Individual Details

Roswell Turner

(17 Mar 1766 - 1809)

Roswell Turner, S. of Reuben and Sarah, b. 17 Mar 1766
Vital Records of Salisbury, Connecticut . (Online Database, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2010.) Originally published as: Historical Collections Relating to the Town of Salisbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut, Volume 1 and Volume 2, by The Salisbury Association, 1913-1916, p.70

Roswell Turner was from Connecticut. He and Catherine first moved to Dorset, Bennington Co. Vermont.. In 1796 he took land on the outlet of Hemlock Lake in Ontario Co, built a log house and then the following winter moved his family and his father and mother. A year or two later they moved to Allen's Hill near the rest of the family where they remained until 1804. Then they pushed on to Wyoming County, being the first to settle west of Warsaw NY. Roswell had to make his own road.

Emigrated to Dorset, Vermont; then followed the rest of the family to Western New York, Wyoming County. They were first to settle west of Warsaw, New York.

4 Sep 1787, Freemen from Town of Castleton, Vermont
Included Roswell Turner
Vermont Genealogy. Braintree, VT: Genealogical Society of Vermont, Vol. 14 (2009) p.172

1790 Census. Rupert, Bennington Co, Vermont
Roswell Turner: 1 male over 16. 1 male under 16. Three females.
A Moses Allen lived next door with two males over 16, one male under 16 and three females. [The males could be Moses & Peter - Nathaniel born 1780 so would have been under 16. The four oldest daughters could have been married - dates of the marriages of two of them that exist do indicate they were married before 1790.]

I found an Index of Land Transactions of the Holland Land Co. It lists Moses Allen, his sons, Peter and Nathaniel Allen and sons-in-law Roswell Turner, Samuel Robinson, and Samuel Woodworth.

History of Ontario Co, New York
Everts, Ensign & Everts
Philadelphia; 1876
“in accordance with precedent, Roswell Turner, of Vermont,, had located at the outlet of Hemlock Lake, erected a log house, and cleared a small tract during the summer and fall of 1796, and to have the advantage of firm footing, chose to ring his family during the winter. The journey was long and wearisome, but Cayuga lake was finally reached, and Turner set out to cross the ice. The attempt was made on horseback, and he narrowly escaped the loss of his mother and two children by the breaking of the ice. With the year of his settlement at the outlet two of the family had died and sickness added to his misfortunes. His after-record as a settler in the Holland purchase is full of interest in his efforts to maintain his family and supply his stock with the twigs of felled trees to prevent their starvation.”

p.227 "Town of Richmond"
In 1796, Roswell Turner bought land on Hemlock Lake outlet, built a cabin, made a clearing and in winter was joined by his parents and family. About 1798 the family moved to Allen's Hill, whence, in 1804, they went to the Holland purchase, where he died in 1809.

p.230-231 "Richmond in 1812"
Proceedings of the first town meeting in Pittstown, then calle Honeoye, at the house of Capt Peter Pitts included nomination of Roswell Turner as one of the fence-viewers and path-masters.

1800 Census, Ontario Co NY: 1m under 10, 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45, 1m over 45 [Roswell?] Too many males - Horace probably under age 10, perhaps Roswell's father still living. 1f under 10, 2f 10-16 [3 daughters, Margaret would have been about two, the others names are unknown], 1f 26-45 [Catherine Allen age about 34]

April 7, 1801, at the first town meeting of Pittstown (which became Honeoye & Richmond) Roswell Turner was chosen as a fence viewer and pathmaster.

Said to have moved to the lands of the Holland Purchase in 1804. He was a land agent and surveyor who opened the first tavern in 1806.

Phelps and Gorham Purchase, by O. Turner. Chapter on "Newspaper Reminisces", p. 515
1809 - "Died at Leicester, Genesee county, on his way home to Sheldon, Roswell Turner, aged 43 years."

Found in NEHGS database online:
Genesee Co, NY
Letters of Administration, Vol. 1, p.51
Adm of the Estate of Roswell Turner late of town of Sheldon, died intestate. Granted to John Rolph as Admr during the minority of Horace S. Turner.
17 Jul 1810

New York Probate Records; Genessee Co, Vol. 1-2 p. 4, (image 7)
Surrogate's Office
At a Court Sept 13, 1810
Richard Smith, Surrogate.
Upon hearing and filing the petition of Catie Turner Widow of Roswell Turner, praying that admeasurers be appointed to lay off to the said Widow her dower in such lands as her late husband died seized of in fee simple in the said County, which lands are described as follows, to wit ...1. All that certain tract of land situate in township Number nine in the 3d Range of townships in Phelps and Chipman's puchase commonly so called, being lot No. 47 containing 179 acres and 78/100. Also Lot No. 48 in the same township containing 183 acres 62/100. Also Lot No. 3 in township No. 9 in the 4. Range on said purchase containing 363 acres 41/100 and also of 3 acres and 19/100 on the east side of Lot No 38 in the Township last aforesaid to be laid in lines parallel with the line of said Lot.2 and also all that other tract of Land described as follows viz.
Lot No. 31 in the 9. Town 4. Range on said purchase sontaining 355 acres 80/100 and also 100 acres off the east part of Lot no. 39. in said 9th town 4. Range a Major survey of which several tracts of land is in the land office of the Holland Company in the village of Batavia.
It is therefore Ordered by the said Surrogate that John Rolph, Uriah Parsons and Ariel Sherwood disinterested freeholders of the said County be and they are hereby appointed in pursuance of the Statute in such case made and provided admeasurers of the dower aforesaid who are hereby directed to lay off the same as speedily as my be and make due returns thereof to this office.

Further documents indicate that the admeasurers did indeed lay off Caty Turner's dower and included a map. The rest of the property was sold for Roswell's debts, but it was far short of the debts listed on 8 Jan 1816. Interest was granted those awaiting payment to 5 Nov 1814. By 30 Jan 1819, Horace S. Turner, as administrator of his mother's estate was again asking for sale of her lands to pay her debts. Lemuel Castle was appointed guardian of Horace's two underage brothers - Orsamus and Chipman Turner, 4 Jun 1819.


Birth17 Mar 1766Salisbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut
Death1809Genessee County, New York
MarriageCatherine "Caty" Allen


SpouseCatherine "Caty" Allen (1766 - 1817)
ChildHorace S. Turner (1795 - 1844)
Child[Daughter] Turner ( - )
ChildMargaret Turner (1798 - 1831)
Child[Daughter] Turner ( - )
ChildOrsamus Turner (1801 - 1855)
ChildChipman Phelps Turner (1806 - 1890)
FatherReuben Turner ( - )
MotherSarah "Sally" Ward ( - )
