Individual Details

John Presbrey

(24 Feb 1760 - 24 May 1845)

Married Prudence Pratt, 1 Mar 1780, Taunton. She was the daughter of Nehemiah Prratt & Abigail Newland. Prudence was a sister to Sarah Pratt that married Seth Presbrey.

A John Presbry has multiple service records in the Rev War from 1776 until 1780 and served under Nehemiah Pratt, recorded in the Massachusetts Military Archives. Surprising that I did not find him as a Patriot on NSDAR. There are SAR applications on Ancestry.


Birth24 Feb 1760Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Marriage1 Mar 1780Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts - Prudence Pratt
Death24 May 1845Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts


SpousePrudence Pratt (1758 - 1826)
ChildPrudence Presbrey (1788 - 1828)
ChildJohn Presbrey (1785 - 1859)
ChildHarriet Presbrey (1795 - 1822)
ChildMary Presbrey ( - 1885)
FatherWILLIAM Presbrey (1726 - 1773)
MotherMARY White (1723 - 1798)
SiblingWilliam Presbrey Jr. (1746 - 1832)
SiblingMary Presbrey (1747 - 1832)
SiblingJohn Presbrey (1749 - 1749)
SiblingElizabeth Presbrey (1751 - 1816)
SiblingSeth Presbrey (1752 - 1833)
SiblingLYDIA Presbrey (1753 - 1823)
SiblingAbigail Presbrey (1755 - 1836)
SiblingSimeon Presbrey (1758 - 1840)
SiblingLevi Presbrey (1760 - 1800)
Sibling[Child] Presbrey (1762 - 1762)