Individual Details

George Augustus Mathewes

(25 Oct 1827 - Bef 1871)

WILL of his father, John Raven Mathewes - 51-642
I John Raven Mathewes at present in Charleston, of impaired health,
1. To beloved son, George A. Mathewes, lot 12, District Habersham, Georgia, known as lot # 84 with portion of 85 between north boundary of Pendleton Road.
See "More" under John Raven Mathewes for full report of the will.
(Letter from S.C. Historical Magazine article by Sarah Agnes Wallace, "Some Letters of the Barnard Elliott Habersham Family 1858 - 1868)
From George A. Mathewes to Mrs. Barnard Elliott Habersham
Montgomery, Louisiana April 27, 1868
Mrs. B. E. Habersham
My Dear Sister,
I have heard from you and of you through others, and have wished to write you in return, but I really had not the postage most the time, and when I did, it was in such small amounts that I could not take it from my family. When I look back on the past six months, I am struck with the amazing providence of God who has so often rescued me from want, just as I seemed to be obliged to suffer, so often have I this awful winter been at the bottom of purse, meal chest, and to the last slice of meat, and looking around could see no help, when a letter with money (5 or 10 dollars) or a chance to sell something to keep us alive a little longer.
My school has long since been broken up, and this spring about two months since, I was in blank despair of the immediate future and still faithless of God's help when Wm wrote me that he had sold my farm in Georgia and for half cash. Little enough to buy medicines, horse, saddle pay, besides move fifty miles and support ourselves on $250.00, but still I am so thankful to make the trial. I only wish it would come, for we are eating off bare boards. I trust ere this you have better reasons, to be satisfied, dear Sister, at any rate do not return until our political crisis is over. All of us join much love to you and yours. May God prosper you in the prayer of your affectionate Brother.
Tell Robt. I hope to acknowledge his letter. GEORGE
(On margin) I have just heard from Fraser that you are with him and well. I will write you as soon as I am settled.
GEORGE MATHEWES - From "Historical Atlas of the Rice Plantations of the ACE Basin" by Suan Linder - pg 576
George Mathewes, another son of John Raven Mathewes purchased the William Elliott grant, known as Little Bear Island. Part of that property had been owned by William Elliott Morris, son of Ann Morris, who died in 1828. William Morris' daughters, Julia Morris Stebbins and Anna Morris Zabrinski, sold their father's land to Ann Mcpherson Creighton, widow of James Creighton (see Newton in the above named book ) in 1854. After Ann Creighton's death, the land passed to Ann McPherson Mathewes. In 1879, Ann McPherson Mathewes conveyed this land to Theodore Barker.
(pg 106)
"In 1838, Jenkins (Christopher) sold Cattell Island, containing 470 acres of highland and 1000 acres of tide swamp on Deer Creek to Robert Press Smith for $20,500. Smith owned 143 slaves in St. Bartholomew Parish in 1860. In the agricultural census for that year he reported 162,000 pounds of rice, 70 bales of cotton, and provision crops. Robert Boone Jenkins grew only 4000 pounds of rice in 1860 as compared with 108000 in 1850. The decrease reflects the sale of Cattell Island ricefields to Smith. Smith's total acreage was listed at 360 improved and 3020 unimproved acres"
"This land probably included the Village tract owned by George A. Mathewes. the deeds transferring ownership from Mathewes to Smith have been lost, but in February 1864, Smith sold both the Village and Cattell Island to Theodore D. Wagner, a Charleston merchant. The deed refers to a Robert K. Payne survey of March 20, 1850, which set the acreage of Cattell Island at 1964.9."
"By 1873, both Cattell Island and Village had become the property of the Charleston mercantile house, John Fraser and Company. Owner of ships and agencies in European ports, the company had engaged in blockade running for the Confederacy during the Civil War. " It was also the unofficial "banker of the Confederacy".
"The Village Plantation was part of the estate of Ann Barnett Elliott, wife of Colonel Lewis Morris(see Hope). At the estate sale following Ann Morris' death in 1848, George A. Mathewes purchased the 517. 5 acre Village plantatioon including 230.25 acres of ricefields, a 4.5 acre settlement with cabins, and athreshing mill, for $27,300. In 1853 George Mathewes conveyed to his father, John Raven Mathewes, the right to build a canal across the Village land. Built with hand labor and extending more than a mile and a half from the Edisto River to the elder Mathewe's Bear Island plantation, the canal formed part of 'Mathewes Canal'. George Mathewes subsequently sold the Village to Robert Press Smith, who owned Cattell Island. Smith sold both the Village and Cattell Island to Charleston merchant, Theodore C. Wagner in 1864."
"The hurricane of 1893 virtually swept the Village out of existence. It could be reached only by boat. The Charleston News and Courier reported, 'A large house in the neighborhood had been unroofed and other wise injured. The store was overturned and the stock of goods scattered to the four winds of heaven. The big barn had floated from its foundations. A mill wharf was destroyed and an adjoining house was unroofed."
RMC G-9 page 399 - Mortgage-Christopher Jenkins to John R. Mathewes executor of George Mathewes estate $16000 $8300-600 acres, East on Joseph Whaley, south on creek, north on creek (thought to be Edisto) - April 1871


Birth25 Oct 1827Edisto Island, Charleston, South Carolina, United States
DeathBef 1871Edisto Island, Charleston, South Carolina, United States
MarriageMary Taylor


SpouseMary Taylor ( - )
FatherJohn Raven Mathewes "the Elder" (1788 - 1867)
MotherEliza Caroline Jenkins (1787 - 1860)
SiblingDr. Isaac Holmes Mathews (1807 - 1857)
SiblingChristopher James Mathewes (1808 - )
SiblingMary Wilkinson Mathews (1809 - 1870)
SiblingCapt Edward Wilkinson Mathewes (1810 - 1853)
SiblingEliza Ann Mathewes (1812 - 1838)
SiblingSusan Smith Mathewes (1814 - 1830)
SiblingMartha Jenkins Mathewes (1818 - 1883)
SiblingHarriet Emma Mathewes (1820 - 1889)
SiblingGeorgeann Mathewes (1821 - 1824)
SiblingAnna Maria Mathewes (1823 - 1869)
SiblingJohn Fraser Mathewes (1824 - 1876)
SiblingWilliam Seabrook Mathewes (1826 - 1827)
SiblingChristopher Mathewes ( - )
SiblingWilliam Raven Mathewes (1829 - 1905)
SiblingJohn Raven Mathewes (1836 - 1837)
