Individual Details

Capt John Dodge II

(1574 - Bef 15 Oct)

John Dodge and his wife Margery had in Somersetshire, England:
1- William came to Salem in 1629; d. between 1685 and 1692. A deposition of William Dodge, made in Feb, 1678-9, says, "aged about 70 years". Another deposition maade by the same, 28th Sept 1680 says "age about 76 years." The latter is believed to be more correct. Hence, his birth may have been as early as 1604.
2- Richard appears in Salem in 1638; d. 15th June 1671; probably b. as early as 1602.
3- Michael lived and died in East Coker, Somerset, England; was church warden in 1670 in East Coker. Had children per parish regisrter:
Margery bap 18th Mar 1639-40.
John bap 31 Jan 1641-2
William bap 31 Jan 1643-4; m. Elizabeth Haskell in Beverly 10th July 1665.
Michael bap 23rd Feb 1646-7
Richard bap 30 May 1650
4- Mary d, in England. Had a son John.

From Genealogy of the Dodge Family of Essex County, MA" by Jos T Dodge, Vol 1, p 13.
wiki trees
John Dodge (abt. 1574 - bef. 1635)
Born about 1574
 in East Coker, Somerset, England
 [uncertain]ANCESTORS Son of John Dodge and [mother unknown][sibling(s) unknown]Husband of Margery Bridges (Whyte) Dodge
 — married 1600 in Middle Chinnock,EnglandDESCENDANTS Father of Richard Dodge Sr., William Dodge, Michael Dodge and Mary DodgeDied before 15 Oct 1635
 in Middle Chinnock, Somerset, England
Profile managers: Steven Barcomb  [send private message], John Putnam  [send private message], Barbara M  [send private message], Audrey Neva  [send private message], and Mike Walton  [send private message]Profile last modified 29 Sep 2021 | Created 22 May 2011 | Last significant change:29 Sep 202118:59: GeneJ X edited the Status Indicators for John Dodge (abt.1574-bef.1635). (updated birth to "about" 1574; location to uncertain) [Thank GeneJ for this]This page has been accessed 8,962 times.

1 Biography
1.1 Will
1.2 Family
2 Research Notes
3 Sources
4 Acknowledgements

John Dodge, was born in England,[1] [about] 1574 of East Coker, Somerset, England. [citation needed]
John died before 15 October, 1635 (date will proved), in Middle Chinnock, Somerset, England.[2]
It is assumed that John belonged to the Church of England, as, in his Will, he asked, "To be buried in church-yard ... To the church ten shillings. The same to the poor of the parish. To the minister for preaching funeral sermon, ten shillings."
John and his wife worshipped at St. Michael Church on a hill in Middle Chinnock, England. They are most likely buried here or nearby.[citation needed]

From Henry F. Waters, "Genealogical Gleanings in England" (1890),[3]
John Dodge of Middlechinnock, 2 April 1635, proved 15 October, 1635, To be buried in church-yard there. To the church ten shillings. The same to the poor of the parish. To the minister for preaching funeral sermon, ten shillings. Wife Margery shall hold and enjoy one tenement in the parish of Halstocke, Co. Dorset, containing by estimation ten acres more or less, during her life natural if my sons Michael and William shall happen so long to live. To Wife Margery forty pounds and the bed that I now lie in and the bedstead and all things belonging thereunto. I give and bequeath unto her so much of my other household stuff as shall amount to four pounds, of such kinds as she shall think most needful and useful for her. Item I give and bequeath unto my son William forty pounds more, over and above that portion which I have already given him. To my son Richard one sheep and to take his choice in my whole flock; and to John the son of the said Richard forty shillings. To Mary my daughter twenty shillings and to her son John forty shillings. And my will is that all these goods shall be delivered half a year after my decease.Item. All the rest of my goods unmentioned I give and bequeath unto my son Michael whom I make and ordain the executor of this my last will and testament.Witnesses Geo. Parsons, clerk William Dodge, William TemplemanFamily

John Dodge and his wife Margery _____ had the following children in Somersetshire, England,[4][5]
Richard Dodge, appears in Salem in 1638, d. 15th June, 1671; probably born as early as 1602.[6]
William Dodge ("Farmer"), came to Salem in 1629, died between 1685 and 1692. A deposition of William Dodge, made in February, 1678/9, says "aged about 70 years." Another deposition made by the same, 28th September, 1630, says, "aged about 76 years." The latter is believed to be the more correct. Hence, his birth may have been as early as 1604.[7]
Michael Dodge, lived and died in East Coker, Somerset Co., England; was church warden in 1670 in East Coker; married Mary _____ and had children per parish register of East Coker,[8] (i) Margert Dodge, baptized 18 March, 1639/40; (ii) John Dodge, baptized 31 January 1641/2; (iii) William Dodge ("Coker"), baptized. 31 January 1643/4; m. Elizabeth Haskell in Beverly, 10 July 1665; (iv) Michael Dodge, baptized. 23 February 1646/7; (v) Richard Dodge, baptized 3? May, 1650.
Mary Dodge, died in England; married, _____ _____; had a son John.Research Notes

Geographical Notes. According to H. F. Waters,[9] Wrotham and Wrotham Heath, are almost side by side and just west of Maidstone in the County of Kent, England. Chinnock and Coker are neighboring parishes in the extreme South or Southeast part of Somersetshire, England. Halstock, in the County of Dorset, England, referred to in the Will, is just over the county line south of these parishes.
Son John? Some unconfirmed internet sources claim that John and Margery had a fifth child named John, who went to the America and died prior to 1635.
Other Dodge families. David Doidge reported,[10] "There are other Dodge families in East and West Coker in the 1600s. There is a reasonable probability that they are related to John 1. But no direct evidence from the registers"
Parish Registers. David Doidge reported,[11] "The dates for the registers of the 'Dodge parishes' are":

East Coker From 1560
West Coker From 1607
Middle Chinnock From 1695
West Chinnock From 1683
East Chinnock From 1647

East Coker Records? A prior version of this profile reported, "An examination of the Parish Registry of East Coker, Somersetshire, England[12] discloses the records of the birth of 4 children William, Richard, Michael and Mary:" If the parish records of East Coker include these records, they have not been shown.

↑ Joseph T. Dodge, Genealogy of the Dodge Family of Essex County, Massachusetts 1629-1894 (Madison, WI: Democrat Printing Company, 1894), 13; digital images, Hathi Trust
↑ Joseph T. Dodge, Genealogy of the Dodge Family of Essex County, Massachusetts 1629-1894 (Madison, WI: Democrat Printing Company, 1894), 13; digital images, Hathi Trust
↑ John Dodge 1635 will, citing "Sadler, 101," Henry F. Waters, "Genealogical Gleanings in England," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 44 (1890):297-98; digital images, Hathi Trust
↑ Joseph T. Dodge, Genealogy of the Dodge Family of Essex County, Massachusetts 1629-1894 (Madison, WI: Democrat Printing Company, 1894), 13; digital images, Hathi Trust
↑ John Dodge 1635 will, citing "Sadler, 101," Henry F. Waters, "Genealogical Gleanings in England," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 44 (1890):297-98; digital images, Hathi Trust
↑ Joseph T. Dodge, Genealogy of the Dodge Family of Essex County, Massachusetts 1629-1894 (Madison, WI: Democrat Printing Company, 1894), 13; digital images, Hathi Trust
↑ Joseph T. Dodge, Genealogy of the Dodge Family of Essex County, Massachusetts 1629-1894 (Madison, WI: Democrat Printing Company, 1894), 13; digital images, Hathi Trust
↑ Joseph T. Dodge, Genealogy of the Dodge Family of Essex County, Massachusetts 1629-1894 (Madison, WI: Democrat Printing Company, 1894), 13; digital images, Hathi Trust
↑ Henry F Waters, Genealogical Gleanings in England (Boston, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1901), 2 vols, 1:448, 448n, 449n; digital images, Hathi Trust.
↑ David Doidge, "Welcome to Somerset," 1990; web content, The Dodge Family Association.
↑ David Doidge, "Welcome to Somerset," 1990; web content, The Dodge Family Association.
↑ Registry of East Coker Parish in Somerset, EnglandSee also--
Mary Walton Ferris, Dawes-Gates Ancestral Lines .. (Privately Printed, 1943, 1931), 2 (1931):315-17 (Richard Dodge), and 2 (1931):319-28 (William Dodge); digital images, Hathi Trust.
Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Volumes I-III (1995), 563-568 (William Dodge); digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors.
Joseph Thompson Dodge, "The Dodge Family of Essex County, Massachusetts," The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 46 (1892):383-391; digital images, Hathi Trust.
John Dodge 1635 will, Henry F. Waters, "Genealogical Gleanings in England," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 44 (1890):297-98; digital images, Hathi Trust.
David Doidge, "Welcome to Somerset," 1990; web content, The Dodge Family Association.Other--
William Richard Cutter Genealogical and Personal Memoirs.
Manuscript, [ Hugh D. Miller, comp. ], Genealogy: Ethel P. Miller/Hugh D. Miller, 1985, copy in possession of author; Barbara M Family History compiled by Barbara M.
Miller, Arthur, The Crucible, (New York, New York: Penguin Books USA Inc, 1964).
Dodge family records, (view document) [Note: no document link appears]
Lechner Family History, compiled by Michael Lechner, with my father Ted Harrold Lechner.
Walton Family History, compiled by Mike Walton.
Barcomb Family History compiled by Steven Barcomb.
Mayflower Gedcom File from the InternetAcknowledgements

See the Changes page for the details of edits by WikiTree Collaborators. Thanks for Import from Barmast10b.GED by Steven Henry Barcomb


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Memories: 2
Enter a personal reminiscence or story.Susan FitzmauriceDirect Descendents
Susan Fitzmaurice 10th Great granddaughter
posted 12 Jan 2017 by Susan Fitzmaurice   [thank Susan]M LechnerThe"Dodge" parishes of the Cockers and the Chinnock only cover a very small area and are essentially rural and agricultural and have few shops and no restaurants.
The roads and lanes are certainly those used by Elizabethans and earlier peoples. Oxen were still used to draw the plough, and the lanes were deeply rutted and difficult to travel except on a horse. The villages now contain about ten times as many people and houses. Most churches are virtually unchanged and were used by our ancestors every Sunday, and frequently, more often. Births were occasions for celebration, and of course, burials for sorrow; but marriages were very much lesser affairs than today, and concerned only the two celebrants. The church was the undoubted centre of village life. The major concern of the villages were land and its produce.
The break with the Church of Rome some seventy years earlier had largely been absorbed, but there were still strong feelings about religious matters stemming from the Reformation and the form of church services was still a strong subject for many. Directives of the King and Parliament were passed to the Great Lords of the Counties and in the case of South Somerset, it was usually the Phellips of Montacute. All through the first half of the 1600's, Phellips vied with another family for the leadership of Somerset. At one time, when out of favour, he was imprisoned in the Tower of London but in the end, his family prevailed. Lesser aristocrats and gentlemen of the County would be summoned to Montacute or visited with instructions on what the King requires by way of Law or edict and such local gentry were responsible for ensuring that the law was observed throughout the County. Probably the Hellyers of Coker Court were tasked with imposing the King's Laws in the local community. The features and appearance of the Hellyers ad the Phellips would be familiar to every inhabitant.
Barrington Court is an example of a medium sized manor, which is attractive and well furnished inside such as to probably give a better impression of interiors than does Montacute.
Ham Hill, a prominent landmark in the area provided a particularly attractive stone that was easily quarried for housebuilding. Not all people could afford such building materials and instead would have used other older and cheaper traditional methods such as wattle reinforced by withies from the nearby low-levels of Somerset.
We know little directly of John and Margery, but John's will reveals that he was not a poor man when he died in the parish of Halstock, just over the border in Dorset. His son, "Farmer" William went to Salem only about ten years after the Pilgrim Fathers. Since he was a Puritan, and Puritans were persecuted in England at that time, religious freedom was one of his motives for emigrating to America. He probably also saw greater economic opportunity there since each English farm grew smaller as succeeding generations divided up the land. *Sometime, somewhere, he must have spoken to someone who sparked his resolve to take the giant step towards the new territories. The main road from London to Exeter passed via Salisbury and Yeovil, just north of Ham Hill to the West. Perhaps he conversed with travelers on that road. (see note at bottom)
With both Yeovil and Crewkerne only a few miles away, and being market towns, the Dodges will probably have been familiar visitors, though many a countryman never traveled more that ten miles from their birthplace.
From early records of the Dodges in South Somerset, it appears that they were in the locality by about 1350. Other evidence suggests that there were Dodges in other parts of Somerset and the move to South Somerset may have been associated with the plague about that time.
Welcome to Somerset by David Doidge - 1990
posted 7 Mar 2012 by M Lechner   [thank M]Login to add a memory.Is John your ancestor? Please don't go away!
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DNA Connections

It may be possible to confirm family relationships with John by comparing test results with other carriers of his Y-chromosome or his mother's mitochondrial DNA. Y-chromosome DNA test-takers in his direct paternal line on WikiTree:
Norman Dodge  : Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 111 markers, haplogroup R1b1a2, FTDNA kit #12645
Jim Reed  : Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 111 markers, haplogroup R-M269, FTDNA kit #B108834
Warren Dodge  : Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 37 markers, haplogroup R-M269, FTDNA kit #891143
Brenton Dodge  : Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 37 markers, FTDNA kit #55768
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Leave a message for others who see this profile.Login to post a comment.GeneJ XThis John Dodge is the father of two PGM immigrants; he is the grandfather of a third immigrant (William, son of Richard).
John's profile is linked to a father, John Dodge (abt.1555-1635), whose profile is void of any references that would support this association. (Rather, his profile is filled with comments about John Dodge 1574-1635).
As no one has identified reliable sources to support that John Dodge (abt.1555-1635) is the father of John Dodge 1574-1635), are there objections to severing the father-son link?
posted 8 days ago by GeneJ XGeneJ XIf there are no objections, I plan to work on the narrative. Specifically, I plan to consolidate what seem multiple family entries and re-organized some of the information. I will work to address comments to the profile.--Geneposted 9 days ago by GeneJ X
edited 9 days ago by GeneJ XPaul LeeThis paragraph puzzles me:
"John's grandson, Captain John Dodge (William's son, not Richard John's son, who is named Lieutenant John Dodge) married Sarah Proctor, whose brother, John Proctor gained fame in the Salem Witch Trials and through Arthur Miller's play The Crucible."
According to the information here ( ), this John Dodge and Captain John Dodge are the same person, according to their birth and death dates. Something's wrong. Can someone explain this for me?
posted Jul 02, 2020 by Paul LeeGeneJ XWikiTree refers to John^2 Dodge (William^1) as "Capt. John Dodge, Sr." (See John Dodge Sr. (bef.1636-1723).)
WikiTree refers to John^2 Dodge (Richard^1) as "Lt. John Dodge." (See John Dodge (bef.1631-1711).)
I removed the problem passage; it contained a confused reference to "Richard John's son."
posted 8 days ago by GeneJ X
edited 8 days ago by GeneJ XAntoine BoisvertIt seems possible to me that John Dodge-202 and John Dodge-309 are either the same person or are cross-contaminated somehow. Both are described as the ancestor of the Beverly Dodges, both were born and died in the same villages. Only their wives and birthdates do not match.posted Nov 10, 2016 by Antoine Boisvert[Living Lechner]Possible problem with merge. I see double entries. for Dodge-344
Double entries cleared. Mike
posted Mar 14, 2012 by [Living Lechner][Living Lechner]Pending Merges:
Dodge-344 and Dodge-344 Probably should watch for name of his father, Is there sufficiant info. Could just list him as a possible, if not.
Would you consider merging with the others first. mrl
posted Mar 14, 2012 by [Living Lechner][Living Lechner]Pending Merges:
Dodge-344 and Dodge-344 Probably should watch for name of his father, Is there sufficiant info. Could just list him as a possible, if not.
Would you consider merging with the others first. mrl
posted Mar 14, 2012 by [Living Lechner][Living Lechner]Is there a digital copy?
Would be great to attach if there is?
Manuscript, [ Hugh D. Miller, comp. ], Genealogy: Ethel P. Miller/Hugh D. Miller, 1985, copy in possession of author


Birth1574East Coker, Somersetshire, England
DeathBef 15 OctEast Coker, Somersetshire, England
MarriageMargery "Mary" Bridges
BurialMiddle Chinnock Parish Church, Middle Chinnock, Somerset, England, United Kingdom


SpouseMargery "Mary" Bridges (1580 - 1649)
ChildRichard Dodge Sr (1602 - 1671)
ChildWilliam Dodge (1604 - )
ChildMichael Dodge ( - )
ChildMary Dodge ( - )
