Individual Details

Willhelm Rieken "William/Will" Zimmerman

(25 Jan 1867 - 9 Jan 1950)

W. R. Zimmerman Born January 25, 1867 W. R. Zimmerman, a native stockman and farmer of Wayne township, was born two miles west of the old home place, January 25, 1867, and is a son of A. G. and Anna (Grumm) Zimmerman. The former was born in Aurich, Hanover, Germany, January 7, 1831, his parents being Gerd and Enke (Hanken) Zimmerman. Gerd Zimmerman died in the fatherland, but his wife passed the last years of her life in this country, whither she had been brought by her son, A. G., who had made a special trip to the land of his birth to get her. A. G. Zimmerman bad come to the United States first in 1854 and settled in Illinois. Five years later he removed to Jones county, Iowa, locating upon a farm he had purchased in Wayne township, although he had learned the trade of a shoemaker in his native land and had followed that line of work in this country for a number of years. On locating here he devoted himself exclusively to agriculture, with what result may be judged from the fact that he owned at one time five hundred and twenty acres of arable land, besides fifteen acres of timber. When he gave up the heavier duties of life and retired to Amber he divided this among his children, thereby giving them a start in life. In Amber his long life was brought to a close November 28, 1904. His widow is still residing in that village. She also was born in Hanover, Germany, on the 26th of February 1837, and at the age of nineteen came to the United States with her parents, R. E. and Margaret (Herren) Grumm. They were also natives of Hanover and passed away in Dixon, Illinois. In that state, in 1857, while Mr. Zimmerman was a resident there, he married Miss Anna Grumm, and ten children were born to them: Maggie, who is the wife of H. A. Toenjes and lives near Mr. Zimmerman; Agnes, who married Johan Burrak, of Castle Grove township; Elizabeth, the wife of Henry Behrends, who lives six miles from Monticello, Iowa, on the Cascade road; Garrett, who died at the age of thirty-two, leaving three children; W. R., the subject of this sketch; John, who is a clothier of Monticello, Iowa; Sophia, who died at the age of twenty-three years; Matilda, who is the wife of George Mardorf, of Jackson township; and Herman and George, of Wayne township.
W. R. Zimmerman has always resided in Wayne township. From his childhood days he worked upon the home farm, receiving the rudiments of an English education in the district school, which he attended during the few winter months it was in session. Until he married the responsibility of conducting the place rested wholly upon his father ' but when he became twenty-two and had the man's natural desire to have a home of his own he assumed the full management of the land on which he now lives. It embraces one hundred and eighty acres, lying on sections 22 and 26, Wayne township, on which Mr. Zimmerman follows general farming and engages to some extent in the raising of stock and also in dairying, for he has a herd of twenty-four cows. He owns seven acres of timber on section 34, the same township, which is steadily increasing in value, as are his arable fields. The latter are maintained under a high state of cultivation and the farm is well improved, the character of the buildings evincing the progressive methods of the owner.
In 1889 Mr. Zimmerman was united in marriage to Miss Katie Doring, a daughter of Henry and Anna (Helgens) Doring. Her parents were also natives of Hanover, Germany, but Mrs. Zimmerman was born in Castle Grove township, this county, in i870. Five children have been born to the couple: Anna, Minnie, Hattie, Rena and Freda. The family are consistent members of the Lutheran church, in accordance with whose teachings they try to order their lives, and take an active part in the religious and social work of the big congregation. Politically, while Mr. Zimmerman inclines more to the Democratic Party, he is in reality independent, viewing issues from all sides and casting his vote and influence for what he believes to be for the best interests of his fellow citizens. Of the company organized to promote the advancement of the dairymen of his township, the Co-operative Creamery Company of Amber, he is a stockholder.
From History of Jones County, Iowa, Past and Present, R. M. Corbitt, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910, p. 600.

March 1, 1945
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Zimmerman Married Fifty-five Years
In observance of their fifty- fifth wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Zimmerman of Amber were hosts at dinner in their home Sunday. Guests included two of their daughters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. William Jansen and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Gerdes. They have three other daughters who were unable to attend the celebration Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carlsen, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hanken, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Otten of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
During the afternoon, sisters and brothers of the honored couple as well as a number of their friends, came to extend congratulations. They included Mr. and Mrs. John Rickels of Monticello, Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Danneman, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Zimmerman, George Siebels, Julia Toenjes, Rev. F. H. Kehren and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Helgens. A potted plant of yellow jonquils was presented to the honorees by their children and brothers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman are en- joying good health and thoroughly enjoyed the anniversary Sunday. Among theic many cards were .22 from the Ladies Aid society of the Wayne Lutheran Church.


Birth25 Jan 1867Wayne Township, Jones, Iowa, United States
Marriage25 Feb 1889Wayne Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Wayne Township, Jones, Iowa, United States - Katharina Margaretha Albina Doering
Census (family)1895Wayne Township, Jones, Iowa, United States - Katharina Margaretha Albina Doering
Census (family)1925Wayne Township, Jones, Iowa, United States - Katharina Margaretha Albina Doering
Death9 Jan 1950Amber, Jones, Iowa, United States
BurialWayne Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Jones, Iowa, United States


