Individual Details

John Rhodes

(1763 - 1808)

John Rhodes To Catherine Taylor Deed 23 April 1787
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)
Deed Book 1 A Page 407, 408, & 409
John Rhodes To Catherine Taylor
Deed for lands

This indenture made this twenty third day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & eighty seven Between John Rhodes of the County of Duplin and State of North Carolina of the one part, and Catherine Taylor relict of the late William Taylor deceased of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John Rhodes for and in consideration of one peper corn to be paid unto the said John Rhodes his heirs and assigns on the first day of January annually if required, he the said John Rhodes hath demised granted and to farm lett in and by these presents doth demise grant and to farm lett unto the said Catherine Taylor all that messuage or tenement lands sittuate being in the County of Duplin on the No. side of Goshen Swamp, and on the east side of Bear Marsh, containing all the lands adjoining to and including the plantation whereon the said William Taylor Exqr. decd lived, which was given by deed of gift by tghe said William Taylor to his daughter Elizabeth now the wife of the said Joyhn Rhodes, reference being had to the several pattents & deeds of conveyance relative to the same exception one acre at the end of the mill dam and the previledges of the mill pond, with all and singular the profits and commodities to the said messuage or tenement belonging or in any wise appertaining herein before mentioned or intended to be mentioned, unto the said Catherine Taylor for and during the term of here natural life, fully and completely, and the said Catherin Taylor doth covenant & grant to and with the said John Rhodes to pay the said yearly rent if required in manner and form above mentionede according to the true intent and meaning of these presents & also that the said Catherine Taylor will at her own proper cost and charges shall uphold support and mantain the said messuage or tenement, and shall keep the same in repair as need may require, the casualties of fire or tempest which may destroy the same excepted, and the said John Rhodes for himself his heirs &c. doth covenant to and with the said Catherine Taylor paying the said yearly rent if required & performing the said covenants above mentioned according to the true intent and meaning of these presents, shall and may peacebly and quietly have hold occupie possess and enjoy the said messuage or tenement of premises for and during the said term hereby granted without any lawfull lett suit trouble or interuption of the said John Rhodes his executiors administrators or assigns or any of them or by any other person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under him or them or any of them or by or through his their or any of their means or procurrement. In witness whereof I the said John Rhodes hath hereunto set my hand & seal the day and date above written.
John Rhodes

Signed sealed & delivered in presence of
Samuel Bowden
Frans. Oliver

State of No. Carolina Duplin County July Term 1787.
Then was the within deed proved in open Court by the written named John Rhodes & ordered to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.

John Rhodes To Henry, Penelope & Catherine McCulloch Deed 24 April 1787
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)
Deed Book 1 A Page 434, & 435
John Rhodes To Henry, Penelope & Catherine McCulloch
Deed for lands

This indenture made this twenty fourth day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred & eighty seven Between John Rhodes of the County of Duplin & State of No. Carolina of the one part & Henry, Penelope & Catherine McCulloh all of the County and State aforesaid, Witnesseth that the said John Rhodes for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings specie to him in hand paid before the sealing & delivering of these presents, the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, hath given granted bargained sold & by these presents doth give grant bargain & sell unto the said Henry, Penelope & Catherine McCulloh their heirs & assigns forever, a certain tracft or parcel of land situate lying & being in the County of Duplin on the north side of Goshen Swamp & on the east side of Bear Marsh, containing all the lands adjoining to & including the plantation whereon the late William Taylor Esqr. deceased lived, which was given by deed of gift by the said William to his daughter Elizabeth now the wife of the said John Rhodes reference being had to the several patents & deeds of conveyances relative to the said lands, excepting one acre joining the eand of the mill dam & all the previledges of the mill pond & also excepting a lease of the said land and tenements with every part and parcel thereof to Catherine Taylor which of the said William Taylor Esqr. made by the said John Rhodes bearing date the twenty third day of April 1787, during his life. To have & to hold the said granted lands with all the appurtenances & previledges thereunto belonging or in any wise appurtaining & I the said John Rhodes do for myself my heirs &c., covenant & agree to warrant & defend the aforesaid land to the said Henry, Penelope & Catherine McCulloch their heirs & assigns forever, free & clear from all mortgages jointures wills leases or entails except as above excepted & from the lawfull claim or demand of all & every manner of persons whatsoever. In witness whereof I the said John Rhodes have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & date above written.
John Rhodes

Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of
Samuel Bowden
Frans. Oliver

Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of us
John Holdon
Frederick Wells

State of No. Carolina Duplin County October Term 1787.
Then was the within deed acknowledged in open Court & ordered to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.


Marriage11 Mar 1786Duplin, North Carolina, United States - Elizabeth (Sarah) Taylor
MarriageBef 1794Mary Ingram


SpouseElizabeth (Sarah) Taylor (1758 - 1801)
ChildWilliam Rhodes (1786 - 1832)
ChildTaylor Rhodes (1788 - 1831)
ChildMoses Rhodes ( - )
ChildDrusilla Rhodes ( - )
ChildSarah Rhodes (1786 - )
SpouseMary Ingram ( - )
ChildBryant Rhodes (1794 - )
ChildIngram Rhodes (1801 - )
ChildMary Rhodes (1801 - 1830)
ChildThomas Rhodes (1804 - )
FatherWilliam Rhodes ( - )
MotherSarah ( - )

