Individual Details

John Tidd

(1600 - 1656)

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John Tidd (abt. 1600 - 1656)
 aka Tid, Tydd, Tead, Teed
Born about 1600
 in Hertfordshire, England
ANCESTORS Son of John Tidd [uncertain] and Anna Agnes (Dane) Tidd [uncertain]Brother of Henry D'Eath [half], Susanna (Tidd) Wise and Joshua TiddHusband of Margaret (Greenleaf) Tidd
 — married before 1621 in EnglandHusband of Alice (Teel) Mann
 — married after 1651 (to 24 Apr 1656) [location unknown]DESCENDANTS Father of Mary (Tidd) Kendall, Samuel Tidd, John Tidd, Alice Elizabeth (Tidd) Fuller, James Tidd, Hannah (Tidd) Savil and Joseph TiddDied 24 Apr 1656
 in Woburn, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony
Profile managers: T Stanton  [send private message], Puritan Great Migration Project WikiTree  [send private message], John Floyd  [send private message], John Putnam  [send private message], Richard Draper  [send private message], A Wakefield  [send private message], Michael Soliday  [send private message], and Jerry Kezar  [send private message]Profile last modified 25 Dec 2020 | Created 27 Jul 2010This page has been accessed 4,189 times.
John Tidd migrated to New England during the Puritan Great Migration (1620-1640). (See The Great Migration (Series 2), by R. C. Anderson, vol. 5, p. 11)
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Disambiguation. Please note that two different John Tidds migrated in 1637. Many authors have conflated them.[1][2]
John Tidd of Charlestown and Woburn, tailor, arrived by 1637 (this one)
John Tedd of Salem, Hampton, and Exeter (now New Hampshire), servant to Samuel Greenfield, arrived 1637.[3]
There is no known relationship between the two men; John Tedd of Exeter is also not the son of John Tidd of Woburn (that's John Tidd junior of Woburn and Lexington, who was close in age to John of Exeter, but records show they were different men). It should be noted that Mary Ferris (Dawes-Gates) states the John Tidd servant of Samuel Greenfield is the son John of John Tidd.[4]
1 Biography
1.1 Origin
1.2 Migration and residence
1.3 Family
1.4 Will
1.5 Death
1.6 Disputed / Removed Data
2 Sources

There is no evidence of John Tidd's origin or parents however Anderson accepts the circumstantial evidence that he is from Hertfordshire.[5] John Tidd and Anna Dane as parents have been marked Uncertain in preparation for their removal. No significant genealogist names them as the parents and they are from Yarmouth. John's name was spelled "Tid" in his probate record and "Tidd" in his will. After his son John came of age, they were typically called "senior" and "junior" to distinguish them in local records. Later generations mostly standardized on the "Tidd" spelling.
A handwritten journal published as "John Dane's Narrative, 1682," refers to a "A Mr. Tead, who afterwards settled in Charlstoune, was, about the year 1630, a tailor in business at Hertford, Hertfordshire, Eng. He was a young man then." The writer doesn't specify any given name, and there was a Joshua Tidd who settled later at Charlestown; however, the location and the occupation suggest this is at least the same region and family as John of Woburn, who calls himself "Taylor" in his will.[6] This may account for the unproven hypothesis that the mother of John of Woburn was named Dane.[7]
Migration and residence

John Tidd and his family "came early" according to Mary Backus, as he was living in Charlestown, Massachusetts in 1637.[1] (Charlestown was founded in 1628, and settled in 1629.) On 23 Apr 1638, the Tidd family was given lot number 68 in Charlestown.[4] He applied for freemanship 10 May 1643.[8]
On 18 Dec 1640, John Tidd was one of thirty-two men who signed the original town orders of what would be officially named Woburn in 1642.[9]
In 1652, John Tid deeds to William Johnson, shipwright house late of Henry Bullock in Charlestown, near John Burridge, witnesses: Michael Bakon and John Seer.[10]
In 1655, John Tidd, Sr. and his son John Tidd, Jr. both appear on the tax list in Charlestown.

John married first Margaret (birth name unknown; some claim Greenleaf). He married second Alice (birth name unknown; some claim Teel or Clayton), who is named in his will. (Alice survived him and married next William Mann.)
This entry in Torrey's certainly suggests that Alice was named Teel, but that there is no actual marriage record found, and Teel could easily be a misprint of "Teed", one of the variations of "Tidd" used by this family.
Tidd, John1 (-1657) & 2/wf Alice [TEEL], m/2 William MANN 1657; by 1656; Charlestown Stevens-Miller 125; Rathbone (1941) 21; Swift (1955) 141; McCormick-Hamilton 987; Cross Anc. 159; Parker (,9) 521; Bassett-Preston 294; Snow-Estes 1:77; Warner-Harrington 668[11]
Samuel Tidd b 1617
Mary Tidd b 1620; m Francis Kendall
Ebenezer Tidd
Joseph Tidd b after 1620
Hannah Tidd b c. 1622; m William Savell
Elizabeth Tidd b 1622; m ____ Fuller
John Tidd b c. 1625
James Tidd b c. 1627
Dawes-Gates[4] gives only five known children, all born in England, with the birth order unknown: Samuel, Hannah, Mary, Elizabeth, and John (b abt 1618-19)
I Jno Tid seinr of Woburne Towne in the Country of Middlesex, Taylor, being in good & perfect memory, make this my last Will and testamt in forme and manner following renouncing all formr Wills by me made. Dated the 9th of the 2d mo 1656 I Will & bequeath Allice my beloved Wife the house wherein I now dwell together with all the land and orchard thereunto belonging as also one Cow and twelve bushels of Wheate Rie and Indian, of each a like proporccon provided shee shall enjoy the house and land until the day of her death or Six years after her next mariage, provided it be kept in good repaire, and then to come and remaine to my 3 grand children, Benjamin Savell, Hannah Savell and my Sonne Samuels Daughter equal between them, as also I give my wife all my household stuffe shee brought with her.
It. I give to my two grand Children Jno & Samuel Savel, Twenty shillings to either of them.
It. I ordaine my two Daughters Mary and Elizabeth to be the Executours of this my last Will and testament.
It. I give to my beloved wife Allice one hog of a yeare old, & one bedstead, & shred Coverlett
Edward Johnson Witness Jno Tid Memr I the above named Jno Tid Senior do give to my son John the vallue of five pounds to be payed within two years after my decease by my Executrixes, and further that my Executrixes shal bestow forty shillings on the most needful repairs of my now dwelling house and further my Will is that my Sonne Savell shall keep the porcons bequeathed to my GrandChildren till they come of age assuming my son Samuels Daughters [sic], as his owne.
It. I give to my two Grand Children Thomas ffuller and Jno Kendall Sixteen accrs of land lately purchased of Thomas Chamberline equally to be divided between them, and one parcell of meadow lying in step Rocke to be divided between them also. And my further Will is the parcell of meadow lying in Maple meadow shall go with my house.
Witness Edward Johnson John Tid Richard Snow his marke R.
This Will is testified upon the oath of Richard Snow to be the last Will & testamt of Jno Tid of Woburne before us.
John Endecott Govr Humph Attherton
[Proved 10 November 1656].[12]

John died 24 April 1656 at Woburn.[13] (For some reason the date is often copied as "24 April 1656/7" but April or 2nd month is not subject to double-dating.)
Disputed / Removed Data

Born about 18 Oct 1594 in Pontefract, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom. This came from a FamilySearch family tree LTMF-3DH. The person was deleted so has no credenceSources

↑ 1.0 1.1 Backus, Mary Elizabeth. The New England ancestry of Dana Converse Backus. Salem, Mass.: privately printed, 1949, p. 175.
↑ Pope, Charles Henry, The pioneers of Massachusetts, a descriptive list, drawn from records of the colonies, towns and churches and other contemporaneous documents. Boston: C.H. Pope, 1900, p. 448. Data mixes two different John Tidds!
↑ NEHGR 14:328
↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Ferris, Mary Walton, Dawes-Gates Ancestral Lines, Milwaukee, Cuneo Press (privately printed), 1943. pg 596-98
↑ Anderson, Robert Charles, Great Migration Directory
↑ NEHGR 8:147-56
↑ NEHGR 132:22 in which it is postulated this refers to Joshua Tead
↑ NEHGR 3:190
↑ Frothingham, Richard, C.C. Little and J. Brown, 1845 - Charlestown (Boston, Mass.) pp 106-7
↑ Middlesex County Court Records, online at NEHGS.
↑ Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700. (Online database accessed December 13, 2014. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2008.)
↑ Rogers, Robert H., compiler, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Probate Records October 1649 to December 1660 (1:87-88) New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, MA, 2001
↑ 'The Vital Records of Woburn, Massachusetts 1640-1900 Johnson & Cutter, Woburn, MA, 1890-1906
Anderson, Robert Charles. Great Migration Directory. p. 336.
Anderson, Robert Charles. Great Migration 5:11 (mentioned in profile of William Mann)
"Genealogical Dictionary of Middlesex County Testators." NEHGR 153:357 lists:
Paige 670
Gozzaldi 738-40
Hudson, Lexington, 696-700
Sewall, Woburn, 645
Dawes-Gates 1:596-8
Stevens-Miller 1:125-7
Johnson, Edward F. "The Story of the Tidd family of Woburn, Massachusetts, 1625-1915." N.p., 1934. Typescript at NEHGS.
Tidd, Howard H. A history of the Tidds of Ohio. N.p., 1957.
NEXUS 16:112, 1999.
The New England ancestry of Dana Converse Backus. p. 175.
Wyman 945


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Leave a message for others who see this profile.Login to post a comment. T StantonIs there any objection to removing Alice Elizabeth, Joseph, James and Ebenezer as children of John and Margaret Tidd? They are not documented nor named in any of the accepted research on the family. They appear to originate with an unsourced LDS pedigree which has them all born in Suffolk while this family originated Hertfordshire.posted Jun 25, 2020 by T Stanton T StantonCorrection. The children Alice and Elizabeth are now merged as one profile. The given name needs to be sorted out as she would not have been an Alice Elizabeth.posted Jun 25, 2020 by T StantonA WakefieldI support this work. Thank you for your efforts!posted Jun 25, 2020 by A Wakefield T StantonWe have entirely undocumented parents attached to this profile. The parents attached are hypothetical based on various things none of which can be proven. Suggest that they be detached. Anderson gives no parentage for him nor do other well-researched publications. Profile could use a rework.posted Jun 24, 2020 by T Stanton
edited Jun 24, 2020 by T Stanton T StantonAnderson's Great Migration Directory gives his likely point of origin as Hertford, Hertfordshire. This is also seen in the Stevens-Miller Ancestry (I:125-27).posted Jun 23, 2020 by T StantonJoe CochoitChanged marriage date to Alice to after 1651 when the first wife died. It appears the LNAB for both wives should be Unknown.posted Mar 09, 2018 by Joe Cochoit Gregory WoodMarriage date for second wife Alice seems incorrect as first wife is reportedly still alive and having children. If second marriage date is not referenced well, maybe left blank wold be better? Understand, lots of facts up in the air ( for lack of a better word) but second wife's marriage date need not add to the confusing. Thank youposted Mar 09, 2018 by Gregory WoodGillby WeldonTeed-201 and Tidd-6 appear to represent the same person because: Same death date and location. Same wife. The family name changed to Tidd after moving to America. This merge retains the other spellings as "other names".posted May 05, 2017 by Gillby WeldonA WakefieldTidd-6 and Tidd-253 appear to represent the same person because: Added 253 because Mary was missing a fatherposted Sep 26, 2016 by A Wakefield Vincent PiazzaTidd-69 and Tidd-13 appear to represent the same person because: the death date on Tidd-69 is incorrect as it shows he died in the same year he was born and later took a wife, otherwise it looks the sameposted Dec 13, 2014 by Vincent Piazza


Death1656Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay, British America
MarriageAlice Teel
MarriageMargaret Greenleaf


SpouseMargaret Greenleaf (1600 - 1651)
ChildElizabeth Tidd ( - 1684)
SpouseAlice Teel (1600 - 1665)