Individual Details

Dr Amos Putnam

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Dr Amos Putnam b 11 Oct 1722 at Salem Village (3589, 3590). Eben has birth in Sept 1722. He bap 11 Oct 1724 in Salem Village (3591, 3592). He on 1790 (3593) and 1800 (3594) Danvers census. He died 26 July 1807 in Danvers (3595, 3596, 3597). He syudied medicine under Dr Jonathan Prince of Danvers and practised in Danvers until the opening of the French and Indian War, when he entered the colonial service as surgeon. At the close of the war he returned to Danvers and practised until over eighty years of age.
During the Revolution he was a member of the committee of safety, was often moderator at town meeting and held other positions of public concern. He was a firm and outspoken patriot and one of the most influemtial citizens of the town. His grave, in a small enclosure near the Collins house, is marked by a plain stone with the following inscription: "Sacred to the memory of Doct. Amos Putnam and Hannah Phillips the wife of A.P." During his life Dr Putnam lived near Felton's corner, inthe house adterward occupied by Daniel Tapley. A portrait painted in 1762 or thereabouts, is in the possession of the Danvers Historical Society having been presented by Charles Putnam, Esq., (No. 3349) of Cambridge, a descendant. This portrait represents a man with a large chin, small mouth, blue eyes and a good intellect. The following obituary appeared in the Essex Register, printed at Salem, MA, 3 Aug 1807:
We have received the following notice of the character of Dr Amos Putnam, whose death, in Danvers, was mentioned in our last:-
"He was born in Danvers, 11 Oct. O.S. 1722. After having enjoyed the benefits then derivable from a common school, he commenced the study of Physic and Surgery with the late Dr. Prince, to the attachment of whose family he particularly recommended himself by the propriety of his conduct, and the uniform serenity of his disposition. In 1744, he applied to practice the rich acquisitions of his retentive mind, with that success which never attaches itself to superficial knowledge, and gained that undiminished confidence, for 56 years; at which period as asthmatical disorder, which he had previously experienced, began to corrode his strength with more superior force, though not sufficiently to counteract the energy of medicinal application, or prevent him from the duties of his profession, until 1805; when his age, united with his debilitating disorder, more obstinately prohibited his future usefulness in society. He was emulous in the principles, and unremitting in the practice of the religion he professed, and a retrospective view of his life, sanctioned by the approbation of his conscience, produced that resignation to the will of his maker, which mantled his mind in serenity. As a husband he never infringed the sacred state by an unfeeling word or angry frown; as a father, the object of his fond exertion was to infuse into the minds of his children those virtues which shone with eminent lustre in his own; and as a friend he was social, sincere, and innocently cheerful, was never known toslander the character even an inveterate enemy, but with benevolence involved every injury in oblivion."
In July, 1834, Judge Samuel Putnam (no 823) wrote the following letter to Colonel Perley Putnam, of such general interest, that it is inserted here:
"I remember your grandfather, Dr. Amos Putnam (No271), of Danvers. He was in great practice as a physician and surgeon, and of a most courteous and gentlemanly deportment. He was the physician in my father's family. It used to be said that he aquired his skill in surgery in the war of 1756."
There was a Dr James Putnam in Danvers the latter portion of the life of Dr Amos, and an old rhyme runs:
"Doctor Amos was very famous.
Doctor Jin was very slim."
He was married to Hannah Phillips 18 Mar 1742/43 in Salem (3598, 3599) She b 1725 (3600). Birth calculation from her age 33 at death. She died 2 Oct 1758 in Danvers (3601, 3602).
Their children
Dr James Phillips Putnam b 21 Apr 1745 in Salem Village (3603, 3604). He bap 28 Apr 1745 in Salem Village (3605, 3606). He in 1790 (3607) and 1800 (3608) Danvers census. And in 1810 Topsfield census (3609). And 1820 Danvers census (3610). He died 4 Mar 1824 in Danvers (3611). Dr James practised in Danvers. At one time he lived in the Clark house which stood where mow is Danvers station on the Eastern Division of the B&M RR Company. Of Danvers 1745-1824.
Elderly people in Danvers will remember the two daughters of Dr Putnam, Hannah and Betsey. They kept a private school to which the children were generally sent. Many are the anecdotes told of their discipline and management. Among their scholars was the Rev A.P. Putnam. A memorial shaft over their graves in the Wadsworth Cemetery was erected by their former pupils.

Hannah b 18 Sep 1749 in Salem Village (3612, 3613) She bap 24 Sep 1749 in Salem Village (3614, 3615). She died 26 Nov 1802 in Danvers (3616, 3617).

Elizabeth b 8 Mar 1753 in Salem Village (3618, 3619). She bap 18 Mar 1753 in Salem Village (3620). She died (3621). She died without children.

Amos married second Mary Gott 2 Jul 1760 in Danvers (3622, 3623). Eben has marr on 13 Aug 1759 (vol 1, p 190). Mary died 15 Feb 1803 in Danvers (3624, 3625). She was b in Wenham, Essex, MA (3626).

3589 - Eben p 128, 190
3590 - Vital records of Danvers vol 1 p 290
3591 - Eben p 128
3592 - Vital records of Salem vol 2 p 208
3593 - Census record p 69
3594 - Ibid p 9
3595 - Eben p 190
3596 - Eben Leaflets vol 3 p 60
3597 - Vital records of Danvers vol 2 p 439
3598 - Vital records of Salem vol 4 p 227
3599 - Vital records of Danvers vol 2 p 232
3600 - Eben p 190
3601 - Same
3602 - Vital records of Danvers vol2 p 441
3603 - Eben p 190
3604 - Vital records of Danvers vol 1 p 297
3605 - Eben p 190
3606 - Vital records of Salem vol 2 p 212
3607 - Census record p 69
3608 - Ibid p 4
3609 - Ibid p 299
3610 - Ibid p 563
3611 - Eben p 324
3612 - Eben p 190
3613 - Vital records of Danvers vol 1 p 295
3614 - Eben p 190
3615 - Vital records of Salem vol2 p 212
3616 - Eben p 374
3617 - Vital records of Danvers vol 2 p 442, 446
3618 - Eben p 190
3619 - Vital records of Danvers vol1 p 293
3620 - Eben p 190
3621 - Same
3622 - Vital records of Danvers vol2 p 232
3623 - Vital records of Wenham, MA p 160
3624 - Eben p 190
3625 - Vital records of Danvers vol 2 p 443
3626 - Eben p 190


FatherJohn Putnam Jr (1691 - 1763)
MotherRachel Buxton (1692 - )
SiblingLydia Putnam ( - )
SiblingIsrael Putnam ( - )
SiblingJohn Putnam Jr ( - )
SiblingDeacon Edmund Putnam ( - )
SiblingEmma Putnam (1727 - )
SiblingPhebe Putnam ( - )
SiblingEde Putnam ( - )