Individual Details
Zadock Wright Flynn
(14 Nov 1795 - 1 Dec 1868)
Family said to have moved to Kentucky when Zadock was 14; at age 22 he pioneered on Richland Creek, Sangamon Co IL. Located land in Morgan Co IL in 1821 (Sangamon in 1821). His Will recorded in Morgan Co IL, dated 12 Jul 1852.
Cartwright Twp of Sangamon Co, IL was bounded on the west side by Morgan County when it was formed in 1823. In History of Sangamon Co, Illinois, 1881. p.813: "The first settlement in the township was made in 1819 along Richland Creek. Among the early settlers were ... Wright Flynn (probably Zadock Wright Flynn), Irwin Masters."
p.815 "Wright Flynn and Robert Milborn arrived Christmas, 1819. Flynn sold his claim to David S. Purvine and moved to Morgan county and died."
1830 Census. Morgan Co IL, p.67 with Arche Poindexter & Richard Jones & two of his sisters & their husbands; Reel #24, B'ham Library: 1m 30-40; 3f -5; 2f 5-10; 1f-15-20. His brother Josiah is also in Morgan Co, as is a William Flynn of about the same age.
Zadock fought in the Black Hawk War.
He is found first as a private on the Muster Roll of Captain William B. Smith's Company of the Brigade of mounted Volunteers, commanded by Brigadier General Samuel Whitesides, mustered into service at Beardstown, IL, on the 26th of April 1832, 25 miles from the place of enrollment. Eight names to include Zadock W. Flinn and his next door neighbor Equilla Hall, were added last and not listed as enrolled with the others on 21 Apr 1832 at Jacksonville.
"I certify on honor that this Muster Roll exhibits the true state of Captain William B. Smiths Company of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois Militia on this day..... Signed at Beardstown this 26th day of April 1832." Wm. B. Smith, Commanding the Company
"Mustered and countersigned this 26th of April 1832" John J. Hardin, Inspector and Mustering officer.
A footnote states that they were enrolled for sixty days - obviously Zadock did not stay in this unit the full time, as he is also listed in Lindsey's Spy Battalion by the 16th of May - he seems to be the only person listed in both.
The Black Hawk War 1831-1832, Vol I, Illinois Volunteers; compiled and edited by Ellen M. Whitney, Illinois State Historical Library, Vol. XXXV, Springfield, 1970, p.167
Zadock W., William & Royal Flynn are all shown as members of the Company of Allen F. Lindsey, most from Morgan Co, the Spy Battalion, 3rd Brigade, Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into service 16 May 1832. Royal was a Corporal, the others Privates.
Zadock W. Flynn is noted as "1 Bay horse lost in service"
Note signed Alen F. Lindsey: This company organized 4th day of Jun 1832. Took up line of march for head Quarters 9th day June 1832 mustered into service 19th day of June 1832. Eight days Rations for Seventeen men have Been drawn for traveling purposes 16th Aug 1832.
The Black Hawk War 1831-1832, Vol I, Illinois Volunteers; compiled and edited by Ellen M. Whitney, Illinois State Historical Library, Vol. XXXV, Springfield, 1970, p.423.
I have never been able to find Zadock in 1840. The handwriting of parts of the census in Morgan Co is terrible and there are 166 digital images. I feel sure he is there, and likely Josiah, too.
1850 Census, Morgan Co IL
Z. W. Flynn, age 55, b. NC, property worth $20,000. Elizabeth age 45 b. KY.
Children living with them all born in Illinois. Elizabeth 19, Anne 17, Louista 15, Hezekiah 12, Franklin 9, Marietta 5. Four young males were living with the family as laborers.
Since Zadock and Elizabeth had married in 1821, I feel sure there were older children - Elizabeth shown here was born circa 1831. The article that follows states they had 14 children - I have found only eight in 1850 and 1860; others were in the marriage or cemetery records. The 1830 census indicates five daughters born before 1830, and I have found only three.
In 1850 there is a William Flynn living in Morgan Co - he was age 24, but born in Tennessee. Diana age 20 and Henry age 6 months, probably his wife and child. Daniel Flynn, age 21, born in Illinois, was living there - they would fit well as two additional sons for Zadock and Elizabeth. However, in the household of Royal Flinn is a William, age 23, b. Tenn. and a Daniel, age 20, b. Tenn. - they would seem to have been counted twice. Other records do indicate this William was Royal's son.
1860 Census, Morgan Co IL [this one was difficult to find!]
"Yazo Flint", age 64, b. NC. Value of property $68,400. Eliz. 54, b. KY
Hez age 22, b. IL, Frank 19 b. IL, Mary 15, Quintilla [f] age 12, Ed age 10.
Wm Vinter, age 24, b. Germany working as a Laborer.
Will is recorded in Morgan Co, IL, dated 12 July 1852; obviously probated some years later as he was living in 1860. Names son Hezekiah.
1870 Census, Morgan Co, IL, Yatesville
Flinn, Elizabeth, age 64, b. KY. Value of property $70,000.
Franklin age 29, b. IL. Edward 19 b. IL
She also had a female servant and two young farmhands.
1880 Census, Morgan Co, IL.
Elizabeth Flinn, age 73, b. KY father b. VA, mother b. SC
Franklin, now 38, her son, b. IL.
Two young male boarders.
Plat Book of Morgan County, Illinois 1894.
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ZADOCH W. FLINN - Among those who have risen from poverty to a position of prominence and great wealth, will be noticed the above-named. He was born in Surrey county, North Carolina, on November 14, 1795. Mr. Flinn was one of a large family of children born to Laughlin and Elizabeth Flinn, and, as was the custom in those days, he, at an early age, worked on that rugged soil, and assisted in the arduous labor of clearing land. What little education he possessed was obtained in the schools of his native state. When fourteen years of age, his parents removed to Kentucky, and he remained at home, working as usual, til 1818. Then being in his twenty-third year, he resolved to visit the prairie state and carve a fortune out of her fertile soil. So, after a long journey, in that year, the subject of this record settled on Richland Creek, Sangamon county, where he built the first cabin, and started a settlement on that creek. The neighborhood yet bears the original name of Richland, which is peculiarly applicable, on account of its fertility of soil. At this time Mr. Flinn was unmarried, and lived in the cabin solitary and alone, with the exception of an occasional visit from the Indians. He was so generous toward the latter that they gave him the name of "The Good Man." His land was equally divided between prairie and timber, and to the tillage and improvement of the farm he applied himself with that tenacity of purpose which has ever characterized the efforts of the early pioneers of Illinois. Feeling assured of his final success as an agriculturist, his labors were urged on by an indomitable will, and at the same time they were characterized by an honest and straightforward line of conduct, which, despite his poverty and forlorn condition, won for him the respect of the whites as well as the aborigines. As was previously remarked, the Indians paid a great tribute to his character, by terming him a good man, and the early settlers fully corroborated the title, on account of his generosity and benevolence toward them when in sickness or distress.
He resided on Richland creek about three years, and then removed to Morgan county, and located on land in township 16-9, in the month of October, 1821. Previous to this, on the 23rd of August, 1821, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Hill, daughter of Francis and Rebecca Hill, of Monroe county, Kentucky. Mr. Hill was a native of Virginia, but had emigrated to Kentucky with his parents at an early age. Mrs. Hill, whose maiden name was Rebecca Hall, was a native of South Carolina; her parents removed to Kentucky when she was quite a young girl. Mrs. Flinn's education was obtained in Kentucky, and what few advantages she possessed were well improved. Being the oldest child, much of the care of the family devolved upon her. Mr. Flinn was married to Miss Hill in Monroe county, Kentucky, and immediately after marriage, came to Illinois, and located his land as above stated. Mr. F., with the exception of some raw land, was extremely poor, but encouraged by the sympathy and aid of his youthful bride, he set out to dig out of the rugged soil a home and competence. By reason of his untiring energy and incessant industry, he soon began to accumulate property. Early in his agricultural career he connected stock raising and grazing with farming, and in both of these branches of industry he was very successful. As soon as a small sum of money was obtained, on the application of citizens, he would loan the same to them at rates of interest determined upon by them, as the law permitted any rate contracted by and between the parties. In this manner a large amount of money was earned. A peculiarity of Mr. Flinn's business was, as the settlers rightly stated, that everything he touched seemed to turn into gold. In fact, he "made success," and obtained a reputation as a shrewd, energetic, and far-seeing man of business without tarnishing his honor and casting a stain upon his name. These statements cannot but assure the reader of Mr. Flinn's inherent nobleness of heart, that would not stoop to dissimulation for the purpose of wealth.
Mr. Flinn was engaged in those Indian troubles known as the Black Hawk war. He participated in most of the campaigns, and in those fierce conflicts fought again and again, fortunately without receiving any wounds. At the time of the "deep snow" their cabin was nearly buried by the drifts of feathery element, and it was with difficulty that the stock was reached, wood hauled, etc. One morning, before ten o'clock, with the assistance of Stephen Flinn, he brought thirteen fine deer to the house. The snow was so deep that the deer were easily caught by the dogs, or shot at will by the hunter. Their bill of fare contained the corn-bread and the savory meat of the wild deer; and this could not but bring forth and develop the muscular frames and strong mental powers for which the yeomanry of the garden state are so noted. At this time, as ever since has been the case, his hospitality and benevolence were constantly tested. The latch-string of his door hung out," and many a weary pioneer and belated traveler rejoiced at the sight of his domicile, for they knew full well that none were turned away from his board, but all met a cordial welcome from this generous family. At the time of his death (December 1, 1868), he possessed over two thousand acres of land, and most of the same was under a fair state of cultivation. He always regarded with great pride blooded cattle, and was the first person in this section to import fine stock from the eastern and southern states. To his efforts are due the fine native cattle of this section, which meet the admiration of the farmer and stock raiser. In the feeding and sale of his stock, Mr. Flinn accumulated most of his large fortune, and this, by the way, on the farm on which he first settled, and on which his widow still resides. Mr. and Mrs. Flinn were the parents of fourteen children (seven of whom are dead), ten girls and four boys. Nine of the girls lived to be married. There are now living four daughters and three sons; as regards the latter, one is married. Of the daughters living, their names appear below, in the order of their ages; viz.: Mary Jane, the wife of Wm. C. Owen, Esq.; Amanda, the wife of Aaron Thompson; Levesta, the widow of John Sulley; Quintilla H., the wife of David Clark. The sons, in the order of their ages, are: Hezekiah W., Franklin M., and Edward M.
Though not an active politician, Mr. Flinn was a strong advocate and supporter of the old Jeffersonian and Jacksonian principles of democracy, and ever upheld the honor of his country as well as he was able. He was not a member of any church, but yet entertained a high opinion of religion, and aided and encouraged the support of the gospel in a kind and liberal manner, that evinced the deep esteem he had for morality and religion. While on a visit with his wife to their old home in Kentucky, he was seized with a sudden illness, from the effects of which he died, on December 1, 1868. His remains were brought to Morgan county, and buried in the family grave yard, on the old homestead. There reposes a kind father, an affectionate husband, a good neighbor, and a faithful friend. An appropriate monument marks the last resting place of all that is mortal of Mr. Flinn. Such, in brief, is the history of one who, in early life had to undergo the privation of poverty, and who, by his own strong will and determined heart, step by step, rose to a position of wealth and prominence in society. He is kindly remembered by all of the old settlers who are yet living, as one who, in the early struggles of this county, was ever willing to lend a helping hand to distressed pioneers. His estimable widow, at the advanced age of sixty-seven, is residing on the old homestead, where in the past she spent so many happy days with her husband. There their children were born, and for the extended period of forty-seven years, they enjoyed the comforts of married life. With her two youngest sons, she manages the many household affairs, and dispenses hospitality with the same open hand that has characterized her actions for over fifty years. Mrs. Flinn is now the oldest resident of Morgan county, and bids fair (to judge from her energetic walk) to live for many years more. As an incident of her industrious life, we would state that the second bed-tick she owned after marriage was manufactured by herself; she raised the cotton, picked the seeds by hand, carded and spun the same at home, and walked over a mile to weave it. This, in connection with making all the clothing worn by the family, formed only a portion of her multitudinous labors. What a difference between the labors of the women of that time and the ease and luxury of those of today! She was a help-mate worthy of so noble a husband, and justly ranks among the representative women in the early history of Illinois.
Buried Flinn Cemetery, Morgan Co, IL along with his wife and several other members of the family.
Zadock apparently had a Will. Found on Google Books:
Reports of Cases At Law and In Chancery Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Illinois, by Norman L. Freeman, Reporter. Volume LVIII. Cases decided at January Term, 1871; p.111-114
Case of Hezekiah W. Flinn et al v. William C. Owen et al.
Some of the heirs of Hezekiah had taken the others to court protesting that the will was not legal, having not been signed by two witnesses together in the presence of each other and the testator. One of the allegations was that the wife had exerted improper influences over Flinn and that she had obtained the second signature and Zadock did not know the will had ever been perfected. The lower court had declared the will to be illegal. However there was no evidence presented to support the allegations and it was not the law that both witnesses sign in the presence of each other. The court stated that the statute did not require that the attesting witnesses be in the presence of each other at the time of signing. Therefore the decree of the lower court was reversed and the cause sent back with leave to amend the bill at the cost of the complainants.
Birth | 14 Nov 1795 | Surry County, North Carolina | ![]() | ||
Marriage | 23 Aug 1821 | Monroe County, Kentucky - Elizabeth Hill | ![]() | ||
Death | 1 Dec 1868 | Morgan County, Illinois | |||
Burial | Flinn Cemetery, Morgan County, Illinois |
Spouse | Elizabeth Hill (1803 - 1889) |
Child | Mary Jane Flynn (1824 - ) |
Child | Nancy Helen Flynn (1825 - 1841) |
Child | Miriam Amanda Flynn (1827 - 1897) |
Child | Elizabeth Marian Flynn (1831 - 1861) |
Child | Almarinda F. Flynn (1833 - ) |
Child | Lavista Ann Flynn (1835 - ) |
Child | Hezekiah W. Flynn (1837 - 1894) |
Child | Joseph Flynn (1838 - 1839) |
Child | Franklin M. Flynn (1841 - 1901) |
Child | Marietta F. Flynn (1845 - 1863) |
Child | Quintilla H. Flynn (1847 - 1914) |
Child | Edward M. Flynn (1851 - 1878) |
Father | LAUGHLIN FLYNN (1746 - 1825) |
Mother | ELIZABETH WRIGHT (1760 - ) |
Sibling | REBECCA FLYNN (1780 - 1830) |
Sibling | James Flynn (1782 - ) |
Sibling | Miriam Flynn (1786 - 1818) |
Sibling | Josiah Flynn (1799 - 1835) |
1. Forrest Wayne Faris, The Flinns of Auld Ireland: Particularlly emphasizing Laughlin Flinn of Virginia and Some of his Descendants in NC, SC, and IN. Addition/Corrections by Clarice Hitchcock Mitchell 1981 Microfilm #1435492, Family History Library {FHL], Salt Lake City, Utah., p.56-59 Laughlin Flinn, Son of Thomas, Sr..
2. Forrest Wayne Faris, The Flinns of Auld Ireland: Particularlly emphasizing Laughlin Flinn of Virginia and Some of his Descendants in NC, SC, and IN. Addition/Corrections by Clarice Hitchcock Mitchell 1981 Microfilm #1435492, Family History Library {FHL], Salt Lake City, Utah., p.56-59 Laughlin Flinn, Son of Thomas, Sr..