Individual Details

James Dyer

(1790 - )

A James Dyer was listed in the 1820 Census in Jackson Co. Age 16-26 with a spouse of the same age and 3 boys under age 10. A William Dyer, single, and the same age was also in this census. There was a widow Anne, over 45, living alone. There was a widow, Esther, age 26-45, with a total of 6 children. And a John Dyer age 26-45 with wife 16-26 and 3 daughters under age 10.

1850 Census gives in the houshold, Anne Hytower, age 19 - She could easily be a daughter in between Edmond and Nancy.

Land Entry Book in Jackson Co Land Office
James Dyer enters 200 acres on head waters of Indian Crk of Cumberland R; corner of 50 acres granted to Jordan Sullivan & south boundary of Richard Moore's tract. 1 Oct 1832.

Tennessee Land Grants, Vol. I, Sistler.
To James Dyer, Jackson Co
1825, 50 acres, Mountain Dist, Bk 2, p.177 Grant 2051. Listed again Bk 3, p.360.
1827, 50 acres, Mountain Dist, Bk 3, p.808 Grant #6998
1828, 50 acres, Mountain Dist, Bk 3, p.360 Grant #833
1837, 100 acres, Mountain Dist, Bk H, p.171 Grant #____
1837, 100 acres, Mountain Dist, Bk Y, p.344, Grant #5085


Birth1790North Carolina
MarriageJennie Finn


SpouseJennie Finn (1800 - )
ChildWilliam Riley Dyer (1818 - )
ChildEdmond S. Dyer (1824 - 1893)
ChildNancy Mariah Jane Dyer (1830 - 1915)
ChildJefferson Dyer (1832 - )
ChildMatilda Dyer (1835 - )
ChildWade Dyer (1838 - )
ChildLogan Dyer (1839 - )
