Individual Details

Anne Bolen Mathews

(9 Jan 1787 - 17 Jan 1857)

Letter of Ann Ioor to her brother, John Raven Mathewes the Elder.
Dolche Sperande, September 23, 1850
Dear John,
I received your kind and affectionate letter by the last mail and I am truly glad to hear that you and your family (save George) have recovered from the broken bone fever. I trust that ere this reaches you he will also be well.
Your views in regard to selling out are doubtless extremely judicious, but still I am determined at all events to leave here. I have had a great care on me for the last ten or twelve years for poor Dr. Ioor has been incapable of attending to the farm for a long while. As to hiring out the place it would go to ruin. The timber would be entirely destroyed and I could not get more than fifty or sixty dollars rent for it, not near the interest on the money that could be got for it, as a gentleman was here the other day and said he had no doubt but twenty five hundred dollars could be got for it.
You know, John, we have been living here nearly 22 years and of course the place is injured, the house much out of repair. Of course John the right course to pursue would be to come over and value the place, set a price on it and sell it for me. You are an excellent judge and I will abide by what you say. In regard to consulting the rest of the family, I don't know why that should be done when according to my Father's will I can leave my property to one child.
Some people think the railroad will not be completed for five years. The few years I have to live I want to enjoy myself. I wish to purchase a cottage in the village after a while. In the meanwhile I can live with any of my children, wherever I find it most agreeable.
I entreat you to come over and bring Eliza with you, it will only take you a few days and I will give you a hearty welcome and plain fare. One hours conversation with you would do more good than all the letters. I shall look for you shortly. Do answer this and let me know when you will be over.
My love to all, the familybeg me to be remembered to you all. It takes all my interest money to keep up the farm.
I am truly
Your affectionate sister,
Anne Ioor
P.S. I regret exceedingly dear John to give you so much trouble. If I had it in my power, I would do as much for you. You know that the Judgment ought to be extended. Next October it runs out. My dear brother, you know I have not any one but you to advise comfort and sympathize with me. We were always attached to each other from childhood and you have always been a disinterested kind friend to me and mine, and I wish you to continue so. If I stay here I believe I shall lose my senses as there is no part of the house but reminds me of my dear departed husband, for he was always at home. Anna wishes me to spend a part of the winter with her. William has also invitd me to his house, all of my children are affectionate and attentive to me, even Waring wishes me to go to his place in New Orleans. This is a great consolation to me as it convinces me that I have done my duty to my family. As you well know it is disinterested. If Eliza can't come with you bring Harriet as she is a great favorite of mine. For the love of heaven dear John come over and relieve the mind of Your fond sister. ANN
Mrs. William Ioor is listed as a communicant of Christ Church, Greenville, SC in 1847. (From Records of Nancy Peeples)


Birth9 Jan 1787
Marriage23 Dec 1802Dr. William Bradwell Ioor
Census (family)1850Greenville, South Carolina, United States - Dr. William Bradwell Ioor
Death17 Jan 1857
BurialSpringwood Cemetery, Greenville, Greenville, South Carolina, United States


SpouseDr. William Bradwell Ioor (1780 - 1850)
ChildLouisa Mathewes Ioor (1803 - 1831)
ChildWilliam Bradwell Ioor III (1809 - 1853)
ChildAnn Savilla Ioor (1811 - 1851)
ChildGeorgiana Belcher Ioor (1816 - 1893)
ChildCatherine Rose Ioor (1813 - )
ChildFrances Augustus Ioor (1819 - 1821)
ChildMatilda Ioor (1823 - 1851)
ChildMajor Wallace M. Ioor (1821 - 1879)
ChildEdward Waring Ioor (1826 - 1889)
ChildSarah Elizabeth Ioor (1832 - 1904)
FatherLieut. George A. Mathews (1754 - 1815)
MotherMary G. Saltus (1754 - 1845)
SiblingLouisa Mathews (1778 - 1820)
SiblingHenriette Mathews (1787 - )
SiblingJohn Raven Mathewes "the Elder" (1788 - 1867)
SiblingElizabeth "Eliza" Mathews (1789 - )

