Individual Details

William Presbrey Jr.

(3 Dec 1746 - 5 Mar 1832)

Had a son William, by Rachel Lincoln, 1771, they were never married.
Married 1st to Lydia Pratt, about 1778. Married Rhoda Snow, 29 Jan 1814 - no children with her. [Taunton marriages: Capt. William Presbrey to Miss Rhode Snow of Mansfield, intention, 1 Jan 1814]

Rachel Lincoln thought to have married a Phillps.
6 Mar 1787
Bristol Co. Bond of James Williams, Esqr, Seth Paddleford Esqr & Benjamin Williams, Yeoman, all of Taunton, made bond of 1000 #'s. James Williams appointed to be Guardian of William Presberry a Minor above the age of fourteen years, son of Rachel Phillips.

Taunton Marriage: William Taunton Jr. and Rebecca Foster of Taunton, 22 Feb 1798.
Taunton deaths: Rebecca, wife of William Jr., died 10 Sep 1824, age 53. Another listing: wife of Capt William, d. Sept 9, age 53 y 10 m 13 d.
William Jr. July 21, 1828, age 56 (Capt William, age 56 y 6 m - on stone beside Rebecca)

NOTE: the papers in the probate files are out of order and more than one William Presbrey was deceased, with Charles Presbrey as administrator. It is very difficult to sort. I believe that William Presbrey "Junior" may have been the illegitimate son by Rachel Lincoln Phillips - Charles his son.

5 Aug 1828 Bristol Co
Bristol Probate Court at Taunton, aug 5, 1828: "I do decree that Charles Presbrey of Taunton ?son of William Presbrey Junior late of Taunton deceased be Administrator of the estate of said deceased - Given under myhand and seal of Office the day and year above written. H. Bayliss, J.Prob. [Filed with other papers dated 1832 for a different William]
Administrator's Bond for Charles Presbrey of Taunton, yeoman to administrate the estate of William Presbrey Junr, late of Taunton and give notice in the Columbian Reporter for three weeks successively.
Appraisers William Seaver, Rufus Dean & John Seaver made report 20 Sep 1828. Included homestead in Taunton, 7 1/2 acres with building; a lot of land of about 11 acres adjoining Abigail Godfrey, Rufus & Israel Dean & Nathaniel Burt with a dwelling; a stone wharf & wharf lot on East side of Great river adjoining Francis Williams. Extensive inventory that including tiles and a large number of bricks & boards for a total of almost $3000.
4 Aug 1829. Charles Presbrey reported to the court that William Presbrey Junr was insolvent.
Charles Presbrey made oath, 7 May 1830, that he would dispose of the estate lately belonging to William Presbrey Junr, late of Taunton, now deceased.
13 Feb 1830 Lengthy List of Creditors of the estate of William Presbrey. Total over $4,000.
Homestead place was sold 9 Aug 1830. Sale of house & land where Nathan Presbrey lived. Mortgages sold on other properties. Charles charged himself with $2770.28. Total proceeds were almost $5200.
After expenses, the Court apportioned amounts to the creditors - 93 cents to the dollar. charles Presbrey rec'd $769 for his administration - other Presbrey kin named were Seth Presbrey, Leonard Hathaway, Samuel Hoskins, Amasa Presbrey [Taunton marriages - Amasa of Canton & Sarah Pratt of Taunton, intention, 12 Aug 1827, married 16 Sep 1827. Taunton deaths - Amasa Presbrey, farmer, killed by falling from his wagon, July 27, 1849, age 50, in Taunton.], John Presbrey & Son, George Presbrey, Daniel Presbrey, Rebecca Presbrey, William Presbrey 3rd
The back of their report states:
We the undersigned all the heirs at law of the Estate of William Presbrey Jr deceased having examined the within account hereby sign our assertation of the same. Rebekah F. Pratt, William Presbrey 2nd, George Presbrey
1 Mar 1830

[In Taunton marriages: George Presbrey and Eliza Ann Webb, both of Taunton, intention to marry, 12 Nov 1826. Rebecca F. Presbry and James Pratt, both of Taunton, intention to marry, 8 Aug 1829]

Bristol Co. Bond
3 Jan 1832
William Seaver, Gentleman and Charles Presbrey, yeoman, Alfred Bayliss, Physician and Leonard Crossman, all of Taunton - bond for $5000. William & Charles assigned to be Guardian of William Presbrey of Taunton, a person Non Compos Mentis - until he shall be restored to his right mind.
William, 2nd, had petitioned the court 8 Dec 1831 asking for appointment of a guardian since William Presbrey of Taunton, Gentleman, was wholly incapable of taking care of himself. Listed as a "relative of William Presbrey" [this is obviously not the William Jr who died in 1828- did this William have TWO sons named William designated as "Jr" and "2nd" or is this perhaps a nephew?]

Taunton Deaths: Capt William Presbrey, Mar 5, 1832, age 84, of influenza.

5 Jun 1832 Charles Presbrey of Taunton named administrator of the will of William Presbrey late of Taunton. William Presbrey 2nd, the executor named in said will is deceased. The widow and heirs at law declined administration and requested Charles Presbrey be appointed.
Signed: Rhoda Presbrey, Rebekah F. Pratt, William Presbrey
Bond of $3000. Joseph Wilbur and James Pratt, security for Charles Presbrey.
Will dated 13 Mar 1826. Signed: William Presbrey
William Presbrey of Taunton. Give & bequeath to beloved wife Rhoda, all furniture & household goods which she owned or belonged to her at the time of my marriage and all furniture & goods bought with money or property which belonged to her before marriage. Also one cow and 1/3 part of my homestead or farm where I now lived and 1/3 of my dwelling house, barn, grist mill, for improvement during her lifetime.
To daughter Lydia Seaver, $100 to be paid by my executor within 18 months after my decease. [Taunton marriage: Lydia Presberry and Wm Sever Jr., both of Taunton, married May 5, 1799, in Taunton]
I bequeath to my son Nathan Presbrey $5 to be paid one year after my decease
To my granddaughter Sarah Stein Presbrey, $50 to be paid whe is 21 years of age if she lives to that age - if not to belong to my said Executor
To my granddaughter Emeline Presbrey, $50 at age 21, or if she does not live to that age, to my executor
To my grandson Cyrus Presbrey, $50 when he is 21, but if he does not live to that age, to my executor.
To my granddaughter Abigail Presbrey, $50 to be paid at age 21, but if she does not live, to my Executor
To Granddaughter Mary Jane Allen the sum of $1 to be paid within a year of my decease.
To grandson Holmes Presbrey, the sum of $1
To grandson Ebenezer Simeon Presbrey the sum of $1
I give equally to my sons William Presbrey 2nd and Nathan Presbrey and my daughter Lydia Seaver all my household goods not before bequeathed to my wife.
To my eldest son William Presbrey 2nd 2/3 of my homestead with 2/3 of my dwelling house, barn, grist mill, etc. and after the death of my wife the other third parts thereof. He is to pay the legacies to my son Nathan, Lydia Seaver and the grandchildren herein mentioned. also to William Presbrey 2nd the rest & residue of my estate real and personal not before bequeathed. My son William Presbrey 2nd to be sole Executor of this last will & Testament and to pay all just debts and funeral charges.
13 Mar 1826. Signed William Presbrey.
Witness: Rufus Dean (written in - "deceased"), James Pratt, Micah Pratt
June 5th, 1832 - approved for probate. Proved by James Pratt and Micah Pratt.

Who is this? Taunton Marriage: William Presbrey 3rd and Sally Barney, both of Taunton, intention 5 Nov 1825.


Birth3 Dec 1746Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Death5 Mar 1832Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts


SpouseRachel Lincoln ( - )
ChildWilliam Presbrey (1771 - 1828)
FatherWILLIAM Presbrey (1726 - 1773)
MotherMARY White (1723 - 1798)
SiblingMary Presbrey (1747 - 1832)
SiblingJohn Presbrey (1749 - 1749)
SiblingElizabeth Presbrey (1751 - 1816)
SiblingSeth Presbrey (1752 - 1833)
SiblingLYDIA Presbrey (1753 - 1823)
SiblingAbigail Presbrey (1755 - 1836)
SiblingSimeon Presbrey (1758 - 1840)
SiblingLevi Presbrey (1760 - 1800)
SiblingJohn Presbrey (1760 - 1845)
Sibling[Child] Presbrey (1762 - 1762)