Individual Details

Loriston Hale Lovejoy

(17 Mar 1863 - 2 Jan 1958)

Members of Pilot Hill Lodge, No. 160. El Dorado Co. 1882. Grand Lodge of California - Free and Accepted Masons.
Officers - Loriston Hale Lovejoy, Steward

From articles written by Rena Lynn Moore -
" While his family was living in Gualala operating Uncle Frank Warren's Salt Point Hotel, young Loriston Lovejoy, still in his teens, signed on as cabin boy with the Yankee Girl, one of the many four masted sailing ships which put in at the Gualala wharf. For the next two years he sailed the seas, going twice around the world and putting in at most of the world ports of call. Whenever they put in at a port that appeared especially interesting, he would jump ship and remain there until he tired of the place, and then sign on again the next time his ship came in. He was shipwrecked twice, and once jumped ship in South America, making his way inland to the pampas country and working as a cowboy herding ostriches instead of cattle on a big ranch.
When Loriston was 20 years old, he returned to visit his family in Gualala and succumbed to is mother's pleas not to go to sea again. Loriston and 17 year old Charles traveled to Montana with the family, riding the last lap of the journey on horseback, while the parents and young George went by train. After one winter Loriston and Charles rode their horses back over the mountains to Wages Creek where they went to work in the woods felling timber.
After his parents moved into the Cole house on Fox Creek, Lori worked in the woods with Cole and helped in the operation of the small mill. He was the family woodworker, and expert carpenter and furniture maker. He built fences, repaired the wagons and log sleds and somehow found time for his favorite pastime of whittling. He once carved an exact replica of the Yankee Girl on which he had sailed the world, complete with masts and sails.
By 1981 the Lovejoys and Lockharts were regular visitors in one another's homes, and the two pretty Lockhart daughters, Annie and Lou, had caught the eye of the Lovejoy brothers. In 1892 Lori and Lou were married in the parlor of the Lockhart home. They moved into the Lovejoy home.
Lori and Lou Lovejoy's first baby girl, Bessie, was born in 1983 in the home they shared with the elder Lovejoys. The only doctor in the area was Dr. Oscar Sherwood, who lived in Westport but he was on call for all medical needs up and down the coast and the small communities inland. According to the plan which had been worked out in advance, when it appeared that Lou's baby was on the way, George rode horseback over to the coast to fetch Dr. Sherwood, but by the time they got back to the Eel, the river had risen and they were unable to cross. So little Bessie was born with only the help of Grandma Elder and other neighbors who came to assist.
Lori's and and Lou's son Charles was born the same year as cousin Harriet, (Hattie). One year later, another daughter was born named Lucile, this baby would always be known as Ceil. In 1905 their second son arrived named Arthur. He was the last child of the two Lovejoy brothers.
Lori's woodworking skills now extended to the children. He made a little pony cart, a dory and raft for the river, a small wagon and numerous wooden puzzles and toys.
Around 1899 Lori took a fling at going down to the thriving new lumber and milling industry in Willits, lured by the reports of "big wages" being paid at the Diamond-D Mill.
During the years when the Lovejoy families were living at Horseshoe Bend and Wilderness Lodge, all transportation was of the four footed variety prior to about 1910, when Lori ordered a Sears Roebuck chain drive "horseless" carriage, the first in the area.
In 1916 Lori and Lou Lovejoy sold their beautiful Wilderness Lodge to a man named Bill Keifer, and not long after that a fire destroyed the main house and several of the out buildings. They moved to Oregon, where they were joined the next year by Ceil. Lou Lovejoy died in Oregon in 1936. Lori Lovejoy, after the death of his beloved Lou, lived for a while with his daughter Bessie and then moved to Iowa to be with his son, Charlie, and it was there that he died in 1958 at the age of 94."
Notes from Susan Slade Grosl -
From the 1892 Great Register of Voters for El Dorado County California:
Lovejoy, Loriston Hale, age-71, height-5'10", complexion-light, eyes-brown,
hair-gray,visible marks-none, occupation-farmer, county of nativity-Maine,
place of residence-Greenwood, precinct-Greenwood, P.O. address-none,
Naturalized-22 Oct 1892.

---> For more information on Lovejoy's and the descendants of Loriston, email Susan D Slade Grossl at

Ukiah Dispatch Democrat (Ukiah, California) Fri, Mar 4, 1904, Page 5
Quite a number from Branscomb and Cummings were here this week proving up on land. Among them were J. P. Lilley, Arthur L. Tracy, Wm. R. Walker, F M. Mitchell, Geo. Lovejoy, L. H. Lovejoy, George E. Lovejoy, Mrs. F. V. McCabe and Mrs. Mary Cummings.

The Fort Bragg Advocate (Fort Bragg, California) Wed, Feb 28, 1906, Page 4
The Lovejoys; George E. Lovejoy, Laureston Lovejoy, and Mrs. Lou Lovejoy, all of Branscomb, California, were named as witnesses to the land claim filed by settler Helen V. Wheeler to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, on Feb 3, 1906.

The Fort Bragg Advocate (Fort Bragg, California) Wed, Jun 28, 1916, Page 2
North Coast Imp't Club
BRANSCOMB, June 26 - A meeting of the Northwestern Mendocino Improvement Club was held at "Wilderness Lodge" near Branscomb, California on Saturday eve, June 17th. The members were very enthusuastic over the progressive report submitted by their officers both in regard to new members and the prospects of improved roads which is the principle object of the organization. The club now numbers about two hundred members...... The meeting was presided over by its President, William J. Kiefer and its Secretary, L. H. Lovejoy of "Wilderness Lodge." ....... After the meeting closed the large new dance pavilion of the Lodge was thrown open to the public for the first time and all present danced the night through never allowing the music to rest until long after day break. They voted the new building the best of its kind in the county and only regretted that a dry law prevented its christening with the usual "joy water," however, a midnight supper with the beverage prescribed and allowed by law was voted a very good substitute and every one went home Sunday with sleepy eyes, a satisfied expression and a standing return for their hosts.
Among those present were many people who are spending their vacation at or near Wilderness Lodge and the following well know Mendocino County folks: .....Mr. Henry Voigts, Mr. R. Lovejoy, .... Mr. and Mrs. Lovejoy, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kiefer, Bessie, Lucile and Chas. Lovejoy......


Birth17 Mar 1863Charleston, Penobscot, Maine, United States
Marriage29 Sep 1892Lockhart home, Jackson Valley, Mendocino Co., California - Lucretia Mary "Lulu" Lockhart
Census (family)Jun 1900Long Valley Township, Mendocino, California, United States - Lucretia Mary "Lulu" Lockhart
Voter Registration1902Jackson Precinct, Mendocino, California, United States
Property31 Dec 1904Mendocino, California, United States
Property4 Feb 1909Mendocino, California, United States
Census (family)19 Apr 1910Long Valley Township, Mendocino, California, United States - Lucretia Mary "Lulu" Lockhart
Property26 Apr 1916Mendocino, California, United States
Census (family)7 Jan 1920McEwen Pct, Baker, Oregon, United States - Lucretia Mary "Lulu" Lockhart
Census (family)11 Apr 1930Baker City, Baker, Oregon, United States - Lucretia Mary "Lulu" Lockhart
Census1950Vernon Township, Palo Alto, Iowa, United States
Death2 Jan 1958Cylinder, Palo Alto, Iowa, United States
BurialMount Hope Cemetery, Baker City, Baker, Oregon, United States


SpouseLucretia Mary "Lulu" Lockhart (1871 - 1936)
ChildBessie May Warren Lovejoy (1893 - 1976)
ChildCharles Edgar Lovejoy (1895 - 1986)
ChildLucille Mildred "Ceil" Lovejoy (1896 - 1988)
ChildArthur Benjamin Lovejoy (1905 - 1910)
FatherAbial Lovejoy (1826 - 1904)
MotherHarriet Watson Warren (1837 - 1907)
SiblingWilliam Norton Lovejoy (1859 - 1862)
SiblingCharles Warren Lovejoy (1865 - 1929)
SiblingGeorge Edgar Lovejoy (1870 - 1962)

