Individual Details

Jonathan Taylor

(Bet 1665 and 1670 - 16 Sep 1698)

(From research by Fletcher Freeman)
Jonathan Taylor II was likely born around 1665-1670. He seems to have been a rather impoverished resident of Perquimans County, North Carolina. 17th century records of this area are not very will preserved, but we find a record in February 1693/94 of " A Deed of Gift acknowledged in Court by Roger Snell to Jonathan Taylor" (N.C. Higher Court Records, 1676-96, p. 403). Jonathan must have married his wife about this time and perhaps she was a relative of Snell.
A birth record of 1693 shows that Jonathan's wife was named Elizabeth. Jonathan Taylor witnessed a bond from Joseph Benet to Jenkin Williams on Oct. 18, 1697. In reference to this we find an undated Court of Chancery record, probably form late 1698, which places Elizabeth's birth around 1673. (N.C. Higher Court records, 1697-1701, p. 510): " Eliz. Taylor aged 25 years deposeth that last march heard that Benit Say that he had tendered his land to Williams and that at July Court he went to acknowledge the land to said Williams and it was then agreed...he should assigne it to one Coffen to whome he had sould it and before next Court Benit ran away..."
Jonathan Taylor served as a juror in March 1697/98 (N.C. Higher Court Records, 1697-1701, p. 192), but died soon after. The Perquimans vital records show "Jonathan Tailor departed this life the 16 day of September, 1698." He apparently died in debt, for we then find in March 1698/99 "Upon petition of Mr. Caleb Callaway Ordered that Administration of the Goods and Chattells of Jonathan Taylor deceased be Comited to him as greatest Creditor." (N.C. Higher Court Records, 1697-1701, p. 265). Thomas Long and Thomas Norcom were appointed to appraise Jonathan Taylor's estate on March 6, 1698/99 (Perquimans Court Minutes, p. 52). Although not specifically stated, it appears that the orphans Jonathan and William Taylor bound to William and Sarah Long in Jan. 1698/99 must have been this man's children. At the same term of court Thomas Taylor was bound to John and Hannah Lawrence, while Mary Taylor was bound to Caleb and Elizabeth Calleway.


BirthBet 1665 and 1670Probably, Albemarle (historical), North Carolina, British America
Death16 Sep 1698Perquimans, North Carolina, British America


SpouseElizabeth (1673 - 1698)
ChildJonathan Taylor (1690 - 1750)
ChildElizabeth Taylor (1693 - 1694)
ChildWilliam Taylor (1690 - )
ChildThomas Taylor (1690 - )
ChildMary Taylor (1690 - )
FatherJonathan Taylor (1645 - 1684)