Individual Details

Edward Putnam

(25 Jun 1711 - 17 Feb 1800)

Lived in Sutton, MA. Moved there in 1737. He was elected as a delegate to meet with the General Congress in 1774 from Sutton. OR b. 6 Jun 1711.

Sources for this family group: 017 Eben p 155 and 2nd vol
Read FGS
History of Sutton
Sutton Vitals
Sutton Vitals p 494
Or Salem Village
Eben p 156: Edward Putnam and his wife were dismissed from the church in Middleton to the church in Sutton in 1744. Either in 1742 or 43, he established his home in Sutton. There is evidence that he was in Sutton as early as 1737, although he was taxed in Middleton as late as 1739.

The original farm where he first settled became owned by a descendant, Mrs. Harriet Augusta Putnam, wife of Peter Holland Putnam, a great granddaughter of Edward's youngest son, Asa, having inherited the farm from her father Bradford Putnam. On p 223 of the History of Sutton, there is a wood-cut of the house then standing on the place.
Edward Putnam (1711-1800)
Rand/Putnam Notes:

Edward Putnam was born on 25 Jun 1711 in Topsfield, Essex CO, MA. (1820) (1821) (1822) He was baptized on 30 Jun 1711 in Salem Village, Essex CO, MA. (1823) (1824) He appeared on the census in 1790 in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA. (1825) The census information is 1-1-2. He died on 17 Feb 1800 in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA. (1826) (1827) He and his wife were dismissed from the church in Middleton, MA, to the church in Sutton, MA, in 1744. It is presumed that either in 1742 or 1743, he had established his house there; there are evidences of his having been in Sutton as early as 1737, although he was taxed in Middleton as late as 1739.
In 1774, “Voted to send Edward Putnam as a delegate to meet the General Congress when and where they shall meet.” (Sutton Town Records)
The original farm where Edward first settled was owned (1907) by a descendant, Mrs. Harriet Augusta Putnam, wife of Peter Holland Putnam, a great Grandfather of Edward’s youngest son, Asa, having inherited the farm from her father, Bradford Putnam. On page 223 of the History of Sutton, there is a wood-cut of the house now standing on the place.

He was married to Ruth Fuller (daughter of John Fuller and Phebe Symonds) on 8 Dec 1734 in Middleton, Essex CO, MA. (1828) Eben Putnam has the marriage on 3 Dec, p155. Edward Putnam and Ruth Fuller had the following children:

Col John Putnam was born on 25 Aug 1735 in Middleton, Essex CO, MA. (1829) (1830) He appeared on the census in 1790 in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA. (1831) The census information is 1-0-1. He appeared on the census in 1800 in Sutton, Essex CO, MA. (1832) The census information is 10101 001010. He died on 13 Jun 1809 in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA. (1833) (1834) He was a farmer in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA. (1835)
Andrew Putnam was born before 1738. (1836) He was baptized in 1738 in Middleton, Essex CO, MA. (1837) ( 1838)
Stephen Putnam was born on 20 Apr 1739 in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA. (1839) (1840) Died in the French and Indian War.
Ruth Putnam was born on 6 Jun 1741 in Sutton, Essex CO, MA. 91841) (1842) She died on 28 Dec 1811. ( 1843)
Capt. Archelaus Putnam was born on Feb 1743/44 in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA. (1844) (1845) He appeared on the census in 1790 in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA. (1846) The census information is 1-1-5. He appeared on the census in 1800 in Rutland, Worcester CO, MA. (1847) The census information is 01001 002010. He died on 14 Jan 1809 in Rutland, Worcester CO, MA. (1848) (1849) (1850) Eben Putnam has the death in Sutton. He served in the military. (1851) He was a Minute Man in Capt. Andrew Elliott’s company from Sutton.
Phebe Putnam was born on 2 Nov 1745 in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA(1852) (1853)
Sarah Putnam was born on 12 Mar 1747/48 in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA. (1854) (1855)
Mary (Molly) Putnam was born before 22 Apr 1750 in Sutton, Worcester CO., MA(1856) (`1857) She was baptized on 22 Apr 1750 in Sutton, Worcester Co, MA. (1858) (1859) She died in 1796. (1860)
Deacon David Putnam was born on 1 Jul 1752 in Sutton, Worcester CO., MA. (1861) The birth date is also 19 Jul 1752 on p. 156 of the reference. He was baptized on 19 Jul 1752 in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA. (1862) He appeared on the census in 1790 in Croydon, Sullivan CO, NH. (1863) The census information is 20101 11301. He appeared on the census in 181o in Croydon, Sullivan CO, NH. (1865) The census information is 02101 00201. He appeared on the census in 1820 in Croydon, NH. (1866) The census information is 100111 00001. He appeared on the census in 1830 in Croydon, NH. (1867) The census information is 0000000001 0000200001. He died on 21 Mar 1840 in Croydon, NH. (1868) (490) Death was caused by old age. David served in the Revolution while living in Autton, MA. He was a selectman during the 1780’s and 1790’s and held a great many officed. In 1780-81, David and his brother, Caleb, came from Sutton, MA to Croydon, NH.
Caleb Putnam was born on 27 Oct 1754 in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA. (1869) He was baptized on 27 Oct 1754 in Sutton, MA. (1870) He appeared on the census in 1790 in Croydon, Sullivan CO, NH. (1871) The census information is 2-3-4. He appeared on the census is 1800 in Croydon, NH.(1872) The census information is 22110 21210. He appeared on the census in 1810 in Croydon, NH. (1873) The census information is 00101 01100. He appeared on the census in 1820 in Southorough, Worcester CO, MA. (1874) The census information is 010001 01001. He died on 26 Jan 1822 in Croydon, NH. (1875) (1876) He was buried in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA. (1877) Caleb is asserted by family traditions to have served in the army during the Revoultion. There is a record of marriage at Croydon, 21 Nov 1811, of Caleb Putnam and Freelove Elliot. This is probably the second marriage of Caleb. In 1780-81, Caleb and his brother David, came from Sutton, MA, to Croydon, NH. In 1785, Caleb was town constable and later held other public offices. He bought his first farm of 100 acres in 1784.
Peter Putnam was born on 14 May 1757 in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA(1878) (1879) Eben Putnam has the birth on the 22nd. He appeared on the census in 1790 in Sutton, MA. (1880) The census information is 1-1-2. He appeared on the census in 1800 in Sutton, MA. (1881) The census information is 01010 101100. He appeared on the census in 1810 in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA. (1882) The census information is 00001 11010. He appeared on the census in 1820 in Sutton, MA. (1883) The census information is 000101 00201. He died on 22 Nov 1827 in Sutton, MA. (1884) (1885) Peter died suddenly, while at dinner.
Lucy Putnam was born on 2 Jun 1760 in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA. (1886) (1887) She died in 1841 in Sutton, Worcester Co, MA. (1888)
Asa Putnam was born on 30 Apr 1763 in Sutton, Worcester CO, MA. (1889) (1890) He appeared on the census in 1790 in Sutton, MA. (1891) The census information is 1-1-2. He appeared on the census in 1800 in Sutton, MA. (1892) The census information is 21110 110100. He appeared on the census in 1810 in Sutton, MA. (1893) The census information is 11101 31010. He was living in 1816. (1894) He appeared on the census in 1820 in Sutton, MA. (1895) The census information is 000101 02201. He appeared on the census in 1830 in Sutton, MA. (1896) The census information is 010010001 000010001. He appeared on the census in 1840 in Union, Tolland CO, CT. (1897) The census information is 0101001 0001001. He died on 22 Apr 1847 in Sutton, MA. (1898) Death caused by influenza. He was a farmer and carpenter in Sutton, MA. (1899)

490, New Hampshire Death Index.
1820. Eben Putnam. A History of the Putnam Family in England and America, Vol 1. Salem, MA, Salem Press, 1891. p.155.
1821. Eben Putnam. The Putnam Leaflets. Vol. 1, p. 26.
1822. Vital Records of Topsfield, MA to the End of the Year 1849. Topsfield, MA, Topsfield Historical Society, 1903. p. 90.
1823. Eben Putnam History, p. 79, 155.
1824. The Essex Institute. Vital Records of Salem, to the End of the Year 1849. Salem, MA, 1918. Vol 2, p. 209.
1825. Cnesus Record. P. 239
1826. Eben Putnam History, p.79.
1827. Sutton Vital Records. P. 135.
1828. Vital Records of Middleton, MA to the End of the Year 1849. Topsfield, MA, Topsfield Historical Society, 1904. p. 103.
1829. Eben Putnam History, p. 155.
1830. Sutton Vital Records. P. 135.
1831. Census Record. P. 239.
1832. Ibid. p. 163.
1833. Eben Putnam History, p. 266.
1834. Sutton Vital Records. P. 452.
1835. Eben Putnam History, p. 267.
1836. Vital Records of Middleton, MA to the End of the Year 1849. Topsfield, MA, Topsfield Historical Society, 1904. p. 45.
1837. Eben Putnam History, p. 155.
1838. Vital Records of Middleton, MA to the End of the Year 1849. Topsfield, MA, Topsfield Historical Society, 1904. p. 45.
1839. Eben Putnam History, p. 155.
1840. Sutton Vital Records, p. 141.
1841. Eben Putnam History, p. 155.
1842. Sutton Vital Records, p.140.
1843. Eben Putnam History, p. 155.
1844. Ibid. p.155, 267.
1845. Sutton Vital Records, p. 132.
1846. Census Record, p.239.
1847. Ibid. p. 512.
1848. Eben Putnam History, p. 155, 267.
1849. Sutton Vital Records. P.450.
1850. Franklin P. Rice. Vital Records of Rutland, MA to the End of the Year 1849. Worcester, MA, 1905. p. 241.
1851. Eben Putnam History, p. 267.
1852. Ibid. p. 155.
1853. Sutton Vital Records, p. 139.
1854. Eben Putnam History, p. 155.
1855. Sutton Vital Records, p. 140.
1856. Eben Putnam History, p. 218.
1857. Sutton Vital Records, p. 138.
1858. Eben Putnam History, p. 156.
1859. Sutton Vital Records, p. 138.
1860. Eben Putnam History, p. 218.
1861. Ibid. p. 156, 268.
1862. Sutton Vital Records, p.133.
1863. Census Record, p. 15.
1864. Ibid. p. 109.
1865. Ibid. p. 170.
1866. Ibid. p. 89.
1867. Ibid. p. 286.
1868. Eben Putnam History, p. 268.
1869. Ibid. p. 156, 268.
1870. Sutton Vital Record. P. 450.
1871. Census Record. P. 15.
1872. Ibid. p. 109.
1873. Ibid. p. 170.
1874. Ibid. p. 55.
1875. Eben Putnam History, p. 268.
1876. Sutton Vital Records. P. 450.
1877. Ibid. p. 450
1878. Eben Putnam History, p. 156, 269.
1879. Sutton Vital Records. P. 138.
1880. Census Record. P. 239.
1881. Ibid. p. 163.
1882. Ibid. p. 185
1883. Ibid. p.41.
1884. Eben Putnam History, p. 269.
1885. Sutton Vital Records. P. 453.
1886. Eben Putnam History, p. 156.
1887. Sutton Vital Records. P. 137
1888. Eben Putnam History, p. 156.
1889. Ibid. p. 156, 269.
1890. Sutton Vital Records. P. 132.
1891. Census Record. P. 239.
1892. Ibid. p. 163.
1893. Ibid. p. 185.
1894. Eben Putnam History, p. 269.
1895. Census Record. P. 41.
1896. Ibid. p.191.
1897. Ibid. p. 60.
1898. Sutton Vital Reecords. P. 450.
1899. Eben Putnam History, p. 269.

From History of Sutton p. 703
Edward 5 (Edward4, Edward 3 , Thomas 2 , John 1 ), m. Ruth Fuller of Middle- ton. He came to Sutton in 1737 and lived and died where Peter H. Putnam now lives. Ch. 1, John, b. at Middleton, Aug. 25, 1735; d. June 13, 1809; 2, Stephen, b. Apr. 20, 1739; d. in the French and Indian war; 3, Ruth, b. June 6, 1741; m. Samuel Rich, jr., Mar. 18, 1761; 4, Archelaus, b. Feb. 16, 1743; d. Jan. 14, 1809; 5, Phebe, b. Nov. 2, 1745; m. Nath'l, son of Elisha Rich, Sept. 25, 1766; 6, Sarah, b. Mar. 12, 1747; m. Paul, son of Jona. Sibley, Dec. 2, 1766; 7, Molly, bapt. Apr. 22, 1750; m. Bartholomew Putnam; 8, David, b. July 19, 1752; m. Phebe Woodbury, July 3, 1776; 9, Caleb, b. Oct. 27, 1754; m. Judith Sibley, Aug. 21, 1776; 10, Peter, b. May 29, 1757; 11, Lucy, b. June 2, 1760; m. Henry Phelps, jr., Aug. 19, 1777; 12, Asa, b. Apr. 30, 1763.
Edward Putnam was born in about 1711 in Salem Village, Massachusetts. Edward is the son of Edward Putnamand Sarah Miles.
Edward marries to Ruth Fuller on December 3, 1734 at Middleton, Essex, Massachusetts. Ruth Fuller was born on September 30, 1715 at Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts. Ruth is the daughter of John Fuller and Phebe Symonds.
Ruth dies in about 1779 in Sutton, Massachusetts. Edward dies February 17, 1800 in Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Children of Edward Putnam and Ruth Fuller are:

1. John Putnam was born on August 25, 1735 at Middelton, Essex, Massachusetts. He was a Captain in the Revolutionary War and a Colonel in the militia. He marries to Mary Hall daughter of Reverend David Hall and Unknown.
2. Andrew Putnam was born in about 1738 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts.
3. Stephen Putnam was born on April 20, 1739 at Middleton, Essex, Massachusettes.
4. Ruth Putnam was born on June 6, 1741 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. Ruth marries Samuel Rich on March 18, 1761. He is the son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Unknown) Rich.
5. Archelaus Putnam was born on February 16, 1743 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. Archelaus marries to Sarah Putnam (3rd cousin) on October 10, 1765 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. Sarah was born on March 18, 1743 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts, daughter of Cornelius Putnum and Elizabeth Nelson. Archelaus dies on January 14, 1809, Sarah dies on September 14, 1824 both at Rutland, Worcester, Massachusetts.
6. Phebe Putnam was born on November 2, 1745 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. Phebe marries on September 25, 1766 to Nathaniel Rich, son of Elisha Rich and Mary Davis, at Oxford Township, Worcester County, Massachusetts. Nathaniel Rich was born on March 20, 1742 at Sutton, Worcester County, Massachusetts. Phebe dies prior to 1791 in New York.
7. Sarah Putnam was born on March 12, 1747 at at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. Sarah marries on December 2, 1766 to Paul son of Jonathan and Hannah (Burnap) Sibley.
8. Mary Putnam was born on April 22,1750 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts.
9. David Putnam was born on July 19, 1752 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts.
10. Caleb Putnam was born on October 27, 1754 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts.
11. Peter Putnam was born on May 29, 1757 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts.
12. Lucy Putnam was born on June 2, 1760 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. Lucy marries on August 19, 1777 to Henry Phelphs son of Henry Phelps and Unknown Mother.
13. Asa Putnam was born on April 30 1763 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. Asa marries to Rachel Harwood on February 7, 1787 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. He dies on April 14, 1767 in Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Births and Christenings Name Edward Putnam Gender Male Birth Date 25 Jun 1711 Birthplace TOPSFIELD, ESSEX, MASSACHUSETTS Father's Name Edward Putnam Mother's Name Sarah

Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910 Name Edward Putnum Spouse's Name Ruth Fuller Event Date 03 Dec 1734 Event Place Middleton,Essex,Massachusetts

Birth - "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch : 4 December 2014, Edward Putnam, 25 Jun 1711; citing TOPSFIELD,ESSEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL microfilm 476,926.
Marriage - "Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910," database, FamilySearch : 4 December 2014, Edward Putnum and Ruth Fuller, 03 Dec 1734; citing reference ; FHL microfilm 876,103.
Books and Publications - "A History of the Putnam Family in England and America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, N. Y., Thomas Putnam of Hartford, Conn, Volume 1. Referencing Page 270.
History of the town of Sutton, Massachusetts, from 1704 to 1876; including Grafton until 1735; Millbury until 1813; and parts of Northbridge, Upton and Auburn. by Benedict, William Addison; Tracy, Hiram Averill. published 1878. pg 703.

Biographical Sketches of Worcester County Massachusetts
Worcester County Massachuetts Memoirs, Vol I-II
p 338 Ancestry image 337-42/960

(VI) Edward Putnam, second son of Edward (4), came to Suttonin 1737, and lived and died where Peter H Putnam lived later on. He marriedRuth Fuller, of Middleton, and their children were: John, born August, 1735,died 1809; Stephen, 1739, died in the French and Indian war; Ruth, June, 1741,married Samuel Rich, Jr., March 1761; Archelaus, February 1743, died 1809;Pheobe, November 1745, married Nathaniel, son of Elisha Rich; Sarah, March1747, married Paul, son of Jonathan Sibley, December 1766; Molly, baptized1750, married Bartholomew Putnam; David, July 1752, married Phoebe Woodbury,July 1776; Caleb, October 1754, married Judith Sibley; Peter, 1757; Lucy 1760,married Henry Phelps, Jr., August 1777; Asa, 1763.
Sutton was farmed by men of the middle class. Men of moderate means, who would have obtained a good living in any place where there was work for the hands inured to toil. They were men who knew what it was to go out into the wilderness and fell trees, build houses, farm, found schools and churches, establish civil government and put in operation the various forces by which social order is maintained and social progress made. They were equal to the work. They were not what may be called educated men, and yet they were not ignorant. They had good common sense, sound judgement and strong purpose. They knew what the rights of men are, and possessed the independence to assert and the will to maintain them.

--I don't know where I got this - perhaps in the History of Sutton - but I liked it. History of Sutton p 171-172.
In digital files
Sutton> birth marr deaths
no page numbers
list of some children
ancestry image 124/2355
handwritten list of some children, No page numbers

Archelaus Putnam Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988
Sutton>Births Marr Deaths

John Putnam son to Edward and Ruth Putnam was born at Middleton Augt 25, 1735
Stephen Putnam son to Edward and Ruth Putnam was born April 20, 1739
Ruth Putnam daughter to Edward and Ruth Putnam was born June 6, 1741
Archelaus Putnam son to Edward and Ruth Putnam was born Feb 16, 1743/4.
Phebe Putnam daughter to Edward and Ruth Putnam was born November 2, 1745

Title: Births, Marriages and Death
Source Information Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
Original data: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook).
In digital files
List of children born handwritten, Alphabetical according to Family name
p 126Ancestry image 362/2355

John Putnam son of Edward & Ruth Putnam was born at Middleton August 25 - 1735
Stephen Putnam son of Edward and Ruth Putnam was born April 20, 1739
Ruth Putnam daughter of Edward and Ruth Putnam was born June 6, 1741
Archelaus Putnam son of Edward and Ruth Putnam was born Feb 16, 1743/4.
Phebe Putnam daughter of Edward and Ruth Putnam was born November 2, 1745

Title: Births, Marriages and Death
Source Information Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
Original data: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook).
in digital files
list some children births handwritten
ancestry image 19/2355

Archelus Putnam Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988
DetailRelatedSourceSelect all textSource CitationDescription
Title: Births, Marriages and Death
Source Information Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
Original data: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook).
wiki trees
Edward Putnam (1711 - 1800)
Born 25 Jun 1711
in Salem Village, Essex, Massachusetts
ANCESTORS Son of Edward Putnam and Sarah (Miles) PutnamBrother of Holyoke Putnam, Sarah (Putnam) Steele, Susannah Putnam, Mary (Putnam) Flint, Eunice (Putnam) Lovell, Abigail (Putnam) Curtis, Lois (Putnum) Putnam, Miles Putnam and Hannah (Putnam) FullerHusband of Ruth Fuller
— married 3 Dec 1734 in Middleton, Essex, MassachusettsDESCENDANTS Father of John Putnam, Stephen Putnam, Ruth (Putnam) Rich, Archelaus Putnam, Phebe (Putnam) Rich, Sarah (Putnam) Sibley, Peter Putnam, Lucy (Putnam) Phelps and Asa PutnamDied 17 Feb 1800
in Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Profile manager: Dillon Kepner [send private message]Profile last modified 28 Mar 2019 | Created 4 Nov 2011This page has been accessed 632 times.Contents
1 Biography
2 Birth
3 Marriage
4 Sources
5 Acknowledgements

Edward Putnam was born in about 1711 in Salem Village, Massachusetts. Edward is the son of Edward Putnam and Sarah Miles.
Edward marries to Ruth Fuller on December 3, 1734 at Middleton, Essex, Massachusetts. Ruth Fuller was born on September 30, 1715 at Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts. Ruth is the daughter of John Fuller and Phebe Symonds.
Ruth dies in about 1779 in Sutton, Massachusetts. Edward dies February 17, 1800 in Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Children of Edward Putnam and Ruth Fuller are:

1. John Putnam was born on August 25, 1735 at Middelton, Essex, Massachusetts. He was a Captain in the Revolutionary War and a Colonel in the militia. He marries to Mary Hall daughter of Reverend David Hall and Unknown.
2. Andrew Putnam was born in about 1738 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts.
3. Stephen Putnam was born on April 20, 1739 at Middleton, Essex, Massachusettes.
4. Ruth Putnam was born on June 6, 1741 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. Ruth marries Samuel Rich on March 18, 1761. He is the son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Unknown) Rich.
5. Archelaus Putnam was born on February 16, 1743 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. Archelaus marries to Sarah Putnam (3rd cousin) on October 10, 1765 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. Sarah was born on March 18, 1743 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts, daughter of Cornelius Putnum and Elizabeth Nelson. Archelaus dies on January 14, 1809, Sarah dies on September 14, 1824 both at Rutland, Worcester, Massachusetts.
6. Phebe Putnam was born on November 2, 1745 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. Phebe marries on September 25, 1766 to Nathaniel Rich, son of Elisha Rich and Mary Davis, at Oxford Township, Worcester County, Massachusetts. Nathaniel Rich was born on March 20, 1742 at Sutton, Worcester County, Massachusetts. Phebe dies prior to 1791 in New York.
7. Sarah Putnam was born on March 12, 1747 at at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. Sarah marries on December 2, 1766 to Paul son of Jonathan and Hannah (Burnap) Sibley.
8. Mary Putnam was born on April 22,1750 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts.
9. David Putnam was born on July 19, 1752 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts.
10. Caleb Putnam was born on October 27, 1754 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts.
11. Peter Putnam was born on May 29, 1757 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts.
12. Lucy Putnam was born on June 2, 1760 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. Lucy marries on August 19, 1777 to Henry Phelphs son of Henry Phelps and Unknown Mother.
13. Asa Putnam was born on April 30 1763 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. Asa marries to Rachel Harwood on February 7, 1787 at Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts. He dies on April 14, 1767 in Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts.


Massachusetts Births and Christenings Name Edward Putnam Gender Male Birth Date 25 Jun 1711 Birthplace TOPSFIELD,ESSEX,MASSACHUSETTS Father's Name Edward Putnam Mother's Name Sarah

Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910 Name Edward Putnum Spouse's Name Ruth Fuller Event Date 03 Dec 1734 Event Place Middleton,Essex,Massachusetts


Birth - "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch : 4 December 2014, Edward Putnam, 25 Jun 1711; citing TOPSFIELD,ESSEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL microfilm 476,926.
Marriage - "Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910," database, FamilySearch : 4 December 2014, Edward Putnum and Ruth Fuller, 03 Dec 1734; citing reference ; FHL microfilm 876,103.
Books and Publications - "A History of the Putnam Family in England and America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, N. Y., Thomas Putnam of Hartford, Conn, Volume 1. Referencing Page 270.
History of the town of Sutton, Massachusetts, from 1704 to 1876; including Grafton until 1735; Millbury until 1813; and parts of Northbridge, Upton and Auburn. by Benedict, William Addison; Tracy, Hiram Averill. published 1878. pg 703.


Thank you to Dillon Kepner, for creating this Profile. See the Changes page for the details of edits by Dillon and others.


Birth25 Jun 1711Topsfield, MA
Christen30 Jun 1711Salem Village, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British America
Marriage3 Dec 1734Middleton, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British America - Ruth Fuller
Residence (family)1737and died on farm that later became the Peter H Putnam place - Sutton, British America - Ruth Fuller
Miscellaneous1739he was taxed in MIddleton - Middleton, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British America
Miscellaneous1744he and wife were dismissed from church in MIddleton to the church in Sutton - Middleton, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British America
Military1756served as Private in Capt John Learned's compnay in the expedition against Crown Point.
Occupation1779Voted by town of Sutton "as a delegate to meet the General Congress."
Death17 Feb 1800Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
MiscellaneousEben # 194
Relationship6th Great Grandfather to Mary Putnam Muller
Census1790 US CensusSutton, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States


SpouseRuth Fuller (1715 - 1779)
ChildCaptain Archelaus Putnam (1743 - 1809)
ChildMolly (Mary) (Polly) Putnam (1750 - 1796)
ChildColonel John Putnam (1735 - 1809)
ChildAndrew Putnam (1738 - )
ChildStephen Putnam (1739 - 1754)
ChildRuth Putnam (1741 - 1811)
ChildPhebe Putnam (1745 - 1794)
ChildSarah Putnam (1747 - 1789)
ChildDea David Putnam (1752 - 1840)
ChildCaleb Putnam (1754 - 1822)
ChildPeter H Putnam (1757 - 1827)
ChildLucy Putnam (1760 - 1841)
ChildAsa Putnam (1763 - 1847)
FatherDeacon Edward Hale Putnam (1682 - 1755)
MotherSarah Miles (1686 - 1735)
SiblingHolyoke Putnam (1706 - 1757)
SiblingSarah Putnam (1708 - 1802)
SiblingSusanna Putnam (1713 - )
SiblingMary Putnam ( - 1726)
SiblingEunice Putnam (1719 - 1788)
SiblingAbigail Putnam (1720 - 1783)
SiblingLois Putnam (1724 - 1806)
SiblingMiles Putnam (1725 - 1800)
SiblingHannah Putnam (1727 - )

