Individual Details

Willis Morse

(Abt 1775 - 2 Sep 1852)

Edgefield SC, Will Book E, p.17
State of South Carolina, Edgefield District
In the name of God. Amen. I, Willis Morse of the State & District aforesaid being of sound and disposing mind & memory and calling to mind the uncertainty of life and being desirous to dispose of all such worldly estate as it has pleased God to bless me with, do make and ordain this my last will in manner following, that is to say.
I desire that after payment of my just debts & funeral expenses, I give to my wife Lettice Morse, one Negro woman named Tempy and one Negro boy named Hampton and two hundred Dollars in money also one feath bed Stead & furniture during her natural life or widowhood. And all the rest of my property both personal and real estate to be sold after my decease and the money arising from the sale together with all the money I shall have in hand at my decease, together with all notes and accounts due me at my decease after all necessary expenses are paid, to be divided among my children and their heirs forever in the following manner.
I give to (1) Simon Morse my Son and his heirs after giving to my three grand children Adaline Simmons, Samuel Morse and Margaret Morse each fifty Dollars, counting Five Hundred Dollars that Simon Morse has already received as his part of my estate. Also for my son (2) Mastin Morse and heirs to have a share counting Three hundred Dollars Mastin has already received as a part of his share. Also to (3) Wiley Morse and his heirs a share. Also to (4) William Morse & his heirs a share, and should the said William Morse die without any lawful heirs, then his share to return as a part of my estate and to be equally divided among the rest of my children or heirs. Also my Son (5) John Morse or his heirs a share. Also my Son (6) Whitfield Morse and his heirs a share. Also (7) Solomon Morse and his heirs a share. Also my son (8) Sillus Morse a share or his heirs. Also my daughter (9) Sally Attaway & heirs a share. Also (10) Aletha Kay my daughter a share or her heirs. Also (11) Martha Wooton and her heirs a share. Also (12) Polley Deloach, my daughter and her heirs a share but it is my will that her share of my estate by retained in the hands of Executors hereafter named for her better support and for said Executors to act as Trustees for her and for them to have liberty to purchase any kind of stock Clothing or Land and if they think best to lend the stock to her for her use or the Land for her & children to live on, but the Executors to retain the right in their own hands and should there be any money of her part of my Estate remaining after her decease for it to be equally divided among the heirs of her body. Also my daughter (13) Frances Lewis and her heirs to have an equal share of my estate, but the Executors to retain the money in their hands and to purchase land for her and family to live on or purchase stock if necessary and lend to her for her use and to have the liberty to take said stock back again if they think best for her benefit and sell it again and keep the money to apply to other purposes for her better support and should there be any part of the money of her part of my estate left at her decease for it to be equally divided among the heirs of her body. Also it is my will for (14) Ellen Ready my youngest daughter for her and her heirs to have an equal share, but her share to be retained in the hands of my Executors to purchase Land for her and children to live on or purchase stock and lend to her for her own use but to retain the right of land or property in their own hands as a part of my estate if the executors think best for her support to sell said land or property and still retain the money in their hands to be applied for her support if necessary and should any of the money of her part of my estate be left at her decease then for it to be equally divided among the heirs of her body.
And lastly I do constitute and appoint my sons Whitfield Morse and Solomon Morse, Executors of this my last Will and testament by me heretofore made.
In testimoney whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the Twenty Sixth day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and fifty one.
Signed: Willis Morse
Signed, Sealed, published and declared as the last will and testament of the above named Willis Morse.
Issac Herring, George Reams, Jefferson Reams.

Edgefield District Court. Proved by George Reams, 13 Sep 1852.


BirthAbt 1775Granville County, North Carolina
Death2 Sep 1852Saluda, Edgefield, South Carolina
MarriageLettice Attaway


SpouseLettice Attaway (1782 - 1857)
ChildSimeon Morse (1804 - 1860)
ChildSarah "Sally" Morse (1806 - )
ChildMary "Polly" Morse (1807 - )
ChildAletha Mae Morse (1808 - 1865)
ChildMastin Morse (1812 - 1893)
ChildWiley Morse (1813 - )
ChildMartha Morse (1815 - 1874)
ChildJohn Morse (1817 - )
ChildWilliam Morse (1820 - )
ChildWhitfield Morse (1821 - )
ChildSilas Morse (1822 - )
ChildFrances Morse (1824 - )
ChildEllen Morse (1826 - )
FatherSamuel Morse (1739 - 1788)
MotherPhillis Rochester (1750 - 1822)
SiblingAllen Morse (1765 - 1804)
SiblingMary "Polly" Morse (1767 - 1821)
SiblingSarah Morse (1769 - 1823)
SiblingMartha Morse (1772 - 1840)