Individual Details

Dr. Thomas S. Blakey

(17 Jun 1794 - 30 Apr 1856)

Her name is given as Ann H. Whittsett. Thomas and Ann were 1st cousins on the Whitsitt side and 2nd cousins once removed on the Haden side of the family.
28 Jan 1823 is date given in the Blakey book for this marriage. Logan Co Deed Book M does have a deed on p.410 dated 6 Sep 1824 in which Ann H. Blakey is listed as wife of Thomas Blakey and relinquishes dower. The marriage listed as 2 Dec 1824 in the Marriage Book from Logan Co - perhaps the minister's return was late.

1830 Census. Logan Co KY
Thomas Blakey. 1m under 5 [Churchill the only surviving child], 1m 30-40 [Thomas]. 1f 20-30 [Nancy].

Found in the 1850 Census with Ann and the two surviving children, Churchill and Mary E. It's possible Churchill was enumerated twice in this Census.
"Dr." on grave marker.

Logan Co DB V; p.397 2 Aug 1837 Thomas Proctor to Thomas Blakey. $335. Convey to sd Thos Blakey, Wm Hoy & Wm L. Palmer shares in an undivided tract of land containing in the whole 100 acres being the tract whereon John Wise now lives & was conveyed to Wm Hoy & wife, Wm L Palmer & wife & Clarke Porter by Samuel Wilson, Comm. Appointed by the Circuit Court of Logan Co to execute deeds of conveyance to the different heirs of Wm Haden dec'd lying & situated in the co of Logan on the Black Lick Fork of Gaspers River. Said two shares of the aforesaid hundred acres. Signed 18 Dec 1837. Thos. Proctor. Wit: Wm Barnett, Robert E. Collins
Proved by oaths of witnesses. Rec. 25 Dec 1837
p.399 5 Dec 1837 Wilson Ryan & Amanda M. Ryan of Barren Co to Thomas Blakey. $250. Tract on Black Lick Fork of Gasper River being tract conveyed to Benjamin Haden heirs at law of Benjamin Haden dec'd by Samuel Wilson acting com under decree of the Logan Circuit Court as per deed dated 3 Aug 1829 on record in Deed Book Q, p. 125 & 126. South corner to Lot #1; by a road. 115 acres. Interest & title to one sixth part of said tract. Signed: Wilson Ryan, Amanda M. Ryan.
Ack to clerk of County Court of Barren Co. 11 Dec 1837
Rec. Logan Co 25 Dec 1837
[This is Amanda Hall who was the heir of Benjamin R. Haden, son of Benjamin, gson of William. Benjamin R. Haden died without issue before October of 1829.]

Logan Co DB W, p.19.
20 May 1838 Thomas Blakey to Wm M. Haden. All of land which lies on West side of Black Lick Fork of Gaspers which belongs to a 50-acre survey conveyed to Wm Comfort & wife, Thos. Blakey & wife, & Sally Whitsitt, by Constant Wilson, Commissioner appt by Logan Circuit Court to convey to heirs of Wm Haden, dec'd.
Rec. 7 Jul 1838

Logan Co DB X
p.280 ____ Feb 1841 John Barner & Mary his wife to Thomas Blakey. $500. Lot #52 in Robert Lathams addition. Lot #53 and ΒΌ part of Lot 104 in sd Robert Latham addition which lots are all adj and were lately occupied by William Cooper and is the same conveyed by A. Caldwell & wife to Mary Morton
Signed: John Barner, Mary Barner Ack. 3 Feb 1841
p.282 3 Feb 1841 William Cooper & Rachel his wife to Thomas Blakey. $750. Part of Lot #104 in Robert Lathams addition, being that part of said Lot conveyed by Thomas Grubbs to sd Cooper. Rec. 3 Feb 1841

Thomas served as magistrate and as sheriff of Logan Co. He lived and died on the homestead near Shakertown, Logan Co. Biographical Cyclopedia of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, by John M. Gresham, 1896, p.373
[This reference has errors. It states the homestead was that of the Blakeys, but it was not - it was the homestead of William Haden. The bio also states that Thomas died in 1842 at age 63. Instead he died in 1856 at age 61, according to his grave marker. His father was the one who died in 1842.]

Buried in Auburn Cemetery, Auburn, Logan County KY


Birth17 Jun 1794Davidson County, Tennessee
Marriage28 Jan 1823Logan County, Kentucky - Ann Haden "Nancy" Whitsitt
Death30 Apr 1856Russellville, Logan County, Kentucky


SpouseAnn Haden "Nancy" Whitsitt (1803 - 1857)
ChildWilliam Whitsitt Blakey (1824 - 1824)
ChildPamelia Blakey (1826 - 1826)
ChildChurchill Haden Blakey (1829 - 1895)
ChildEllenor Ann Blakey (1830 - 1830)
ChildMary Ellen Blakey (1841 - 1913)
FatherGeorge Blakey (1749 - 1842)
MotherMargaret "Peggy" Whitsitt (1767 - 1859)
SiblingPamela Blakey (1787 - 1870)
SiblingReuben Blakey (1789 - 1790)
SiblingCol. William Whitsitt Blakey (1792 - 1824)
SiblingElizabeth Whitsitt Blakey (1796 - )
SiblingDr. Churchill Haden Blakey (1799 - 1826)
SiblingJames Whitsitt Blakey (1801 - 1852)
SiblingSarah Patterson "Sally" Blakey (1804 - 1886)
SiblingEleanor "Nellie" Ann Blakey (1806 - 1893)
SiblingGeorge Douglas Blakey (1809 - 1886)
