Individual Details

Rev. John Poindexter

(1756 - 28 Sep 1820)

Date of birth is disputed, but about 1755-56 seems most likely.

William Green Poindexter was apparently the only child of his first marriage.

High sheriff and clerk of Louisa Co. VA. In 1792 became an ordained minister of the Baptist chuch and served for 25 years. Married (1) Ann Green, (2) Elizabeth Johnson, (3) Margaret Maer. "Poindexter, A Norman Family" also states he was a Capt in the Revolution. He raised his brother George who became Governor of Mississippi.

There is an orphan's bond, Louisa Co VA: John Poindexter, was made guardian of George L. Poindexter: "condition of above obligation is such if the above bound John Poindexter Jr. guardian to George Poindexter, orphan of Thomas Poindexter, decd, due well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto said ophan all such estate or estates". Signed by John Poindexter and Thomas Poindexter on 7th/9th day of Jan 1797.
At this time, George would have been about 18, not quite yet of legal age. Presumably John is referred to as John Jr. because he did have an uncle John Poindexter possibly still living in Louisa Co. The Thomas who signed was probably another brother of John and George.

23 Jan 1800. Friends of Thomas Jefferson met in Richmond to decide on a course of how best to elect their candidate in the presidential election to be held in November.....county committees were formed. From Louisa Co: Wm. O. Callis, Ro. Yancey, John Poindexter, Thomas Meriwether, and Dr. Watson. by subscription; accessed 28 May 2011
The Virginia Genealogist, Vol. 15, p.199-200; 1971
"British Mercantile Claims; 1775-1803" [These claims involved debts owed British merchants when British property was confiscated during the Revolution. Not until around 1800 were special agents assigned to investigate individual debts and determine the status. The records found in the Public Record Office, London.]
Debts due George Keppen & Company:
George Meriwether, Louisa £402.1.8, balance of a bond, Amherst & Albemarle Stores. He moved to Kentucky about 1782 but died on his journey. His family continued to pursue their route and settled on Bear Grass in Jefferson County. He carried with him a very considerable estate and left a small part of his property in Louisa County. After his death his brother Nicholas Meriwether of Shelby Co, Ky. qualified as his executor in Louisa County where his will was recorded. Thos. Johnson, Sheriff, and James Meriwether became his securities but apprehending themselves in danger from a prospect of his wasting the estate in Kentucky, they ruled him to give counter security. On his failure the estate was put in their hands but a great part of the estate being in Kentucky in the hands of the legatees of George Meriwether, who would not relinquish the possession, they could do nothing better than assent to the distribution of the property already made in Kentucky as well as that in Virginia and take bonds from the legatees to refund in case debts should hereafter appear against the estate. Capt Thomas Meriwether and William Meriwether of Louisa are relations. John Poindexter, Clerk of Louisa, married a daughter of Thomas Johnson, Sheriff, and has the management of his business.

From: Dolores Kinsey
Subject: [POINDEXTER] Richard Jones Poindexter, etc.
I have been going over Addie Timberlake McCall's "Family Genealogy" with
a fine-tooth comb. As you may know, Addie wrote this manuscript in or
about 1936, and it includes Poindexter information since she was a
descendant of the Nancy Poindexter that married Richard Timberlake.
The following intrigued me since I have not seen any discussion of these
people on this list--though it may have happened in the past, before I
began to lurk on the list:
Addie said: " Two brothers...were Baptist preachers: Richard Jones
Poindexter and John Poindexter. John Poindexter lived in Louisa
County....He was converted and baptized August 24, 1790. In February
1792 he was ordained a Baptist minister and formed a church in Albemarle
County called Bethel. He died in 1819. He was married several times...
"Richard Jones Poindexter, grandson of Thomas, [My note: he was a son of Thomas, grandson of John] married Fannie Maer, they
had 8 children, only one lived to manhood and bore the name, Abram Maer
Poindexter. Richard Jones Poindexter was from Louisa County, Virginia,
moved to North Carolina ans was pastor of Hollis Grove Church
[Baptist]. [His son] Abram Maer Poindexter was born in Bertie County,
North Carolina September 22, 1809, he married Marcia P. Scott, June 27,
1871 in Orange County, Virginia. A mistake in that date, 1871--he died
May 7, 1872 in Orange County, Virginia. [Unclear why Addie included the
foregoing statement.]
"Thos. Poindexter, born in Louisa County Virginia in 1733, died 1828 in
North Carolina, probably was brother of John and Richard Jones
Poindexter and father of Nancy...."
Okay, that's the end of my quote from Addie's manuscript. What I'm
wondering is, has anyone worked on the above John and Richard Jones
Poindexter? and has anyone discovered whether the Thos. P. who was born
in 1733 in Virginia and d. in 1828 North Carolina was a brother of John
and Richard Jones P.?
Addie T. McCall seems to have pretty accurate info. She said in two
places that she believed that the above Thomas P. was the father of the
mysterious Nancy who m. Richard Timberlake.


Military1776Civil Service: Clerk of Court, Louisa Co VA, Revolutionary War
Marriage17 Dec 1781Louisa County, Virginia - Elizabeth Thornton Johnson
Death28 Sep 1820Louisa County, Virginia
MarriageMargaret Maer
MarriageAnn Green


SpouseElizabeth Thornton Johnson (1763 - )
ChildThomas Poindexter (1781 - )
ChildElizabeth Meriwether Poindexter (1784 - )
ChildNicholas Johnson Poindexter (1786 - 1840)
ChildAndrew Poindexter ( - )
ChildWaller Poindexter ( - )
ChildLucy Jones Poindexter (1789 - 1827)
ChildMaj. John Poindexter (1793 - 1877)
ChildMary Johnson "Polly" Poindexter (1797 - 1867)
SpouseAnn Green ( - )
ChildWilliam Green Poindexter ( - 1819)
SpouseMargaret Maer ( - )
ChildFrances Elizabeth Poindexter (1814 - )
FatherThomas P. Poindexter (1730 - 1796)
MotherLucy Jones (1739 - 1796)
SiblingGabriel Jones Poindexter (1758 - 1831)
SiblingThomas P. Poindexter Jr. (1759 - 1843)
SiblingJames L. Poindexter (1765 - 1839)
SiblingElizabeth Jones Poindexter (1770 - 1855)
SiblingLucy Jones Poindexter ( - )
SiblingMary "Molly" Poindexter ( - 1796)
SiblingRobert Poindexter (1776 - 1830)
SiblingRev. Richard Jones Poindexter (1778 - )
SiblingGov. George Poindexter (1779 - 1853)
