Individual Details

Irene Sybil Weber

(23 Mar 1892 - 6 Apr 1946)

Irene Sybil Weber was born on March 23, 1892 in Missoula, Montana. Her parents had lived in the Missoula area since 1889 and the family stayed for at least five more years, as another brother was born there in the spring of 1897. The Webers left Montana sometime before the 1900 census where they are listed in Winnemuca, Nevada. Her last brother was born in Winnemuca in 1901.
They didn't stay in Nevada long, records show her family living in Santa Clara Co., California where ten year old Irene is listed as a student in the second session starting September 1, 1902 at the new hilltop Purissima School. The school at that time was in a fruit shed on the corner of Purissima Ave. and Robleda Ave., an area now part of Los Altos Hills. She graduated with the Senior class of 1910.
Irene continued her education at the State Normal School (now San Jose State University) to become a teacher. After graduation she lived in Bakersfield with her Uncle and Aunt Milan where she started her first teaching job at Palm school in the fall of 1912. She later taught and was the principal at Beardsly School until her marriage in 1916. Her name is frequently found in local Bakersfield newspapers in relation to the Milan's, her community activities and school activities:

The Morning Echo (Bakersfield, California) Sun, Sep 8, 1912, Page 5
School Board Gives Certificates to Teachers
Grammer school certificates have been granted by the County Board of Education to the following: .... Irene S. Weber.....

The Morning Echo (Bakersfield, California) Fri, Sep 20, 1912, Page 6
Teachers in County School
Personnel of List Submitted by Superintendent Stockton.
....Palm, Irene Weber...

The Morning Echo (Bakersfield, California) Tue, Nov 26, 1912, Page 10
Kern County School Teachers Meet in Thirty-Second Annual Institute
The first day's session of the thirty-second annual Teachers' Institute of Kern county, held yesterday at the High School building, was a very successful and interesting one and promised well for the three days' session. More than 100 teachers from all parts of the county are in attendance.
.... Maricopa - Palm - Irene Weber. .....

The Morning Echo (Bakersfield, California) Sat, Nov 30, 1912
Miss Irene Weber is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. J. M. Milan.

The Morning Echo (Bakersfield, California) Sat, Aug 16, 1913, Page 5
Miss Irene Weber of San Francisco will arrive today to spend the winter with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Milan. The three will leave on Monday for a fortnight at Pismo Beach.

The Morning Echo (Bakersfield, California) Tue, Apr 7, 1914, Page 6
Minstrel Show
The minstrel show held Friday evening fulfilled the highest expectations of the big crowd that attended. ... The following is the cast of characters: .... Mandy Lane, Irene Weber.....
The Fresno Morning Republican (Fresno, California) Sun, Dec 13, 1914, Page 14
Little Miss Leona Droge was hostess at a very happy birthday celebration yesterday afternoon at the home of her parents. .... Among those included in the guest list were .... Irene Weber .....

The Morning Echo (Bakersfield, California) Wed, Jan 27, 1915, Page 4
Mrs. M. Spier entertained last night at her home at 808 Oregon street ... in the interest of the enlargement of the membership of the Lady Maccabees ... The ladies asked were: ...Mrs. J. F. Milan, ... Miss Irene Weber.

The Morning Echo (Bakersfield, California) Sun, Mar 7, 1915, Page 4
Mrs. J. F Milan and Irene Weber are listed among the guests at the Kern Hive of the Lady Maccabees.

The Morning Echo (Bakersfield, California) Tue, May 25, 1915, Page 8
The higher grades of Beardsly school went on a picnic at Belview Weir Saturday. Miss Irene Weber acted as chaperone.
The Morning Echo (Bakersfield, California) Sun, Oct 24, 1915, Page 11
Over 300 School Teachers to Attend Bakersfield Institute
Kern county has over 300 teachers. Practically all will be in attendance at the annual institue in Bakersfield this week. .... Following is the complete list of teachers in the schools of Kern county:
Beardsley -- Irene Weber, Mrs. Fred Hort.

The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, California) Wed, Nov 3, 1915, p 5
Arp Addition
School reopened Monday with good attendance and with teachers and pupils all eager to resume work. The boys of the fifth grade are being instructed in manual training this year under the direction of their teacher, Miss Irene Weber. The higher grades had some of the work last year, but there is talk of having a special instructor for manual training as well as for music, as the special work is really too much for the regular teachers to handle in addition to their other duties.

Bakersfield Californian - December 21, 1915, Bakersfield, California
of which was a playlet under the direction of Miss Irene Weber. Those taking part were the Misses Aleen Whitehall, Lovena...taking part were the Misses Aleen Whitehall, Lovena Aldham and Irene Weber and Messrs. Jennings Pierce, 0. R. Shepard and George Oldham....

The Morning Echo (Bakersfield, California) Tue, Feb. 8, 1916, Page 5
The stereopticon entertainment at the Beardsley school last night was eminently successful, the patrons of the affair expressing their pleasure in its plan. Musical numbers introduced the program given by Mrs. F. W. Hort's class and Miss Irene Weber, principal's class
The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, California) Thu, Feb 24, 1916, Page 4
Hold Regular Meeting.
The regular meeting of the Lady Maccabees, Kern Hive No. 66, was held last evening in the K. of P. hall in East Bakersfield. ... Miss Irene Weber .. as her assistants was placed in charge of the affair. ....

Bakersfield Californian - February 25, 1916, Bakersfield, California
Two basketball teams representing the upper grades will motor to the Pam school this afternoon to take part in a good natured contest with the pupils of the school. The girls team will consist of Sorena Newton, Irene Pierce, Marie Williams, Algenes Watson, Erie Browning and Lena Routh. The boys playing include Walter Collins, Charles Patterson, Henry McCoy, Walter Swanson, Louis Burrell and Harold Whitehill. Miss Irene Weber, their teacher, will, of course, accompany them.

Bakersfield Californian, February 29, 1916, p 3
Entertains Friends
Mrs. J. F. Milan was hostess this week to a few of her friends at her home on Tulare street. The afternoon was passed with guessing contests and music, the rooms being prettily decorated in violets and ferns. Late in the afternoon Mrs. Milan served a light luncheon, covers being laid for eight, including Mrs. J. Marion Thomas, Mrs. Pierson, Mrs. Cliff Williams, Mrs. Alfred Karpe, Mrs. Mongerson, Mrs. Ergo E. Johnson, Miss Irene Weber and the hostess Mrs. Milan.
The Morning Echo (Bakersfield, California) Sun, Mar 19, 1916, Page 4
Members of Kern Hive of the Lady Maccabees entertained at a card party, Friday evening in the K. of P. hall in East Bakersfield. ... Following the game, refreshments were served by the committee in charge, which included .... Miss Irene Weber ....

The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, California) Tue, April 18, 1916, Page 5
Miss Irene Weber was obliged to dismiss her classes this afternoon and return to her home on account of illness. It is hoped that the trouble is not serious.

The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, California) Wed, Apr 26, 1916, Page 5
Mrs. Morris A. Spier, Mrs. L. A. Roberts and Miss Irene Weber will leave on Friday of this week for Fresno to attend the Raisin Day celebration there.

The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, California) Fri, May 12, 1916, Page 5
Mrs. C. C. Pierce is recovering nicely from her sprained ankle. Miss Irene Weber who has had a similar injury has discarded her crutches.

The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, California) Wed, May 17, 1916, Page 5
Mrs. John F. Milan and her niece, Miss Irene Weber, will leave on next Friday for Los Angeles, where they will spend the week end with Mr. Milan, who is confined to the Santa Fe hospital there. They will return to Bakersield on Monday morning.

The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, California) Sat, May 20, 1916, Page 5
Mres. John F. Milan and her niece, Miss Irene Weber, left yesterday for Los Angeles, where they will spend the week end with Mr. Milan, who is ill in the Santa Fe hospital there.

The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, California) Tue, May 23, 1916, Page 4
Mrs. J. F. Milan and her niece, Miss Irene Weber, returned yeserday from Los Angeles, where they spent the week end with Mr. Milan, who is in the Santa Fe hospital there. They found Mr. Milan in a greatly improved condition.

The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, California) Tue, May 23, 1916, Page 4
Miss Irene Weber, principal of the Beardsley school, who is at present making her home with Mrs. J. F. Milan of Tulare street, will leave in a couple of weeks for her home in San Francisco. to spend the summer months there.

The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, California) Sat, Jun 10, 1916, Page 5
East Side Notes
Miss Irene Weber left this morning for her home In San Francisco, after spending the week in East Bakersfield with her aunt, Mrs. J. F. Milan.

In the large photograph we have of Bakersfield School Irene was the principal. This picture is also hanging in the Bakersfield History? Museum.

Irene left teaching behind with her marriage to Fred Duval in July 1916. The couple lived in San Francisco at first. She worked at A. Komsthoeft Bakery (Albert Komsthoeft, bakery 531 Castro) in San Francisco at some point, either during the summers she had off from teaching or during the early years of her marriage. Eventually Irene and Fred settled at her parents Purissima Ranch.

Bakersfield Morning Echo (Bakersfield, California) Sat, Oct 25, 1919, Page 7
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Duval of Los Altos visited Miss Joanna Dewey and called on other friends Monday. Mrs. Duval will be remembered as Miss Irene Weber.

Like her mother, Irene enjoyed sewing. She also belonged to a Bridge Club with neighborhood women. When Fred and Irene got together with his sister Adele and Steve DeWitt they would play Pinochle.
While raising her family, Irene was very active in the school PTA. She would alternate with her neighbor, Emily Kilpatrick, being president or treasurer.
Though Irene was raised Catholic and her husband Fred came from a strict Methodist background, they were not regular church goers. Her daughter Marion remembers her mother telling her she "couldn't kneel," as a reason she didn't go to church.
Irene took care of more than just her family. She invited her elderly neighbor, Frank Fleischhauer, to take his meals with them. He had been born in Germany Nov 1858 and lived alone in a two room house. His property had a drying yard and orchard, barn/shed and outhouse. According to census records, Frank had immigrated to the US in 1880 and was working as a woodsman in 1900 up in Hydesville Twp., Humboldt Co. before buying property on Purissima Ave before 1910. In the 1920 census, Frank is listed next door to Jacob and Margaret Weber. He was a 61 year old single man when the Webers were 57. Marion recalls that he raised strawberries and always had a stick of salami behind his door. Marion would go visit him and ask for a piece of salami. Laughing, Marion recalls overhearing a neighbor complaining to her mom that she shouldn't let her eat that salami as it was dirty. Though he outlived Irene, Frank willed his property to her in gratitude for her care. Marion remembers seeing him with tears streaming down his face at her mother's funeral.

The Daily Palo Alto Times (Palo Alto, California) Tue, Oct 31, 1933, Page 3
The Purissima Parent-Teacer Association on Saturday evening staged a very effective Halloween party, featuring the legendary "Dance of the Dead," with all its eerie accompaniments. Lila Carrington, a pupil of the school, told the story, and five other children, Alma Carrington, Lyle and Frederick Duval, and Kenneth and Leonard Lincoln, attired in sheets and masks, performed the dance, for which Mrs. J. de Benedetti played the piano music.
In addition to the autumnal decorations of corn stalks and grape leaves, the traditional Halloween emblems, witches, cats, bats, and cobwebs, all fashioned from colored paper, and intermingled with streamers, adorned the room. Jack-o'-lanterns also were employed, and two floor lamps, appropriately robed to represent ghosts, maintained silent vigil over the scene. In one corner stood a tripod, over which was suspended a witch's cauldron. From this receptacle the witch, personified by Mrs. Ray Carrington, permitted each of those guests desirous of having their fortunes told, to select a slip of paper bearing a magic inscription designed to satisfy their curiosity.
A series of appropriate games had been arranged for the amusement of the children, and refreshments were provided. A company of 60 persons, including parents and children, enjoyed the occasion. John de Benedetti arranged the program, Mrs. E. P. Lincoln and Mrs. Ray Carrington attended to the decorations, and Mrs. F. Duval, Mrs. G. B. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Robert Holm, assisted by Mrs. L. Boitano and Mrs. G. Carrington, had charge of the refreshments. Mrs. A. C. Barker and Mrs. W. O. Shreve of Palo Alto were among the guests.

Healdsburg Tribune, Number 183, 10 June 1927
Round Robin Party At Adams Home
Mrs. M. Earle Adams was hostess to twenty at an evening of bridge in her University street home on Thursday night, the occasion being one of the series of Round Robins which the Pythian Sisters are holding. Favors were received by Mrs. Elmer Raymond, first; Mrs. C. A. Mason, second, and Mrs. L. A. Kahrs, low. Mrs. Adams was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. O. V. Albertson. Refreshments were served following the games.
Those present included Mesdames Charles Sherriffs, Charles Cole, Harl Sacry, G. T. Rickman, W. H. Skinner, Ernest Cornell, C. A. Mason, Si Hilgerloh, O. V. Albertson, L. A. Kahrs, Elmer Raymond, J. H. Barber, C. E. Hearing, Miss Helen Young, Miss Eleanor Bane and Mrs. Frederick Duval, the latter from Los Altos.
Bakersfield Californian - May 3, 1937, Bakersfield, California
two other sisters and a brother In Minnesota a Irene Weber Ios and three Hosary for Alclntyre will be conducted at...


Birth23 Mar 1892Missoula, Missoula, Montana, United States
Baptism3 Apr 1892Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Missoula, Missoula, Montana, United States
Education3 Jul 1906Mountain View, Santa Clara, California, United States
GraduationJun 1910Santa Clara, California, United States
Marriage29 Jul 1916San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States - Arthur Fredrick "Fred" Duval
Census (family)2 Jan 1920Purissima, Santa Clara, California, United States - Arthur Fredrick "Fred" Duval
Census (family)19 Apr 1930Purisima, Fremont Township, Santa Clara, California, United States - Arthur Fredrick "Fred" Duval
Census (family)Apr 1940Purisima, Fremont Township, Santa Clara, California, United States - Arthur Fredrick "Fred" Duval
Death6 Apr 1946of a stroke after suffering from high blood pressure for many years - Los Altos, Santa Clara, California, United States
BurialAlta Mesa Cemetery, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, California, United States


SpouseArthur Fredrick "Fred" Duval (1888 - 1949)
ChildLyle Margaret Duval (1921 - 1994)
ChildFredrick Edward Duval (1924 - 2008)
FatherJacob Weber (1862 - 1923)
MotherMargaretha Ann "Maggie" Breuer (1862 - 1955)
SiblingGeorge Joseph Weber (1890 - 1941)
SiblingFrancis Breuer "Frank" Weber (1897 - 1965)
SiblingJames Walter "Jim" Weber (1932 - 1983)

