Individual Details

John Scott

( - Jun 1677)

Early Town Records of Providence
Vol XIV Deed Book 1, p.9 8 Feb 1665 John Scott, son of Richard Scott bought land from Robert Williams who had purchased said land from William Reynolds. Recorded 24 Apr 1678.
p.10 Deed from Thomas and Elizabeth Wilmott to John Scott 1 Jan 1671. This land was originally William Reynolds who sold to Thomas Layton, who sold to John Sayles, who sold to John Fitch, who sold it to said Thomas Wilmott.
p.109-111 Thomas Clemence sold 20 acres to John Scott 12 Jun 1665. On 22 Feb 1668, John Scott and Rebekah his wife sold the same 20 acres to Resolved Waterman.


MarriageAbt 1661Rebecca Browne
DeathJun 1677


SpouseRebecca Browne ( - )
ChildSarah Scott (1662 - )
ChildJohn Scott (1664 - 1725)
ChildMary Scott (1666 - 1734)
ChildCatherine Scott (1668 - )
ChildRebecca Scott (1669 - )
ChildSilvanus Scott (1672 - 1712)
FatherRichard Scott (1607 - 1680)
MotherCatherine Marbury (1617 - 1687)
SiblingMary Scott ( - )
SiblingRichard Scott ( - )
SiblingHannah Scott (1642 - 1681)
SiblingPatience Scott (1648 - )
SiblingDeliverance Scott ( - 1676)

