Individual Details


(Abt 1640 - 1684)

John Milner is in Orphans Court records of Henrico Co VA, as guardian of William Parker's "orphans", who are named in other entries as Anne, Mary, and William.

Henrico Co VA Orphans Court Book 1766-1739, Pauline Pearce Warner
p.5, 11 Oct 1679 Account of Stock belonging to orphts of Morgan Pierce (dec'd) and William Parker (dec'd) presented by John Millner. Viz.
Wm Peirce: 2 cows 1 heifer & 1 calfe - in all 4
Francis Peirce - 1 cow and 1 calfe
Elizabeth Peirce - 3 cows. 1 two-year-old, 1 yearling , and 3 calves
The whole stock of cattle are 13 and their stock of mares are 4 to be equally divided among them, the sd Wm & Fra Peirce having each of them a cow dead & Elizabeth Peirce, 2 cows dead, 4 in all.
Anne Parker & Mary Parker have 1 mare. Wm Parker hath 1 mare, the whole stocke between the Parkers orphs. is 2 mares.

John Milner gave an Indian Girl to his wife's daughter Mary Parker on 1 Aug 1683. [from Wills & Deeds of Henrico 1677-1697; p.251]

John MIllner aged about 43 or 44 deposes that Capt. James Crews deceased received of Edward Hatcher a parcel of Deer skins & furs which I understood to be part of payment for some Plate he had bought of Capt Crews. Jan 1683.

John Milner apparently died fairly soon after the above record. He did not leave a will. His inventory and appraisal taken 13 Aug 1684 was sworn before the Henrico Court on 1 Oct 1684. Kath. Milnor Administrator. Certain items were marked in the inventory as belonging to the Orphans of Will. Parker dec'd included in the Inventory of their guardian John Milnor, dec'd. Featherbed & furniture to Mary Parker. Featherbed & furniture & Gun to Will Parker, also horse & saddle, iron pot & tankard. There is also some reference to Robert Parker and featherbed with a note that the last line was illegible. As interpreted by researcher DeMarce there were 2 pewter dishes, an Iron Pot & pewter tankard belonging to one of Parker's orphans, now wife to Robert Easly. [Henrico Wills & Deeds 1677-1697, p.362]


BirthAbt 1640
Death1684Henrico County, Virginia


SpouseKATHERINE [MILNER] ( - 1721)
ChildMARTHA MILNER (1679 - )
ChildElizabeth MILNER (1680 - )
ChildMary MILNER (1682 - )
