears or asines forever .......
signed William Barfield [seal] and Arthur Cotten [seal]
TEST Willis Callum, Rachel Callum, reg- Aug Ct 1796

Book P - pare 392 - 15 Feb 1793 - John Wimberley Harrell of Bertie Co to John Rutland of same
110 lbs VA 149 acres on the south side of Sandy Run, joining Sandy Run Swamp, Blakey Rutland, sd John Rutland, Granbury, John Hilliard. Wit: Joseph Home, Benjamin Harrell. May Ct 1793 Stevens Gray CC

Who is the father of Arthur Cotten who states he is a grandson of Thos. Barfield?
Arthur Cotten, Jr does appear on a document as a witness with Arthur Cotten and Elizabeth Cotten on 5 June 1759. Did Arthur Sr first marry a daughter of Thos. Barfield and Mary Rutland, such as Elizabeth Barfield before "Watson"? Who perhaps is the mother of Arthur, Jr, Cullen and the two older girls who married James Moore and Lawrence Moore.?? Or is Arthur Jr the son of Benjamin Cotten? or???


BirthAbt 1698North Carolina, British America
MarriageAbt 1725North Carolina, British America - Mary Rutland
MarriageBef 1768Bertie, North Carolina, British America - Courtney
Will23 Mar 1768Bertie, North Carolina, British America
DeathAft 23 Mar 1768Bertie, North Carolina, British America


SpouseMary Rutland (1708 - 1768)
ChildElizabeth Barfield (1725 - 1795)
ChildThomas Barfield Jr. (1728 - 1795)
ChildMary Barfield (1733 - 1795)
SpouseCourtney ( - )
FatherRichard Barfield (1670 - 1728)
MotherMary Evans? ( - 1727)
SiblingJane? Barfield ( - )
SiblingElizabeth Barfield (1688 - )
SiblingJames Barfield (1688 - 1770)
SiblingWilliam Barfield (1688 - 1783)
SiblingHenry Barfield (1690 - 1728)
SiblingSolomon Barfield (1691 - 1738)
SiblingRichard Barfield (1696 - 1755)
SiblingUNK Barfield (1688 - 1725)

