Individual Details

Nathaniel Cartmell

(Ca 1753 - 1856)

Nathaniel was older when he married Sarah Bean. He is thought to have had an earlier wife, suggested as Elizabeth Froman, but not proved as such and in fact a child of Paul Froman as suggested below would have have been about 15 years OLDER than Nathaniel making such a union highly unlikely.
"Nathaniel Cartmell, the second son of Nathaniel of Homespun, married Elizabeth Froman, daughter of Paul Froman, and settled at his future home Retirement in 1775, which was allotted to him by his father. As stated elsewhere, he secured grants for other tracts. With these, together with several purchases, he owned a large landed estate. His wife died about 1789. No children left by this union."
Shenandoah Valley Pioneers and Their Descendants
Chapter LXVII: Biographical Sketches

Nathaniel married Sarah Bean, about 1807. She was about 18 years younger and believed to have been a second wife - she was a daughter of Mordecai Bean, whose will is dated 19 Aug 1814, proved 5 Dec 1814. Frederick Co, VA.

On October 16, 1820 Moses Russell gave a deposition in the case of "Nathaniel Cartmell & Sarah his wife late Sarah Bean, a daughter and devisee of Mordecai Bean dec'd plaintiffs and James Bean Executor of Mordecai dec'd, Judith Beane widow of said dec'd, Isaac Beane,, John Beane, John Richards and Peggy his wife, Jacob Frye and Betsey his wife, also devisees of said dec'd defendants". Moses testified that he was one of the Commissioners appointed by the Frederick County Court to "settle the estate account of Mordecai Bean dec'd with James Bean, Executor". The other Commissioner was Joshua Lupton. There was an issue with respect to a payment of $300 James Bean had made from the estate "on a verbal contract with his father". The file includes a copy of Mordecai Beans' Will of August 19, 1814, which was proved on Dec. 5, 1814. [Source: Original records of Frederick County Court on University of Virginia Library microfilm reel no. 272, image no. 504, index no. 1825-101 SC.]


BirthCa 1753
Marriage27 Apr 1807Sarah Bean


SpouseSarah Bean (1781 - 1830)
FatherNathaniel Cartmell (1725 - 1795)
MotherSarah Jane Froman (1732 - 1815)
SiblingThomas Cartmell (1750 - 1808)
SiblingElizabeth Cartmell (1755 - )
SiblingJohn Cartmell (1757 - 1814)
SiblingJacob Cartmell (1760 - )
SiblingNathan Cartmell (1762 - 1804)
SiblingElijah Cartmell (1763 - 1831)
SiblingSarah Cartmell (1765 - )
SiblingRachel Cartmell (1766 - 1844)
SiblingSolomon Cartmell (1770 - 1804)
SiblingMary Cartmell (1770 - 1844)
SiblingMartin Cartmell (1772 - 1843)