Individual Details

Elizabeth (Sarah) Taylor

(Bef 1758 - 1801)

"Sarah" was used by Pauline Craig, other sources use Elizabeth.
Excerpts from Duplin Deeds -

(p. 30)
William Taylor To Elizabeth Taylor Deed 3 June 1779
Deed Book 1 A Page 334, & 335
William Taylor To Elizabeth Taylor
Deed for Sundry articles

This indenture made this third day of June & in the year of our Lord 1779. Between
William Taylor of Duplin County & State of North Carolina planter, of the one part & Elizabeth
Taylor of said County & State (daughter of the said Wm. Taylor) of the other part. Witnesseth
that the said Wm. Taylor is well for and in consideration of the natural love & affection
which he hath & bears unto the said Elizabeth Taylor his daughter as also for the better
maintainance & preferment of the said Elizabeth Taylor hath given granted aliend enfeoffed &
confirmed & by these presents doth give grant alien enfeoffe & confirm unto the said Elizabeth
Taylor all the message or tenements tract or tracts of land to me now belonging or in any wise
appertaining with all and singular its appurtenances and all houses and houses lands etc. & the
reversion & reversions remainder and remainders rents & services of the said premises & all the
estate right title interest claim & demand whatsoever of him the said Wm. Taylor of in and to
the said messuage or tenement land & premises & of in & to every part & parcel thereof with the
appurtenances & all deeds evidences & writings concerning the said premises only now in the
hands or custody of the said Wm. Taylor or which he hath heretofore obtained either by deed
or patent. To have and to hold the said messuage or tenements land & premises hereby granted
or mentioned or intended to be given & granted unto the said Elizabeth Taylor her heirs &
assigns to the only proper use & behoofe of her the said Elizabeth Taylor her heirs & assigns
forever, & the said Wm. Taylor for himself his heirs executors & admins. doth covenant & grant
to & with the said Elizabeth Taylor her heirs & assigns by these presents, that the said
Elizabeth Taylor her heirs & assigns shall and lawfully may from henceforth forever hereafter
peacebly & quietly have hold occupie possess & enjoy the said mesuage tenements lands
heriditaments & premises hereby given & granted or mentioned or intended to be, with their
appurtenances free clear & discharged of & from all former & other gifts grants bargains sales
enfelffments jointures dowers estates entales rents rent charges arearages of rents & of & from
all other titles troubles charges & incumbrances whatsoever had made comitted done or suffered
by him the said William Taylor his heirs executors or adms. or any other person or persons
lawfully claiming or to clame by from or under him or any or eighther of them. In witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this day & date above written.
Wm. Taylor

Signed sealed acknowledged & delivered in the presence of
William Goodman
John Gibbs
Henry Goodman

State of No. Carolina Duplin County October Term 1786.
Then was the within deed proved in open Court by the oath of John Gibbs & ordered
to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.

William Taylor To Elizabeth Taylor Deed 3 June 1779
Deed Book 1 A Page 335, & 336
William Taylor To Elizabeth Taylor
Deed for Sundry articles

To all people to whom these presents shall come, I William Taylor of Duplin County
& State of No. Carolina send greeting. Know ye that I the said William Taylor for and in
consideration of the natural love and afection which I have & bear to my daughter Elizabeth
Taylor of the County & State aforesaid & for divers other good causes & consideration me
hereunto moving, have given & granted & by these presents do five & grant unto the said
Elizabeth Taylor all and singular the following mentioned slaves goods & chattels, that is
to say, one negro nam named Arthur, one by names Darby, one mulatto girl named Alma, one
negro girl names Silva, & one named Geaney, which five slaves with one half of my stock of
every kind, horses meat cattle sheep and hogs with one half of all my household goods &
working tools. To have and to hold & enjoy all and singular the said goods & chattels &
personal estate aforesaid unto the said Elizabeth Taylor her executors administrators &
assigns to the only proper use & behoofe of her the said Elizabeth Taylor her executors
administrators & assigns forever & I the said William Taylor all and singular the aforesaid
goods & chattels & premises to the said Elizabeth Taylor her executors administrators &
assigns against all persons whatsoever shall and will warrant & forever defend by these
presents. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & fixed my seal this third day
of June 1779.
Wm. Taylor

Signed sealed acknowledged & delivered in the presence of
William Goodman
John Gibbs
Henry Goodman

State of No. Carolina Duplin County October Term 1786.
Then was the within deed proved in open Court by the oath of John Gibbs & ordered to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.


(p 42)
William Taylor To Elizabeth Taylor Deed 14 January 1779
Deed Book 459, 460, 461, & 462

William Taylor To Elizabeth Taylor

Deed for sundry tracts of land

To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting. Know ye that I William Taylor
of Duplin County & province of No. Carolina, planter, for & in consideration of the sum of
one hundred pounds proclamation to me in hand before the ensealing & delivery of these
presents, well and truly paid by Elizabeth Taylor of said Province & County of Duplin,
Daughter to me said William Taylor, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, & myself
therewith to be fully satisfied & contented & thereof & of every part and parcel thereof
do exonerate acquit and discharge the said Elizabeth Taylor her heirs exrs. admns. forever
by these presents do freely fully & absolutely give grant bargain sell slien enfeoffe
convey & confirm & by these presents do freely fully & absolutely give grant bargain sell
alien enfeoffe convey & confirm unto he the said Elizabeth Taylor her heirs and assigns
forever, one messuage or tract of land lying & being in Duplin County & province aforesaid
on the north swide of Goshen Swamp. Begining at a pine, runing thence No. 65 Et. 310 poles,
thence South 25 Et. 310 pole to a pine, thence So. 65 Wt. 310 poles, thence South 25 Et.
310 pole to a pine, thence So. 65 Wt. 310 poles to Goshen Swamp, thence with a direct line
to the first station, containing six hundred also another tract of land lying & being in
the same County & province aforesaid lying on the No. side of Goshen Swamp. Begining at a
black oak John Rogers' former corner, runing with his line No. 40 Et. 120 poles to a pine,
thence So. 45 Et. 120 pole to a pine, thence So. 45 Wt. 120 poles to a black oak, thence
with a right line to the begining, containing one hundred acres, also another tract of land
lying and being in the above said County & province of North Carolina, on the No. side of
Goshen Swamp, joining my other lines. Begining at a white oak in Gosher Swamp near Rogers'
corner, runing with his line No. 37 Et. 120 poles to a small red oak standing by her former
corner, thence with her line So. 57 Et. to Bare Skin Branch, thence up said Branch to the
head, thence a direct line to the head of Poley Bridge Branch, thence down said Branch to
the back line thence the various courses of the back line to a black jack in his other line,
thence with that line So. 45 Et. 80 poles to a pine the corner of the above mentioned land,
thence So. 45 Wt. 120 poles to a black jack thence No. 45 Wt. 120 poles to a black jack the
corner of the above mentioned land, thence with his said William Taylor's other line So. 25
Et. 200 poles to a pine, thence So. 65 Wt. 200 pole to a pine in the side of Goshen Swamp,
thence down the swamp to the begining, containing by estimation three hundred and sixty
acres, be it more or less, added to the two other above mentioned tracts of land, the whole
containing one thousand and sixty acres. To have and to hold the said granted and bargained
premises or tracts of land with all the appurtenances previledges & commodities thereunto
belonging or in any wise appertaining, to her the said Elizabeth Taylor she her heirs & assigns
forever to her and their only proper use benefit & behoofe forever, & I the said William
Taylor for me my heirs executors adms. do covenant promise & grant to & with the said
Elizabeth Taylor she her heirs & assigns, that before the ensealing & delivery hereof, I am
the true sole & lawfull owner of the above bargained premises, and am lawfully siezed &
possessed of the same in manner as above said and that she said Elizabeth Taylor, she her
heirs & assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by virtue
of these presents lawfully have hold use posses & enjoy the demised premises with all the
appurtenances free and clear freely & clearly exonerated acquited discharged of and from
all manner of former or other grants bargains sails mortgages wills jointures judgments &
incumbrances whatsoever, furthmore I the said William Taylor for me myself my heirs
executors adms. do exonerate promise & grant & engage the above premises to her the said
Elizabeth Taylor her heirs & assigns against the lawfull claim or demand of any person or
persons whatsoever forever hereafter to warrant secure & defend the same & that I the said
William Taylor my heirs & assigns or administrators or eighther of them shall and will at
every time hereafter at the reasonable request of the said Elizabeth Taylor she her heirs
or assigns make or cause to be made any other deed or conveyance or conveyances as she the
said Elizabeth Taylor she her heirs or assigns or their Council learned in the law shall
advise or devise for the better and affectual making unto the said Elizabeth Taylor she
her heirs and assigns a perfect & indurable right & title to and in the said granted &
bargained premises in fee simple. (In witness) whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
fixed my seal this fourteenth day of January 1779.
William Taylor

William Goodman
John Gibbs

State of No. Carolina Duplin County October Term 1787.
Then was the within deed proved in open Court by the oath of John Gibbs & ordered
to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.

Duplin County. Be it remembered that the said William Taylor is to be ever
intrested with the two deeds of gifts from him to his daughter for land and negroes,
goods & chattels & that the intent of the said deeds is to invest a proper and lawfull
right to her of the lands negros goods & chattels, at or after his death, no wise
debaring the said Willian Taylor of useing or altering ye the deed or deeds at his will
and pleasure or sellin or giving any part or all of ye premises mentioned in the deeds
aforesaid, in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this.
Elizabeth Taylor

Willm. Goodman
John Gibbs
Henry Goodman


BirthBef 1758North Carolina, British America
PropertyJan 17791,060 acres in three tracts - Duplin, North Carolina, United States
Marriage11 Mar 1786Duplin, North Carolina, United States - John Rhodes


SpouseJohn Rhodes (1763 - 1808)
ChildWilliam Rhodes (1786 - 1832)
ChildTaylor Rhodes (1788 - 1831)
ChildMoses Rhodes ( - )
ChildDrusilla Rhodes ( - )
ChildSarah Rhodes (1786 - )
FatherWilliam Taylor (1722 - 1787)
MotherCatherine Barfield (1729 - 1801)
Sibling"Tebeth" Taylor (1754 - )
SiblingMary Taylor (1754 - 1779)

