Individual Details

Richard Oldham

(4 May 1763 - 15 Jun 1836)

After the death of Ursula, Richard married Patsey Reid, daughter of Alexander. A deed dated 8 Apr 1809 - John Newman and Nancy (late Nancy Reid) executed to the heirs of Alexander Reid, Dec'd, 1/3 of all land of said heirs, except 300 acre tract on Cumberland River, in Knox Co, KY, the Flat Lick tract which Newman and wife agree to take for their third. Richard Oldham and Goodman, also heirs of Alexander Reid, agree. Signed: John P. Newman, Nancy Newman, Richard Oldham for himself and John Reid, Goodman Oldham, John P. Newman as guardian for Polly and Hannah Reid. Wit: Overton Harris, John Oldham, James Smith.

Listed in old NSDAR lineage book - Member #84838
Richard Oldham applied for a pension, 1832, for service from 1777-1781, as a private in the North Carolina Line unders Capts. Waddy Tate, John Oldham, James Wilson, and Col. William Moore. In battles at Shallow Ford, Yadkin River, Pyle's Defeat, Wetzells Mills and Guilford. Born in Virginia, died, 1836 in Madison County, KY.

His will is recorded Madison Co WB F, p.182
13 Apr 1835
Richard Oldham of Madison Co, KY.
All debts to be paid off. To the children of my first wife, Ursley Oldahm - Elizabeth Clarke, late Elizabeth Harris, Goodman Oldham, Nancy Harris, Patsey Barnes, and Useley D. Jackson, one dollar each and no more believing I have done as well by them as I ever shall. To my beloved wife Patsey my house and plantaion where I now lived with my household and kitchen furniture and stock of every kind during her natural life or widowhood, to raise and school my last set of children or such of them are yet to raise. I wish my Green River land sold and the mony put on interest. My other lands rented out and the old parts put in clover. My Negroes I wish kept together by my wife for the benefit of herself and the young children, if not to be hired out at the discretion of my wife for her benefit and the benefit of my six youngest children. As my children arrive to the age of 21, or marry, I wish them to have a horse & saddle, bed & furniture, and such as my executors think proper to make them all equal. St the death of my wife, all perishable property to be sold, what isn't need for the raising of any younger children, to be divided equally among my last wife's children: Alexander R. Oldham, Sophonia Woods, Milton Oldham, Frances Barnes, Louisa Oldham, Jesse Oldham, Polly Ann Oldham, Overton H. Oldham, Richard B. Oldham, Talitha Oldham. When my youngest child has arrived at the age of 18, or soon thereafter, all my estate to be sold - the money to be equally divided among my last wife's children. I have advanced to my wife's daughter Frances Barnes, a horse & saddle, a cox & calf, one bed & furniture and one Negro girl, age 18. to Sophona Woods, one Negro girl, ae 14, a horse & saddle, cow & calf, bed & furniture. I have advanced to Milton Oldham, $400, horse & saddle, cow & calf, ged & furniture and to my son Alexr R. Oldham, $00, horse & saddle, cow & calf, bed & furniture. My children to be charged with the advance at the final settlement of my estate. Wife Patsey Oldham, executrix, Alexr. R. Oldham and Jesse Odham, executors.
Signed: Richd. Oldham
Wit: Abner Oldham, William Karr
4 Jul 1836, will prodec in court and proved by Abner Oldham who also proved the signature of William Karr, who has departed this life.


Birth4 May 1763Orange County, North Carolina
Marriage20 Oct 1786Caswell County, North Carolina - Ursula Duke Williams
Death15 Jun 1836Madison County, Kentucky


SpouseUrsula Duke Williams (1763 - 1803)