Individual Details

Benjamin Rhodes

(Abt 1730 - Bef Oct 1805)

Book 1A, Duplin Deeds. pg 2

Benjamin Rhodes to Jacob Rhodes Deed 13 July 1784
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)
Book 1 A Page 2 & 3
Benjamin Rhodes to Jacob Rhodes
Deed of 400 acres of Lands
This Indenture made this thirteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and eighty four between Benjamin Rhodes of the County of Duplin and State of North
Carolina of the one part and Jacob Rhodes of the County and State aforesaid of the other part.
Witnesseth that the said Benj. Rhodes for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds
specie to him in hand paid by the said Jacob Rhodes before the sealing and delivery hereof the
receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge he the said Benj. Rhodes hath granted bargained & sold
aliened and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain and sell alien and confirm unto
sd. Jacob Rhodes his heirs and assigns forever four hundred acres of land lying and being in the
County aforesaid situate on the North side of Limestone below where the road crosses said Limestone
Swamp. Begining at a water oak and gum near Thankful Hicks' line on the swamp and runs North one
hundred and eighty poles to a Pine; thence East three hundred & sixty poles to a stake; thence
South one hundred and eighty poles to a pine on the Swamp; thence the swamp to the begining. The
above mentioned land was granted to the said Benj. Rhodes by patent and all and singular the rights,
priviliges herititaments & appurntenances to the same or any part thencof in any manner belonging
or assertaining and also all the estate rights, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of
him the said Benj. Rhodes of in and to the said premises and every part and parcel thereof. To
have and to hold the said four hundred acres of land and premises above mentioned and every part
and parcel thereof, with the heriditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the Sd.
Jacob Rhodes his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said Jacob Rhodes
his heirs & assigns forever, and the said Benjamin Rhodes for himself & his heirs the aforesaid
four hundred acres of land & premises and every part and parcel thereof against him and his heirs
and against all and every other person & persons wharsoever to the said Jacob Rhodes his heirs
and assigns shall and will warrant & forever defend by these presents. In whitness whereof, he
the said Benjamin Rhodes has here unto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first
above written.
Benjamin Rhodes

Signed sealed and delivered in presence of: John Woodward
J. T. Rhodes

State of North Carolina Duplin County July Court 1784. This was the within deed proved
in open court by the oath of Joseph T. Rhodes and ordered to be registered
W. Dickson, C. C.


BirthAbt 1730
MarriageBef 1754Rachel Thomas
Will16 Jan 1804Duplin, North Carolina, United States
DeathBef Oct 1805Duplin, North Carolina, United States


SpouseRachel Thomas (1735 - 1810)
ChildGen Joseph Thomas Rhodes (1754 - 1820)
ChildJacob R Rhodes ( - )
ChildJohn Felix Rhodes (1775 - )
ChildMary "Massey" Rhodes (1774 - 1804)
ChildRachel Rhodes (1767 - )
ChildCelia Rhodes ( - )
ChildNancy Rhodes ( - )
ChildSarah Rhodes (1754 - )

