Individual Details

Deacon Edmund Putnam

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Deacon Edmund was b in 1724 in Salem Village (3627). He was baptized on 27 Jun 1725 in Salem Village (3628, 3629). He in 1790 Danvers census (3630) 1-1-2. He died un 1810 in Salem Village (3631)
He marr Anna Andrews (dau of Israel Andrews and Anna Porter) on 22Jun 1745 in Salem(3632). This is marriage intention. Anna b 26 Dec 1726 in Danvers (3633).
Their children
Huldah b 18 May 1746 in Salem Village(3634, 3635). She bap 3 May 1747 in Salem Village (3636, 3637).

Dr Andrew b 15 Jan 1750/51 in Salem Village (3638, 3639). He bap 27 Jan 1750/51 in Salem Village (3640, 3641). He died about 1785 in New York Co, NY. (3642). Andrew had a rather chequered career. He was occasionally in office from 1778-1780, but in 1782 got into a law dispute with Dr Endicott and finally left Danvers, going to New York. He seems to have made some pretensions to practising medicine. Pynchon's diary gives some interesting facts concerning "Dr. Andrew Putnam." He owned land in Danvers and Marblehead. He was possibly the Andrew Putnam who was commissioned captain, 24 Apr 1778, of the 7th company, 8th Essex regiment Massachusetts Militia. Administration of his will granted to Israel Putnam, 3rd, 16 Nov 1785.

Israel Putnam 2nd bap 17 Nov 1754 in Topsfield, Essex, MA (3643). He b 20 Nov 1754 in Salem Village (3544, 3645). He in 1790 (3646) and 1800 (3647) and 1810(3648) Danvers cenus. He died in Aug 1820 in Danvers (3649). He buried oldBurial Ground at the Plains (3650). Israel Putnam, says the Essex Register, Salem MA, announcing his death, "was a highly respected and worthy citizen," a pure and upright man, he was withal of a very devout spirit. He embraced the Universalist views which were appended to a paper organizing those who signed it into the First Universalist Society of Danvers. In furtherance of the object to establish stated preaching of the doctrine which they professed, the subscribers, with other friends, met six days later, on the 28th, at the Brick School House, District No 3, in which most of them lived, whereuopn Mr Putnam was chosen moderator and Treasurer, with Warren Porter as Clerk; and adopted to engage the services of ministers and to raise money to defray the necessary expenses. Reverend Hosea Ballou and Reverend (afterward Honorable) Charles Hudson and other noted men occupying the desk. Thus early, Universalism was established in Danvers. Mr Putnam, it is believed, occasionally read to the little knot of believers certain sermons which he himself wrote, out of his deep interest in the new movement and the views which it was designed to propagate. One or more of these he printed in pamphlet form and circulated in the neighborhood. One of those was a discourse, entitled "Universal Death in Adam and Life in Christ, continuing a Refutation of the Doctrine of Total Depravity and Endless Misery," (1817), and was a very well writted and ably reasoned production. Though the sermon was marked with admirable temper, it called forth a scurrilous printer rejoiner from a Mr Dole, one or two other publications on either side giving the continued disscussion of the subject. About the time Mr Putnam died, the little society lost another of its highly esteemed and greatly beloved members, Mr Joseph Porter. Rev Barzillai Streeter preached and printed a sermon, occasioned by the death of these two excellent Christian men, in which he paid a fitting tribute to their noble characters and to the brave and decided stand which they had taken for the cause of religious liberty, as against the oppresive creeds and Parish Rate System which had been in vogue. Mr Putnam was a conscientious and thoughtful man, much venerated by all who knew him, specially devoted to religious matters, and exceptionally familiar with the Scriptures.

Sally b 19 Dec 1756 in Salem Village (3651, 3652). She died in Newport, Sullivan, NH (3653). Eben has Sarah instead of Sally as indicaated on the marriage index.

Edmund was b 15 Jan 1772 in Salem Village (3654, 3655). He bap 12 Feb 1772 in North Parish, Danvers(3656). He in 1800 Danvers census (3657) and 1810 (3658) and 1820 (3659) census of Beverly, Essex, MA. He died 28 Mar 1828 in Beverly (3660, 3661) Eben and gravemarker have death on 26th. He was a trader in Beverly (3662).

3627 - Eben p 128
3628 - Same
3629 - Vital records of Salem vol2 p 209
3630 - Census record p 70
3531 - Eben p 192
3632 - Vital records of Salem vol4 p 229
3633 - Eben p 192
3634 - Same
3635 - Vital records of Danvers vol1 p 296
3636 - Eben p 192
3637 - Vital records of Salem vol2 p 212
3638 - Eben p 192
3639 - Vital records of Danvers vol1 p 290
3640 - Eben p 192
3641 - Vital records of Salem vol2 p 208
3642 - Eben p 324
3643 - Vital records of Topsfield p 90
3644 - Eben p 192
3645 - Vital records of Danvers vol 1 p 296
3646 - Cnesus record p 70
3647 - Ibid p 10
3648 - Ibid p 302
3649 - Eben p 325
3650 - Eben p 327
3651 - Eben p 192
3652 - Vital records of Danvers vol1 p 303
3653 - Eben p 192
3654 - Same
3655 - Vital records of Danvers vol 1 p 293
3656 - Eben p 192
3657 - Census record p 9
3658 - Ibid p 40
3659 - Ibid p 202
3660 - Eben p 327
3661 - Vital records of Becerly vol2 p 537
3662 - Eben p 327


FatherJohn Putnam Jr (1691 - 1763)
MotherRachel Buxton (1692 - )
SiblingLydia Putnam ( - )
SiblingIsrael Putnam ( - )
SiblingJohn Putnam Jr ( - )
SiblingDr Amos Putnam ( - )
SiblingEmma Putnam (1727 - )
SiblingPhebe Putnam ( - )
SiblingEde Putnam ( - )