Individual Details

Ann McCulloh

( - )

Dublin 8th February 1768
Dear Cousin
I Receiv'd both your favours of the 11th of Decr. and 25th of Jany, the Letters which you mention were all properly forwarded and deliver'd. And I would have answered you much sooner in regard to Mrs. Paumier, but she and Mr. Paumier have been in the County of Fermanagh at Mr. Leslies since the middle of September, and as they were expected home before Christmas, I delay'd writing till I Could let you know particularly how she was. She and Mr. Paumier came to town a few days ago. They are both now in good health and Spirits. They were delay'd in the Country by Mr. Paumier's being ill with the Gout and Cold, and she with the Rheumatism. Mr. Crawford left this yesterday for London. My Brother Continues at Drogheda School and is very well. My Dada and Sister Join in Affectionate Complimts. To all Friends With you. I am Dr Cousin Your
very Affectionate Humble Servant

Ann McCulloh
(The Papers of James Iredell, Vol 1, p 11)


FatherWilliam McCulloh of Camoley ( - 1800)
MotherColeman ( - 1773)
SiblingWilliam McCulloh ( - )
SiblingUnk McCulloh ( - )