Individual Details

John Duncan

(Ca 1740 - Oct 1833)

NOT this John Duncan:
The following, although often cited as this man's will is incorrect. The wife's name is wrong....
John Duncan will, 4 April 1788: Son John 10 shiliings sterling; son-in-law Benjamin Grigsby 5 shillings sterling; son Willis when he arrives to the age of 20 years; all estate, real and personal, to be sold and equally divided “amongst my six children… and my beloved wife Wilkey Duncan”, Moses, Elias, Enoch, Williss, Milley, Lucinda Duncan. Exors: son Mosses Duncan and Charles Duncan. Signed: John Duncan (X); witness: Charles Duncan (X), Cossom Day, Margett Williams (X) [Fauquier Co. Will Bk. 2, pgs. 312-313].
Proved Dec. 23, 1793 by oath of Cossom Day and Charles Duncan. Moses Duncan, with John Blackwell Sen., his security, under bond $6,000, granted certificate to obtain probate. Wilky Duncan, the widow, refused to take anything but on third. [Fauquier Co. Will Bk. 3, Pgs. 230-231].

And NOT the John Duncan in Westmoreland:
A number of online trees have mistakenly combined this John Duncan with a John Duncan, born 1648 in Scotland, who left a will probated 22 Feb 1725/6 in Westmoreland Co, VA. They are most certainly not the same men. This older John Duncan from Scotland was dead before Elizabeth Holtzclaw was even born - his wife was indeed an Elizabeth but they would have married about 1698 and the Holtzclaw family had not yet left Germany.

The following would certainly seem to be the records of this particular John Duncan.


From the Duncan Association Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 4, Oct 1993
"Revolutionary War Pensions, Part 2" from files of Mary Ann Dobson
John Duncan, b. 1741; from Fauquier Co. VA to Montgomery Co. VA; Rev. Pension in Floyd Co. VA

JOHN DUNCAN, Rev. Pension Application S-8373 (FHL film 970,864; SLC 9/17/84)
Applied 15 Oct. 1832, age 91, in Floyd Co. VA; drafted in 1778? in Fauquier Co. VA under Capt. Chinn, Maj. Edmundson, Col. Chas. Edmunds or Edmundson, for one year; moved to Montgomery Co. now Floyd Co. VA next year; enlisted under Col. Wm. Preston and Capt. Brigg/Trigg and Capt./Maj. Cloyd of Montgomery Co. VA; witnesses Henry Bishop and Andrew Reed of Floyd Co. VA.

Fauquier Co. VA Deeds (FHL film 31,585; SLC 9/12/83)
6-34: 23 May 1774, John Duncan (signed) and wife Elizabeth (x) of Culpeper Co. VA to Joseph Duncan Senr. of Fauquier Co., £30 current money, ... receipt whereof the said John Duncan and Elizabeth his wife do hereby acknowledge ... the said John Duncan and BETTY his wife have hereunto bargained, sold ... 53 acres in Hamilton Parish, Fauquier Co., ... the marsh road and joining Benjamin Holtzclaw's land ... to the old beg. of Joseph Hitts land ... Bumberry's line ... the road near Turkey run Church ... which tract of land the said John Duncan and BETTY his wife do grant ... to the said Joseph Duncan with all ... right, title, (etc.) whatsoever the said John Duncan and BETTY his wife of in or to the same ... /s/ John Duncan, Elizabeth (x her mark) Duncan. Wit. Jos. Blackwell, Thos. Keith(?), Samuel Blackwell. Acknowledged in court 26 Sept. 1774.
(MAD: This Elizabeth was the daughter of John Holtzclaw and Catherine Russell per several sources.) (MAD NOTE: There is no proof this John Duncan, wife Elizabeth Holtzclaw, was the same John Duncan who moved to Montgomery Co. VA, although it appears very likely.)

"Early Adventures on the Western Waters" Vol. I and II, by Kegley (extracts of Vol. I from Evelyn Sigler 12/80 and 4/26/81; SLC book 975.57 H2k, 10/19/90)
Montgomery Co. Surveys, from the Courthouse, Survey Plat Books A, B, C, D. Pg.308-11 ... 1783, John Dunken, 185 acres Laurel Creek, branch of Little River, on a Commissioners certificate. (Vol.I, pg.311)
Commissioner's Certificate Book 1767-1788, pg. 215: John Duncan assignee of William Lawson, 300 acres on Larall Creek, waters of Little River, settled 1776. (Vol.II, pg.117) (& later surveys & grants)

Montgomery Co. VA Deeds (SLC 9/24/81 & 9/2/92)
D-41: 6 Dec. 1803, John (X) Duncan and wife Betty Ann (X) to Blanch Duncan, $100, 172a, part of 2 patents, one of 200a 21 June 1786 on waters of Little River, the other 150a 29 July 1799 on the south west drains of Indian Creek waters of Little River; wit. Northrup Fuller, Clabon Akens, Thomas Ally. (FHL film 32,610)
D-532: 30 Sept. 1807, Blanch (X) Duncan to William Coffin, $200, 172a, part of 2 patents, on southwest drains of Indian Creek waters of Little River; wit. Greenbary (X) Duncan, Thomas (X) Duncan, Fielding ODonald, Robert Simpkins. (FHL film 32,610)
IJ-198: 25 June 1825, John Duncan Sr. (signed John (X) Dunkan, no wife) to Henry Thompson and Peggy his wife, for love and affection, his dau. and son-in-law, 200a on Little River, and another tract "containing an unknown quantity of acres" on Sorrell Creek branch of Little River, except portion deeded to John Duncan Jr. from John Duncan Sr. Wit. John Bishop, William (X) Thompson, Henry Bishop. (FHL film 32,612; no deed located yet from John Duncan Sr. to John Duncan Jr.)

Floyd Co. VA Wills, Vol.A, 1831-1847 (FHL film 31,335; SLC 9/9/92)
A-32: Appraisal of estate of John Duncan, pursuant to court order, $12.35 total, /s/ John W. Headen, Humphrey Reed, John W. Helms; recorded May 1834.
A-32: Abel W. Duncan, admin. of John Duncan; settlement of estate incl. 1/20/1834, $54.82 received from Henry Deskins being part of the decd's pension; 3/22 sale of property $7.44; total income $62.26, paid out to Henry Duncan his account $40, other small sums, total $51.36, balance $10.90; recorded June court 1834.
A-43: Sept. 1833, Henry Duncan and George Duncan, admins. of Blanch Duncan decd, accounting; paid debts to Spencer Reed, Henry Duncan (shoe leather), George Duncan, Blanch Duncan Jr., John Duncan, and many others, total $30-$35; settled 7 Sept. 1833.

Floyd Co. VA Deeds (from files of Nancy Reba Roy; probably to her from Mrs. Alden Evans)
A-267: 13 Feb. 1834, George (X) Duncan, John (X) Duncan, Peter (X) Duncan, Peter E. Reed, Blanch Duncan, Squire Duncan, Reed Duncan, Abel W. Duncan, and Spencer (X) Duncan, all of Floyd Co. VA, to Henry Duncan, 40a, part of land of Blanch Duncan, dec'd, on waters of Indian Creek and branch of Little River. Wit. John Bishop, Humphrey Reid, Spencer Reid.
Additional information: More deeds between these heirs dated 20 Dec 1834, A-385, A-386, A-387, and 14 April 1836, A-418; Deed C-393, 26 Jan. 1844, trust deed from Peter Duncan to Asa Bishop for two parcels of land, includes one of 85a by Henry Duncan and Spencer Reeds deeded from heirs of Blanch Duncan Sr. decd to said Peter Duncan, which would have been A-418.
Children of John Duncan Sr. are given by descendants as Blanch Duncan Sr. wife Nancy Reed; Seth Duncan wife Polly Kirby; Henry Duncan wife Levina Akers; Thomas Duncan wife Sarah Reed; Mary Duncan wife of William Coffin; Greenberry Duncan wife Nancy Phillips; John S. Duncan wife Rhoda ----; Elizabeth Duncan wife of Robert Simpkins; Peggy Duncan wife of Henry Thompson.

Index to War of 1812 Pension Applications and Bounty Land Warrant Applications; National Archives Film (SLC 9/14-17/84)
Duncan, Greenbury, Greenberry or (Dunkin) Berry, widow Nancy; WO 4682, WC 33338; BL 21918-160-55; Private Capt. Timothy Dalton's Co. VA Mil., 2/8/1815 to 3/3/1815; residence of soldier 1855, Carroll Co. VA; residence of widow 1871, 1878 Carroll Co. (P.O. Dug Spur) VA; maiden name of widow Nancy Philips, m. 1809 Grayson Co. VA; soldier d. May 12, 1860, Carroll Co. VA, widow d. Feb. 19, 1882; Remarks: widows pension certificate in brief. (FHL film 840,458)


One website lists children as:
Henry, b. abt 1772, m. to Lavina Acres, 14 Jan 1799, Montgomery Co, VA
Blanch, b. abt 1774, d. 1830, Floyd Co, VA, married Anna "Nancy" Reed, 4 Apr 1797, Montgomery Co, VA
Seth, b. 1775, d. abt 1810, married Polly Kirby, 21 Feb 1798, Montgomery Co, VA
Mary, b. 30 Oct 1776, d. abt 1826, Washington Co, IN, married William Coffin about 1800.
Thomas Crockett, b. abt 1780, d. 1847, Floyd Co, VA, married Sarah Reed
Greenberry, b. 1785, Montgomery Co, VA, d. 10 May 1860, Carroll Co, VA, married Nancy Phillips
John S., b. abt 1786, d. 1871, Floyd Co, VA, married Rhoda (surname unknown)
Elizabeth, b. abt 1788, d. before 1834, married Robert Simpkins, 3 Feb 1807, Montgomery Co, VA
Peggy, b. 1790 (probably Margaret), married Henry Thompson, 12 May 1813, Montgomery Co, VA


BirthCa 1740
DeathOct 1833Floyd County, Virginia
MarriageElizabeth Holtzclaw


SpouseElizabeth Holtzclaw (1745 - 1818)
ChildMary Duncan (1776 - 1826)
