Individual Details


(Abt 1710 - Abt 1754)

Jonathan Brookes was surely the half-brother of Thomas Brooks of Plaistow, County Essex, in England. Thomas Brooks left a will dated 25 Jan 1745/6 in which he made bequests to his wife [unnamed] and a daughter Elizabeth who was apparently his only child. He also mentions a nephew Thomas Brooks of Ratcliff, a ship chandler; a sister Ann Dawson, wife of Ben Dawson in Virginia; children of his deceased sister Joanna Edwards - Dorothy, wife of Joseph Gregory, Anna, and Elizabeth wife of Joseph Brookes (sic - may have been supposed to be Gregory); Mildred, daughter of his deceased brother Joseph Brookes [obviously a second Joseph Brookes], a half-brother Jonathan Brookes and a half-sister, Elizabeth Dawson. Executor and guardian to daughter Elizabeth was his brother-in-law, Sir Robert Willmont.

This is likely the marriage bond of the above Thomas. 4 Sep 1719 - Thomas Brookes of parish of St. Dunstan Stepney in Middlesex County (just outside London) aged 27 years and upwards and a Batchelor intends to marry Elizabeth Willimott of the same parish aged 23 years. Marrigage license, 10 Sep 1719 for Capt Thomas Brookes of Ratcliff, mariner to marry Elizabeth Willimott.
Both the wife, Elizabeth Brookes, and daughter, Elizabeth, received bequests in the will of Sir Robert Willimott, Knight & Alderman of the City of London, dated 15 Oct 1746 - he stated Elizabeth Brookes was his sister.

DAWSON, Benjamin--married Anne BROOKS(?), whose brother Francis BROOKS was of
Plaistow, Essex, England, gent.; of Virginia; she was in Virginia ca 1744, etc.
Some Emigrants To Virginia, W G Stanard, p.28--VM-XVI-p.65

There are said to be other records in England, at least two letters of a London merchant, John Paige, which identify Thomas Brooks as a shipmaster, sailing from New England [the colonies].

The Gloucester Rent Rolls for 1704 list both a Joseph and a William Brooks in Kingston Parish.
From the Surveyor's Book of Gloucester: Tract of land in Kingston Parish in company with Wm. McKay and Mr. Hugh ___ the land of Joseph Brookes & Wm Higgins land belonging to Gregory Iverson.... by John Throckmorton Note: It is also true that the surname Iverson is used for a given name later in the Brookes descendants. Apparently his wife was Joannah - quite possibly a daughter of Joseph Brookes.
4 Apr 1754. Surveyed for Joseph Brooks, 300 3/4 acres in Kingston Parish on Queen's Creek; small chestnut near Rich'd Brooks corn field.... John Throckmorton.

Surveyors Book of Gloucester & Mathews Co.
6 Sep 1754 . At the request of Mr. Thomas Brooks Exec of Mr. Jonathan Brooks, dec'd, I surveyed land in Gloucester County, Kingston Parish on Milford Haven.
10 Dec 1754 …divided this plot of land at the above request between Misters Thomas and Richard Brookes …which divided this platt equally according to the last Will and Testament of Mr. Jonathan Brooks, Dec'd.

Probably had other children as evidenced by the marriage records in Kingston Parish. Telephone conversation with Leigh Brookes on 19 Jun 1999: he said there was a daughter Mildred, spinster, who left her estate to her brother, Thomas Brookes, in Gloucester Co in 1748. However, this date would be quite early for the bequested Thomas to be the son of Jonathan as he would have been only a boy - so I think it is likely not a daughter of Jonathan - perhaps his sister. Was this the Mildred, daughter of the Joseph Brookes mentioned in the will in England, 1745/6? [Yes, and likely it was her brother, Thomas that was the administrator of the intestate property of Mildred]

Database online shows a marriage between Christopher Dawson and Ann Brookes, 25 Jun 1758, Kingston Parish, Gloucester. Their children listed as Rebecca and Jonathan Brooks Dawson of Pittsylvania Co. Jonathan married Ann Iveson [Iverson?] Jones, 30 Jul 1781 in Pittsylvania Co. I did find a database online that asserted Ann Brookes of Gloucester was the daughter of Jonathan. Ann was very likely marrying a first cousin since two of Jonathan's sisters had married Dawsons. I think this is quite possible. Various associations with the name Iverson occur subsequently in the Brookes descendants.


BirthAbt 1710England
DeathAbt 1754Gloucester County, Virginia


ChildRichard Brookes (1732 - 1790)
ChildTHOMAS BROOKES (1730 - 1819)
ChildDorothy Brookes (1753 - )
FatherJoseph BROOKES ( - 1718)
MotherUnknown ( - )
SiblingElizabeth Brookes ( - )
SiblingCapt. Richard Brookes (1705 - )
