Individual Details
Margaret Douglas "Peggy" Haden
(1785 - 1865)
Peggy's estimated birth date from Irene Cook and others was 1773 - based on the census records, she was most likely born sometime after that, perhaps as much as 10 years later. In 1840 her age was given as 40-50; in 1850, age 65, in 1860 age 73. Other than these records, I also have no source for the tradition that she died at age 90, which would seem to be the basis for her birth year.
According to a letter from Socrates Haden, g grandson of John Moseley, some of the children of George Haden who died in Alabama were sent for and raised by Peggy. He named George [William George], Jane and John. Probably only George and Jane returned to Virginia. John remained or returned to Alabama.
Peggy never married; died at about 90 years of age. [1850 Census gave her age as 65 - she lived alone.]
Peggy was probably living in her father's household in 1830, when he was listed with two females age 40-50.
1840 Census, Fluvanna Co VA
Peggy Haden. 1m 10-15, 1m 20-30 [probably William George, son of Peggy's brother George]. 1f 20-30 [probably Susanna, daughter of George], 1f 40-50 [Peggy]
1850 Census. Fluvanna Co VA Hh 398
Peggy Haden, age 65. Lived alone.
1860 Census. Fluvanna Co VA, Lafayette Hill P.O., Hh 520
Peggy D. Haden, age 73. She had personal property worth $28,282 - no doubt included slaves. Lived alone but was on the same census page with her brother-in-law, William S. Lane.
Father | John Moseley Haden (1749 - 1830) |
Mother | Anne [HADEN] ( - ) |
Sibling | Susanna Haden (1771 - ) |
Sibling | William Haden (1772 - 1852) |
Sibling | Nancy Haden (1780 - 1850) |
Sibling | George Haden (1784 - 1829) |
1. Irene O. Cook, Haden: Cook Family Group Records (Prepared 21 Jan 1998).