Individual Details

James Gower

( - Abt 1666)

Cavaliers & Pioneers, Book I
Frauncis Gower, 530 acres Lancaster Co, South side Rappahannock, Eastward Hodskings Creek. 14 Jun 1655. 280 acres granted him 15 Nov 1653 and 250 granted Mr. Ja. Williamson, 15 Nov 1653 and assigned to the sd Gower for the use of his son James Gower, which parcels are joined together at the request of said Fra. Gower. PB 3, p.351

In the Name of God Amen the 30th day of March 1666 according to the computation of the Church of England: James Gowner, son of Francis Gowner of the county of Rappa being of perfect memory and Remembrance praised
be God doe make and ordains this my Last will and Testament in the manner and forme following Vizt First I give and Bequeath my soule unto the hands of Almighty God my maker hoping that through the meritorious death and Passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer to Receive free Pardon and Forgiveness of all my sins and as for my Body to be buried in Christian Buriall Item I give to my brother Francis Gowner Two hundred and fifty acres of Land lying in Hoskins Creek & one Cow & her increase forever Revoaking all other
will & testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signum: James (x) Cowner.
Test: Denis
Conniers Signum: Mathew M. Humphrey

18 Jan 1675, Francis Gowner transferred the above 250 acres to his brother Stanley Gore. (Deed Book 5, pg 512)


DeathAbt 1666Rappahanock County, Virginia


FatherFRANCIS Gower ( - )
SiblingFRANCIS Gower (1657 - 1690)
SiblingStanley Gower (1659 - 1691)