Individual Details

Mary McCulloch

(Bef 1726 - Aft 1778)

Mary McCulloch Land Records in Duplin County, NC
Transcribed by Robert D Epperson 13 Feb 2006

1. Mary McCulloch, Land Patent for 200 Acres, Grove Swamp, Duplin County, NC, 22 Jan 1773, Records of Secretary of State, Raleigh, NC

Land Patent, No 166, 22 Jan 1773
Mary McCulloch, 200 Acres in Duplin County on Grove Swamp

Mary McCulloch 200 Acres Duplin On the South side of the Grove Swamp and on both sides of the main Road Beginning at a large Poplar in a Branch the lower corner of William Pearce's Land and runs along William Frederick's line No15Wt 60 poles to a Pine, thence So80Wt 28 poles to a pine and white oak Sapling, then No35Wt 180 poles to a Pine near the Indian Grave by Savages corner thence along Savage's line So60Wt 160 poles to a small red Oak, then So30Et 166 poles to a Pine, thence joining William Pearces line to the Beginning. Dated 22d January 1773. Jo. Martin

2. Mary McCulloch, Deed to William Magee, husband of Elizabeth McCulloch, 200 Acres, Grove Swamp, Duplin County, NC, 14 Apr 1774, Deed Book 5, pp 45-46, Duplin County Courthouse, Kenansville, NC

Deed to William Magee 14 Apr 1774
Deed Book 5, pp 45-46, Duplin County, NC
Mary McCulloch to William Magee
This Indenture made the Fourteenth day of April in the year of our lord Christ One thousand and seven Hundred and seventy Four 1774 Between Mary McCulloch of the province of North Carolina and County of Duplin Widow of the one part and

William Magee of the province and County aforesaid of the Other part Witnesseth that the said Mary McCulloch for divers good causes and considerations her thereunto moving But more especially for and in consideration of the Natural love and affection that I bear to my daughter Elizabeth McCulloch the wife of William Magee, As also for and in consideration of the sum of Ten pounds proclamation money to me in hand paid By the said William Magee the Receipt whereof I the said Mary McCulloch doth hereby acknowledge and myself to be fully satisfied contented and paid Hath Bargained sold a alliened and forever Confirmed unto him the said William Magee A Certain tract or parcell of land lying and Being in the County of Duplin in Our province of North Carolina on the South side of the Grove Swamp, and on both sides of the great Road Beginning at a large Poplar in a branch, the lower corner of William Peares land and Runs along William Frederick’s line North 15 West 60 poles to apine thence South 80 West 28 poles to apine and white Oak saplin thence North 35 West 180 poles to apine near the Indian Graves By Savages corner thence along Savages line South 60 West 160 poles to a small Red Oak thence South 30 East 166 poles to apine thence Joining William Pearses line to the Beginning.
Containing Two Hundred Acres
of land as by the Patent dated the twenty second [January] One thousand Seven hundred and seventy three 1773, May now fully appear to him the said William Magee his heirs and all assigns forever, To Have and to Hold the said Bargained lands and premises together with all Building Edifices Orchards and all other appurtainances thereunto Belonging of what soever Nature or Kinds and the said Mary McCulloch doth for her self her heirs Executors Administrators and all assigns the above granted and Bargained premises doth give grant sell alien and forever confirm to him the said William Magee his certain Attorney his heirs Executors administrators or all assigns to his or their proper use and Behoof free from all former gifts grants mortgages Judgments dowries or any other in cumberance given or granted by me the said Mary McCulloch and he the said William Magee his heirs and all assigns the above Bargained premises shall and may from time to time and at all times hereafter Have Hold Occupy posssess and enjoy as his own free and lawfull Estate of Inheritance free and clear from all lets or Hindrance or any molestation from her the said Mary McCulloch her heirs or all assigns and she the said Mary McCulloch doth for herself and her heirs convenant and agree to execute all and any such conveyance or instrument of writing to him the said
William Magee His Heirs and Assigns
As his or their learned Council in law shall Judge necessary for the better securing of all and singular the appurtainances to the said lands Belonging and she the said Mary McCulloch her heirs executors administrators and all assigns the above granted premises shall warrant and forever defend against the Just and lawfull claim of any person or persons claiming or to claim or any encumberances Whatsoever the Kings and his successors yearly Quit Rents of four shilling pr hundred acres only Excepted which yearly will become due to the said William Magee his heirs and all assigns forever.
In Witness Whereof I the said Mary McCulloch
Doth hereunto set her hand and affixed her seal the day and year first
above Written.
Signed Sealed and
Delivered in the presence of us } her
Joseph Dickson } Mary X McCulloch
Alexander Dickson } mark
North Carolina
Duplin County The Within Deed from
Mary McCulloch to William Magee was proved in Open [Court] By the
Oath of Alexander Dickson One of the subscribing Witnesses thereto and
Ordered to be Registered
Jas Sampson C C
North Carolina
Duplin County Registered in the Registers Office of the
aforesaid County in Book (letter E. Pages 127 and 128 By me the 16th
day February 1778.
Richard Clinton Regr


BirthBef 1726
MarriageAbt 1745Secretary Henry McCulloch
DeathAft 1778Duplin, North Carolina, United States


