Individual Details

Sir Alexander McCulloch

( - 1524)

Alexander McCulloch, Son of Eliseus: The following information is based on the
research of Walter Jameson McCulloch of Ardwall, 1969, in his A History of the
Galloway Families of McCulloch. Sir Alexander was knighted by 1488 and was then
crown tenant, along with his wife, whose first appearance on record this was, in certain
lands in Wigtownshire – Balgrogano, Quilitis, Largs, and Blairmalkyne (Exchequer
Rolls, Vol X p 30, 78, etc.). No reason is known for this distinction, but it is clear that for
the greater part of his life he was in close, even intimate, touch with the royal circle. For
many years he acted as Falconer to the King and first appeared in this capacity in March
1500 when he went to Orkney and Shetland, at the King’s command, to bring back
hawks. For this he received £20, and a Letter of Protection to cover the then hazardous
journey (Registrum Secreti Sigilli Regum Scotorum (RSSRS), Register of the Privy Seal
of Scotland, Vol II, 518). In 1523 he became Chief Falconer to the King (Lord High
Treasurer Accounts (LHTA), Vol II 98, 109) and appears to have retained the position
until his death (RSSRS Vol II 310).
He also appears to have received another important appointment in about 1500. In
1501/02 occurs a reference: “to Sir Alexander McCullock, to be allowed in his fee, £40”
which in later years is described as his “pensioun” (LHTA, 138, 145, 333). This fee
would almost certainly be that due to the Captain of Linlithgow palace, an office which
he held for a short time in succession to the Abbot of Lindores who was appointed in
1498. As early as 1503, Sir Alexander was given 14/- (14 shillings even) to give to the
masons at Linlithgow for mending the windows of the palace (LHTA 404, 440, 441),
and, while engaged there, was given by the Treasurer 18/- to ride to Galloway (LHTA
398). He appears to have lost the position in 1503 and regained it by 1507, when he was
granted the fermes (rents paid twice a year on Whitsunday (Pentecost or 50 days after
Easter) and Martinmas (St Martin’s day, Nov 10th)) of some of the acres at the east and
west end of Linlithgow worth £14.14.8 (14 pounds, 14 shillings, and 8 pence) per year,
and £10 from the fermes of Kincavill for the custody of the palace.
It is recorded that, in 1504, James IV granted a charter to Sir Alexander erecting
Myretoun into a Burgh of Barony, and specially setting forth that it was given in
consideration of the hospitality the King had received from the Knight of Myretoun on
the occasion of his passing to and fro on pilgrimage of Whithorn. (Was this in
consideration of Sir Alexander following the Reddens of “a rose to the king to smell
when he comes to Myrton”?).
Sir Alexander according to Iredell died in 1524. His widow and his brother Symon
serving as executors of his estate. Symon was gave his daughter Margaret the Barony of
Myretoun in Oct 1523. Symon received on 30 Aug 1530 (RSSRS II 727), the gift of
relief of Myretoun as heir to his brother and nephew.




FatherEliseus McCulloch ( - )
SiblingSymon McCulloch ( - )