Individual Details

Jacob Farris

(Abt 1735 - 18 May 1813)

Jacob Farris was a Revolutionary patriot for Civil Service in Bedford Co. VA. In November of 1781, he provided food for the army.

Records of Jacob Farris were found in Farris Files, p. 48-49; manuscript taken from a Phares/Pharis Newsletter published with research updates, in the Family History Library in Salt Lake City. It is noted that Jacob Farris of Henry Co had been thought to be a son of a Jacob of Pittsylvania Co VA. More recent research had convinced this author that he was from Henrico Co and likely of the line of Richard Farris. The papers did not contain the relationship between Richard and Jacob.

6 Mar 1761 Anthony Haden of Hanover to son-in-law and daughter Ruth, negro woman Aggey & her two children. Valentine Papers, Vol. 1, p.456
1 Jun 1762 Deed from Haden to Faris acknowledged. Henrico Co Court Orders, 1755-1762, p.499

25 Sep 1783 Joseph Anthony of Henry Co VA to Jacob Faris for 125#'s, 200 acres. Lines of Thomas Mithis, Anthon. Bittings, Robert Donald, Henry Clark & the Great Beaver Creek. Henry Co DB 2, p.388-9
(undated) Deed of gift from James Menese of Pittsylvania Co VA to daughter Elener Whitsitt of Henry Co. Wit: Joseph Anthony, Jacob Ferris, William Whitsitt, Henry Co DB 2, p.476-7
24 Apr 1784 Joseph Anthony to Henry Clark. Wit: James Anthony, Jacob Ferris, William Hunter, Henry Co DB 2, p.490
8 Dec 1784 Patty Farris, daughter of Jacob, married George Penn. Henry Co VA
30 Apr 1785 Inquest on body of Mordecai Steward to inquire as to the manner of his death. Jury included Joseph Anthony & Jacob Farris. Proved 28 May 1785. Henry Co DB 3, p.131
30 Apr 1785 Inquest at William Hunter's. Inquiry by Jacob Farris. Returned 26 May 1785, Henry DB 3, p.132
25 Jan 1786 Inventory & appraisal of estate of Joseph Anthony by John Stokes, Jacob Ferris, Ambrose Jone & William Whitsitts. Henry Co WB 1, p.122
Henry County, January ye 25, 1786
We John Stokes, Jacob Ferris, Ambrose Jones & William Whitssells In Obedience to an Order of Court have aprais.d the Estate of Joseph Anthony Deceased and so Return the following Inventory VIZ. - - -
Note: the Joseph Anthony in question was not Jacob's son-in-law, nor was it the father of his son-in-law.
31 Oct 1786 Deed of John Simmon & wife Nancy to John Weaver; land on Marrowbone Creek. Wit: Joseph Anthony, Jacob Ferris, Josiah Ferris. Henry Co DB 5, p.146
7 Dec 1786 Inquisition at home of Thomas Nunn. Oaths of Joseph Anthony, Jacob Ferris, James Anthony. Recorded 22 Feb 1787. Henry Co DB 3, p.279
9 Apr 1787 Election: Charles Farris, Jacob Farris. Henry Co DB 3
26 Nov 1787 Jacob Ferriss & Ruth his wife of Henry Co, to Peter Baily, for 500#'s, 100 acres on south side Chickahominy Swamp. Wit: Josiah Ferriss. Henrico Co DB2, p.5?8. Ruth signed with her mark.
2 Jun 1788 Above deed, Farris to Bailey, ordered recorded. Henrico Co Court Orders, B 3, p.340
3 Nov 1788 Josiah Ferris married Polly Stovall. Joseph Anthony, minister. Henry Co Minister's Returns.
23 Jul 1791 Inventory of estate of Henry Butler by Jacob Farris, John Stokes, James Anthony. Henry Co WB 1, p.209
24 Oct 1793 Deed. Carter Tarrant & William Acuff to John Minter. Wit: Jacob Farris, Joseph Anthony. Henry Co. DB 5, p.92-3
29 Jul 1795 Anthony Bitting of Stokes Co NC to John Stokes of Henry Co VA for 150#'s. 408 acres on Beaver Creek, adjoining Jacob Farris, Breathet's line and on the mountain that divided the waters of Beaver & Daniel Creek, Henry Co DB 5, p.198-9
3 Jan 1798 Deed. John Stokes to William Stokes. Land on Bever Creek, adjoins lines of Jacob Farris, Joseph Anthony & Carr Waller. Proved 1 May 1798. Henry Co DB 5, p.94-5
26 Sep 1803. Jacob Farris provided security for Manning Hill, a Baptist Minister, to perform the rites of matrimony. Henry Co DB 6, p.471
31 Jan 1804 Inventory of the estate of John Stokes returned by Jacob Farris, Charles T. Philpott & James Howard. Henry Co WB 2, p.62-64
Nov 1804 Account of John Stokes returned to Nov Court 1804. Joseph Anthony, Jacob Farris, Carr Waller to settle accounts with Benjamin Jones. Henry Co WB 2, p.256
29 Sep 1805 Deed. Richard Gilley to Henry Dillender. Land on Turkey Cock Creek. John Farris was a witness. Henry Co DB 6, p.646
30 Sep 1805 Deed. William Stokes of Surry Co NC to George Hairston, land on Beaver Creek, boundaries of Joseph Anthony, Jacob Farris, Isham Nance, Henry Clark & Carr Waller. Henry Co DB 6, p. 644-5
20 Nov 1805 Jacob Farris for love and affection to daughter Frankey Martin, wife of William Martin of Tennessee, five Negroes: Jane, James, Major, Sally, Aimy. Wit: Joseph Anthony, Josiah Farris, James Dillen, John Norton.
29 May 1809. Account of the estate of Joseph Anthony, in account with Joseph Anthony, Jr., Sum paid to Jacob Farris. Henry Co WB 2, p.173-4

Both the 1790 and 1800 tax lists for Henry Co VA show Jacob Farris. Other Farrises listed were Charles Senr, Charles Junr, Archibald, and in 1800, John Farris. Sons in law George Penn and William Martin and Joseph Anthony were all listed in 1790, but by 1800, only Joseph Anthony seems to have still been in Henry Co.

There seemed to be a gap in records between Anthony Haden's gift in 1761 and 1783 when Jacob was "of Henry County". In a book called The Faris Family, Data collected by Misses Katherine & Bess Sorrell, DAR members in Houston, TX, 1957, I found a few records mentioned Jacob Farris that might account for his whereabouts during these twenty years. He seems to be following the typical migration of continuing to move south and west across Virginia.
10 Aug 1750. Jacob Pearies obtained a patent for 165 acres in Lunenburgh Co. Land patent Vol. 34, p.287
15 May 1753 Jacob Farris obtain patent for #37 in town of Winchester, Frederick Co, Northern Neck Patent, Vol. H, p.354
7 May 1759 Jacob Ferris and others sworn as a Grand Jury. The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1, p.455
4 Jul 1759 Jacob Ferres obtained patent for 230 acres in Henrico on North side Bear Swamp, touching main run of Chickahominy Swamp part being land granted John Woodson, 23 Apr 1688. Patent Record Vol. 33, p.650
10 Aug 1759 Jacob Fearies patent for 385 acres in Henrico. See Valentine Papers, Vol. 1, p.158
25 Sep 1762 Jacob Farris obtained patent for 400 acres in Halifax Co on the north fork of Stinking River. Land patent Vol. 35, p.13 (Halifax formed from Lunenburg)
22 Sep 1766 Jacob Faris obtained patent for 34 acres Bedford Co, north side Stanton River. Vol 36, p.991. This was also part of Lunenburg in an earlier time.
5 Oct 1767 Jacob Ferriess was one of the appraisers of the estate of William Fleming Cocke, dec'd. Valentine Papers, Vol 1, 450.

His Will dated 11 Jan 1812.
In the Name of God amen, I Jacob Farris of Henry County and state of Virginia being of sound mind and disposing memory of which I thank God and Calling to mind the uncertainty of Human life and being anxious to dispose of all such worldly estate, which it have pleased God to bless me with in this life -- I give and bequeath the same in manner and form as foloweth. Viz. First it is my desire & wish that all my Just debts be paid. Secondly after all my Just debts are paid, I give all the remainder of my estate both real and personal to my beloved wife. Thirdly I give to my son JOSIAH FARRIS one negroe man named Bob to him and his heirs forever. Fourthly I give to my son JOHN FARRIS and my two daughters JANE ANTHONY & FRANKY MARTIN each twenty Five Cents. Fifthly I give all the Remainder of my estate to my son Josiah Farris, and my daughter PATSY PENN to be equally divided Between them, and lastly I do hereby Constitute my loving son Josiah Farris and my grand son William Penn Executors to this my last will and testament hereby Revoking all other former wills or Testaments by me heretofore made, In witness whereof I have Hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this 11th day of January 1812.
Signed: Jacob Farris
Signed Sealed and declared by the above mentioned Jacob Farris to be his Last will and Testament in the Presence of us. Geo. Penn, Joseph Stovall, John D. Banks
Henry Co VA September Court 1813
The within last will and Testament of Jacob Farris dec'd was exhibited in Court proved by the oaths of the threee witnesses thereto and was ordered by the Court to be Recorded and thereupon Josiah Farris, one of the executors therein named took the oath of an executor and with George Penn, Jos. Stovall and Henry Clark his Securities Entered into Bond and acknowledged the same according to law. Certificate was therefore granted him for obtaining probate thereof in .......
Teste. W. Redd CC
Henry Co VA WB 2, p.96

Jacob apparently still had property in Henrico Co.
6 Sep 1813. Estate of Jacob Farriss commited to the hands of the sheriff. Henrico Co Counrt Orders, Book 17, p. 274
4 Nov 1813. Commitment of estate of Jacob Farris to hands of sheriff rescended. Henrico Co Court Orders, Book 17, p.433

November 1813. Inventory of estate of Jacob Farris. Furniture, horses, Negro boy, Bob, Daniel, livestock, tools. Total $1021.75. Returned to November Court. Henry Co WB II, p.104


BirthAbt 1735prob Henrico County, Virginia
Marriage27 Jan 1753Ruth Haden
Death18 May 1813Henry County, Virginia


SpouseRuth Haden (1729 - )
ChildJosiah Farris (1755 - )
ChildJohn Farris (1757 - )
ChildJane Farris (1759 - 1817)
ChildMartha "Patsy" Farris (1764 - 1828)
ChildFrances "Franky" Farris (1771 - 1831)
