Individual Details


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Apparently the wife of William Holderness was Sarah Brooks. A daughter of Thomas Brooks, the next door neighbor. That would further explain the closeness between these two families. Would also explain why Robert was referred to as a nephew of Jonathan Brooks and a grandson of Thomas in other documents. Middle initial "B" came from Holderness book.

1810 Caswell Co NC Census, p.20: Sarah "Holdness", 1 female over 45; 1m 10-16; 2m 16-26; If Robert Holderness was 50 when he died in 1833, he was born ca 1783 so would have been 26/27 in this Census; he did not marry until 1819. Daughter Sally married in February of 1810 so would not have been counted with her mother in this household. 8 Slaves.


SpouseWILLIAM HOLDERNESS (1740 - 1806)
ChildROBERT HOLDERNESS (1783 - 1833)
ChildSalley Holderness ( - 1812)
ChildThomas Holderness ( - 1833)
ChildJames Holderness (1798 - 1852)
FatherTHOMAS BROOKES (1730 - 1819)
SiblingChristopher Brookes (1755 - 1781)
SiblingGeorge Brookes (1757 - 1782)
SiblingJonathan Brookes (1762 - 1834)
SiblingCHARLES B. BROOKS (1764 - 1816)
SiblingMary Brookes (1766 - 1840)
SiblingThomas Brookes Jr. (1768 - 1793)