Individual Details

Joel Ledbetter

(1751 - 1815)

10 Nov 1784 North Carolina patent to Joel Ledbetter, 350 acres just east of his father's tract of 365 acres on Rocky Run Branch.

1790 Census. Joel Ledbetter in Hillsborough Dist, Caswell, NC

23 Jun 1795 Abraham Odom sold 122 acres on Generostee Creek in Pendleton District, SC to Joel Ledbetter of the State of Georgia. Wit: Daniel Ledbetter. Book C, p.14, Deeds of Anderson Co, SC.

7 Apr 1810 Joel Ledbetter to son John Ledbetter, 650 acres on Richland Creek, Pendleton District, SC, his home place. Anderson DB K, p.128

12 Sep 1811 Tract book of Madison Co, AL shows issued to Joel Ledbetter, Sr - the SW 1/4 of Sec 30, Twp 4, Range 2E. Apparently the quarter section allotted to his sons.

8 Apr 1814 Madison Co, MS Territory, later Alabama, DB H, p.418
Joel Ledbetter Senr to Joel Ledbetter Junr, Ephraim Ledbetter, and Daniel Ledbetter, all of Madison Co, Mississippi Teritory. Joel Ledbetter Senr agrees to make the following division of his real estate of 160 or one-fourth part of a section whereon he now lives on condition of exceptions. First to son Joel, $60 as his part. Second to son Ephraim, 53 and 1/3 acres on the south boundary, including the house & improvements where Ephraim lives, subject to payment of $40. Third to son Daniel, 53 1/3 acres joining Ephraim on the north & including the plantation improvments made by Judith Woodall on condition Daniel in conjunction with his youngest brother should support his father during life and pay his father the sum of $40. Fourth and furth Joel Senr binds himself to make to youngest son Burford a deed in fee simple to 53 1/3 acres on the North end of said quarter including the house & improvements hwere the said Joel Senr now lives. Joel Junr acknowledges to have rec'd from his father an obligation for $60 and it is to be in ful payment to his share of the land. Ephraim agrees to pay his father $40. Daniel agrees to pay his father $40. and contribute with his youngest brother to support his father during his natural life. If the said Joel Senr should at any time marry, Daniel & Burford will be released in rspect to the support.
Signed: Joel (x) Ledbetter, Senr; Joel (x) Ledbetter, Junr; Ephraim (x) Ledbetter, Daniel (x) Ledbetter
Wit: Joel Rice, Seph. DeBow

2 Sep 1815. Rec'd of Daniel Ledbetter $20, payment in part. Joel Ledbetter, Senr.
2 Sep 1815 Rec'd of Ephraim Ledbetter $20, payment in part. Joel Ledbetter, Senr.

10 Jul 1818 Rec'd of Dan'l Ledbetter, $20, in full. Signed: Henry Braselton, Joel Ledbetter

11 Mar 1823 Madison Co, AL. Stephen DeBow appeared in court and attested to the above agreement.

Orphans Court Minute Book 1 (fragmentary, dates not always stated), p.58
Ordered by the Court that Joel Ledbetter and Henry Brasselton have leave to administer on the Estate of Joel Ledbetter Senr, their having given bond and security.
Francis Adams, Stephen Debo appointed to appraise the estate of Joel Ledbetter, Senr, dec'd
Burford Ledbetter, infant over the age of 14, chose Henry Braselton as his guardian.

26 Dec 1815 Appraisement of Personal property of Joel Ledbetter, Senr. Signed by Stephen DeBow, Francis L. Adams, and John M. Norword. Account of Sale - some of the buyers were Ephraim Ledbetter, Daniel Ledbetter, Joel Ledbetter, Henry Brazelton, Stephen DeBow, Peggy Pickens.


Death1815Madison County, Mississippi Territory
MarriageCatherine "Kitty" Brazelton


SpouseCatherine "Kitty" Brazelton ( - 1814)
ChildJohn Ledbetter (1774 - 1831)
ChildJoel Ledbetter Jr. (1777 - 1820)
ChildEphraim Ledbetter (1784 - 1841)
ChildDaniel Ledbetter (1792 - 1856)
ChildBuford Ledbetter (1795 - 1850)
FatherRev Henry Ledbetter (1721 - 1785)
MotherEdy Clark ( - )
SiblingDaniel Ledbetter (1753 - 1827)
SiblingPrudence Ledbetter ( - )
SiblingElizabeth Ledbetter ( - )
Sibling[Daughter] Ledbetter ( - )