Individual Details


( - Bef Apr 1736)

The North Farnham Parish Register lists the following children born to Nathaniel and Elizabeth Thrift:
Rebecca 4 April 1696,
William 20 September 1699,
Nathaniel 27 July 1704,
Jane 29 October 1706,
Job 29 October 1708 and
Jeremiah 24 December 1719.

Richmond Co VA, Deed Book 7
23 Jun 1718 David Berrick of the Parish of North Farnham in County of Richmond, Planter to Nathaniel Thrift of the same, Planter. For 5 shillings Sterling sells and assigns that neck of land containing 75 acres in the Parish of North Farnham contiguous and adjacent to lines of the land of William Smith and John Kinchloe, part of 750 acres grant to Thomas Goose and the heirs of Capt. George Bryer, dec'd, by patent dated 30 Oct 1669, the right of which is legally vested in the sd David Berrick. Rent of 1 ear of Indian Corn at the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin if lawfully demanded. Signed: David Berrick
Wit: G. Turberville, Jno. Metcalfe
Court held 2 Apr 1719, David Berrick acknowledged his deed. Test: M. Beckwith, Cl Cur
25 Jun 1718 David Berrick to Nathaniel Thrift for 30#'s sterling silver - the same 75 acres. Deeds of lease and release.
24 Jun 1718 Bond of David Berrick in the amount of 60#'s sterling that he will keep all covenants and agreements with Nathaniel Thrift.

Richmond Co, VA Deed Book 8, p.156-8
6 Nov 1722 David Barrick of Essex County, Parish of South Farnum to John Purcell of Richmond, Parish of North Farnum. For 3000 #'s good tobacco, sell to John Purcell and the heirs of Sarah his wife, that parcell in Richmond, part of patent of 750 acres formerly granted Capt Geroge Bryer, afterwards granted to Thomas Goose & the sd. Bryer's orphans, by patent 30 Oct 1699, then sold by Christopher Pridham to Mr. David Barrick, 5 Feb 1705/6. Bounded by Courthouse land, land of Joseph Russell, Bryer's patent line, to as Swamp being Nathaniel Thrift's bound, along Thrifts bounds to Mr. Chins line; along Chins to the Courthouse line. Signed, David Berrick
Wit: Thomas Lewis, Benjamin Rust
Richmond County Court, 7 Nov 1722. Acknowledged by Daniel Berrick. Wife Ann appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.
p. 213-216
1 Oct 1723 Nathaniel Thrift of Parish of North Farnham, Richmond County, Planter to William Thrist, son of sd Nathaniel. For the sum of 5 sh sterling, sells all that tract or Neck of land of 75 acres in North Farnham Parrish, adjacent line of William Smith & John Kencheloe, which land was conveyed by David Berrick to the sd Nathaniel Thrift and his heirs by deeds of Lease and Release dated 23 and 24 June 1718. Wm Thrift paying one ear of Corn if demanded. Signed: Natha. Thrift
Wit: Joseph Russell, Junr., John Diskin, Joshua Singleton
2 Oct 1732, Nathaniel Thrift acknowledged this his Deed unto his Son, William Thrift.
2 Oct 1723. Nathaniel Thrift to his son William in consideration of nathural love & affection does release the above 75 acres. Same signature and witnesses. Deeds of Lease & Release.

Richmond County Virginia Marriage References & Family Relationships, 1692-1800; F. Edward Wright, Colonial Roots, Millsboro, DE, 2015
p. 277 Richmond Co DB 1721-25, p.62 Nathaniel gave 75 acres to son William, 1723, and if no issue to descend to Nathaniel's son Job.
There is a discrepancy regarding the children of Nathaniel. His will that follows names 4 sons. The author of this book gave them considerably more children - their births perhaps recorded North Farnham Parish:
Samuel, b. 11 Jul 1788 (date has to be wrong!)
William, b. 20 Sep 1699 (The son who received the 75 acres, above?)
Nathaniel, b. 27 Jul 1704
Jane, b. 29 Oct 1706
then Job of the will, b. 29 Oct 1708
Jeremiah, b. 24 Dec 1719
John, Charles, and George - mentioned in the will

By combining the records from North Farnham Parish with the will - the following family seems to be the most accurate
Rebecca, b. 1696
William, b. 1699
Nathaniel, b. 1704
Jane, b. 1706
Job, b. 1708
Susannah, b. abt 1710-12 who married Thomas Snipes - she is in none of the records yet she apparently existed and has been placed as a daughter of William in many, many online trees, even though he would have been only 11 at her birth.
John, b. 1716
Charles, b. 1718
Jeremiah, b. 1719
George, b. 1721

Wills of Richmond County, Virginia; 1699-1800, by Robert K. Headley Jr., GPC, 1983
p.75; Will Book 5, p.276
Nathaniel Thrift of Lunenburg Parish. Will dated 21 Feb 1735/36, probate 5 Apr 1736. Son Job all land after death of my wife Elizabeth. If he has no heirs, to son John. If John has no heirs to son Charles. If Charles has no heirs, to son Jeremiah, and if he has no heirs, to son George. [Elizabeth was to have the use of his personal estate for her life and upon her death it was to be divided
equally among Job, John, Charles, Jeremiah and George.] Elizabeth and Job
were named executors. The will was signed with his mark.
Wit: Robert Tomlin, John Dozier
p.280 Nathaniel Thrift, inventory, 3 May 1736.

Do the following refer to Nathaniel's son John?
Wills of Richmond County, Virginia; 1699-1800, by Robert K. Headley Jr., GPC, 1983
p.91; Will Book 5, p.511
Will of Luke Millner, dated 6 Apr 1746, probate, 7 Jul 1746 - mentions his son Mark is to have the remainder of land from the bounds of Luke Millner's land where John Thrift and John Howell live and the place Thomas Brannan seated.
p.108; Will Book 5, p.712 John Thrift, Charles Dobyns & Henry Miskell were witnesses to the will of Edward Morris, 5 May 1751.

Son John:
Wills of Richmond County, Virginia; 1699-1800, by Robert K. Headley Jr., GPC, 1983
p. 170; Will Book 8, p.63
John Thrift Will. Dated 10 Sep 1789, probate 7 Dec 1789. Son Nathaniel, 50 acres adjoining the house he now lives in which I gave to him; son John, rest of land. Sons Merryman and Samuel. Dau. Amandine - if she should intermarry with William Pooley, or live with him, then it is my will and desire that she should have no part of my estate. Executor: Son, John. Wit: John Sydnor, Giles Sydnor, John Thornton.
[John's wife was Massie, surname unknown. There are two records of marriage bonds for William Pooley - one to Elizabeth Hammond, 13 Sep 1787, and one to Annaniah Thrift, 21 Sep 1789 - probably above daughter.]
p.171; Will Book 8, p. 77 John Thrift. Inventory, 6 Sep 1790.

Son Job:
Wills of Richmond County, Virginia; 1699-1800, by Robert K. Headley Jr., GPC, 1983
p.158-9; Will Book 7, p.419
Job Thrift, will dated 6 Feb 1781, probate 7 Apr 1783. Son George, land and plantation; daus. Winifred, Nancy and Mary (Mary Thrift Morgin). Executor: son, George. Wit: Edmond Northen, John Northen, Betty Northen, Wm Northen
p. 160; Will Book 7, p. 446. Job Thrift, Inventory, 12 May 1784.

Son George:
Wills of Richmond County, Virginia; 1699-1800, by Robert K. Headley Jr., GPC, 1983
p.187: Will Book 9, p.133
George Thrift of Lunenburg Parish. Will dated 6 May 1800; probate 2 Jun 1800. All estate to be divided among four children: Mary, George, William, and Betsy. Executor, friend Peter Northen (Sr). If he should died before my oldest child comes of age, Mr. William Garland, son of William Garland, dec'd, in the Fort of Totuskey should be my executor in place of Mr. Northen. Wit: James Northen, William Northen, William Landman.

Note: Lunenburg Parish was formed in 1732 from Sittenburne & part of North Farnham Parishes. Included all of Richmond County, north and west of Totuskey Creek - Bramham's Mill Creek.


DeathBef Apr 1736Richmond County, Virginia
MarriageELIZABETH Parsons


SpouseELIZABETH Parsons ( - )
ChildRebecca Thrift (1696 - )
ChildWILLIAM Thrift (1699 - 1776)
ChildNathaniel Thrift (1704 - )
ChildJane Thrift (1706 - )
ChildJob Thrift (1708 - 1793)
ChildSusannah Thrift (1710 - 1791)
ChildJohn Thrift (1714 - 1789)
ChildCharles Thrift (1716 - 1790)
ChildJeremiah Thrift (1719 - )
ChildGeorge Thrift (1721 - 1800)
FatherNathaniel Thrift ( - )
MotherElizabeth [Thrift] ( - )