Individual Details

Omer Hiram Mills

(19 Nov 1891 - 28 Jul 1964)

Arkansas Delayed Birth Certificate #10295
Omer Hiram Mills was born Nov 19, 1891 in Uniontown, Crawford Co, Arkansas. His father was John Morton Mills, age 19, born in Crawford Co. His mother was Cornelia Comstock, age 16, born in Crawford Co. They lived at Natural Dam. He was their first child.
Affidavit made by James H. Campbell, a neighbor at least 12 years older and having knowledge of birth. 30 Nov 1954.

Listed on stone as husband of Ruth Mills.

His name on his World War I draft registration is Omer Hiram Mills; he was 26, born 19 Nov 1891 and said he was born at Natural Dam. He was a farmer. He had a wife and 3 children dependant on him for support. He signed as Omer Hiram Mills.
Description was medium height, medium build, blue eyes, light hair.
Dated 5 Jun 1917, at Uniontown, Crawford Co, Arkansas.

1920 Census. Uniontown, Crawford, AR, Hh 5
Omer Mills, age 28, worked for the telephone company
Ruth, wife, 27
Goldie, dau, age 6. Thomas, son age 4. Roscoe, son, age 2.

His World War II draft registration gave much of the same information. His present address was Uniontown. The person who would always know his address was Ruth Small Mills of Uniontown. He was now age 50. He was employed by the WPA. Signed: Omer H. Mills. Height was 5'7"; weight 145 lbs. Blue eyes, brown hair, light brown complexion.
Dated 27 Apr 1942, Crawford County Draft Board.

1950 Census. Union Twp, Crawford, AR, Hh 78
Omer H. Mills, 58, Farmer
Ruth, wife, 57
Howard Small, borther-in-law, 52

Arkansas Death Certificate #9650
Omer Hiram Mills died 28 July 1964 at the Crawford County Memorial Hospital in Van Buren, Crawford Co. of a cerebral vascular accident and arteriosclerosis. His home was Uniontown. He was born 19 Nov 1891 near Uniontown. His father was Morton Mills; his mother, Cornelia Comstock. James R. Mills, of Star Rt., Van Buren, was the informant. Buried Uniontown Cemetery on Aug 1st.

Obit printed 6 Aug 1964:
O.H. Mills Rites Held Sat., Aug. 1
Services for Omer H. Mills, 72, Uniontown, were held Saturday, August 1, at the Uniontown Christian Church with the Rev. Prichard, Rev. R.M. Carroll, and the Rev. R. E. Pixley officiating. Burial was in Uniontown cemetery under the direction of Ocker Funeral Home.
Mr. Mills died July 28 in a local hospital. He was born and reared near Uniontown. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Uniontown Christian Chruch.
He is survived by his wife, Ruth, of the home; four sons, Thomas M. Mills of Red Bluff, Calif., James R. Mills of Cedarville, Ark.; J. M. Mills of Uniontown, and Melvin Ray Mills of Yba City, Calif; two daughters, Mrs. Goldia Barnes of Uniontown and Mrs. Fern Boyd of Lookout, Calif; and one half-brother, John Mills of Stillwell, Okla.
Active pallbearers were Ronnie Small, Johnny Small, Donald Neighbors, Jerry Neighbors, Donald Smith, and W. I. Goff.
Honorary pallbearers were Tom Marshall, Lindsay Peace, Ned Snow, Otto Hulsey, Hubert Roden, and Lindsey Fletcher.
WorldConnect database of Karen Blagg


Birth19 Nov 1891Uniontown, Crawford County, Arkansas
Marriage27 Aug 1911Crawford County, Arkansas - Miranda Ruth Small
Death28 Jul 1964Crawford County, Arkansas


SpouseMiranda Ruth Small (1892 - 1987)
ChildGoldia Cornelia Mills (1913 - 1995)
ChildThomas Harrison Mills (1914 - 1974)
ChildJames Roscoe Mills (1917 - 1976)
ChildFern Cannon Mills (1920 - 1987)
ChildJohn Morton Mills (1922 - 1992)
ChildMelvin Ray Mills (1929 - 2001)
FatherJohn Morton "Mort" Mills (1871 - 1900)
MotherCornelia Comstock (1875 - 1893)
