Individual Details

David Franklin Burleson

(Ca 1753 - 13 Aug 1832)

This is actually the earliest proved ancestor of my aunt Mary Clair Burleson Comstock. It is not certain who his father was - but likely either Jonathan or John, sons of the earliest Aaron noted in the South. There is a great deal of conflicting information regarding earlier possible family.
There is no proved middle name of Franklin.

Apparently filed for Rev War pension - someone posted a single document in an Ancestry FamilyTree that is the deposition of Hilkiah Burlison and H. K. Frederick testifying that David Burlison served his country in the matter stated - they had been intimately acquainted with him for at least fifty years,
dated 15 Nov 1830
Revolutionary War Record of David Burleson
David Burleson took the oath of allegiance to the Patriotic Government in Anson County, NC, on May 28, 1778. The original discharge papers of David reads: "This is to certify that David Burleson served a 3-month tour under me in Col. Wade's Regiment and is discharged by me October 9, 1782."
Government marker placed by the Capt. Wm. Lytle Chapter in Burleson Family burial ground at home place of Mrs. Kate Burleson Talley, Rutherford County: (Latin Cross) David Burleson, James Farris Battalion, Col. Wade's Reg., N. C., discharged Oct. 9, 1782; died Aug. 13, 1832

14 Oct 1783
STATE OF NC No 582 Deed Bk D & E, p 206
To all to whom these presents shall come greeting....Know ye that we for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty shillings for every hundred acres hereby granted paid into our Treasury by David Burlesson hav given and granted an by these presents do give and grant unto the said David Burlysson a Tract of land Containing Seventy acres lying and being in our County of Anson on the S side of Pee Dee River lying on the N side of Richardsons creek Begining at a hickory standing on the Bank of said creek on the N of Talers Branch and runs N fifty five W Eighty poles to a stake then S thirty five degrees W one hundred and forty poles to a stake on the Bank of said creek then down the various of said creek N thirty five E one hundred and forty poles to the beginning.
At Hillsbro the fourteenth day of October in the Eighth year of our Independence and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty three.
By His Excellys. Comd. J Glasgow Secretary Alex Martin
STATE OF NC No 30 Deed Bk 4, p 364
State of NC...To all to whom these presents shall come greeting Know ye that we for & in consideration of the sum of Fifty shillings for Every hundred acres hereby granded paid into our Treasury by David Burleson here given and granted & by these presents do give & grant unto the said David Burleson a tract of Land containing One hundred acres Lying & being in our County of Anson on the NW side of Richardson's Creek Beginning at a Red oak dtanding on the Bank of said creek above his Improvement & Runs N 90 poles to a stake Between a black oak & pine then N 46 E 179 poles to a stake then S 20 poles to a stake on the creek bank then up the Various courses of said creek 246 poles to the first station.
At Hillsborough the 14th day of October in the 8th year of our Indepencence & in the year of our Lord 1783.
By hid Excellency's command J Glasgow Secy Alex Martin

Moved to TN 1782--was driven back to NC by atrocities of the Indians, but came back to TN in 1805, and remained until his death 13 Aug 1832.

1790 Census. Montgomery Co, NC. Along with his brother Isaac.

1810 Census. Nashville, Rutherford Co, TN
David Burleson. 1m 10-16, 3m 16-26, 1m over 45. 1f 10-16, 1f over 45

1810 Rutherford County Census
Nashville Township, page 23
David Burleson....01311/01001/0
1 male 10-15 (b. 1795-1800) Isaac b. 1795
3 males 16-25 (1785-1794) Hilkiah b. 1790
1 male 26-44 (1766-1784)
1 male 45 or older (b. 1765 or before) David b. 1755
1 female 10-15 (b. 1795-1800)
1 female 45 or older (b. 1765 or before) Ursula b. 1758
Isaac is a given, he's too young to be out on his own. Hilkiah is also a given as he didn't marry until September (the enumeration date for 1810 was 6 August) of that year and would still be in his parent's home. Moses, b. 1777, was already married and enumerated on page 13. John, b. 1778, was also married and enumerated on page 26 in Jefferson township. David Jr. was also married (in 1805) so he was out of the house, too. Unless he & his wife were in the home. I cannot find a marriage date for William, nor a firm birthdate, but I think he must be the male aged 26-44. David Jr. might be another of the males the same age as Hilkiah, but who is the third? As for the girls, Mary & Sarah were married and living in North Carolina. The age of the young female does not fit Nelly. Margaret did not marry until 1820 so it could be her. And Ursula did not marry until 1816, so it could be her, too. Confusing.

Not found in 1820 Rutherford Co, but several pages are illegible.

From "Land Deed Genealogies of Rutherford County, Tennessee, 1819-1823: Early Land Deeds and Grants" Compiled by Helen C. and Timothy R. Marsh. Volume III. Southern Historical Press, 2001.
Page 12, Doc. No. 12
David Burlason to Hilkiah Burlason for 23 acres and 16 poles. This indenture made 12 July 1814 between David Burlason, Sr. of Rutherford County and Hilkiah Burlason of same place for a tract of land. Beginning at Mourning Hobson's line, thence west 48 poles to John Burlason's line, thence South 77 poles to William Burlason's corner, thence east 48 poles to said Hobson's west boundary line, thence north with said line 77 poles to beginning. Witnesses: William White and William Rowland. Signed David Burlason. Registered 8 Feb 1819.

10 Aug 1814
Abstract: Know all men by these presents that I David Burlingson for the Consideration of fifty pounds to me in hand rec’d hast bargined and sold and delivered unto William Brooks of anson County one Negro boy name Woods. I the David Burlingson doth warrant and forever defend the said Negro boy As to the right unto the said William Brooks his heirs and assigns from any person or persons laying and just Cause writ or title to the same in Witness where of I set my hand and seal this 10 Day August 1814. Test: Sharod Rowland Signed: David Burlingson (his mark)

State of Tennessee Rutherford County
Dear Daughters through the mercy of god I am permitted to write a few lines to you to in form you of our situation we received your letter dated november 20 1831 Shoing to us your long affliction and that you had recovered some and then tell us that our beloved Son Sherwood is dead and left you a widow and orphans for which we are sorry and pitty your case we were glad to hear that you ware in resenable heath I will in form you that we are all in reasenable health but my self I was taken down about six weeks ago with a pain in my back and breast I have suffered a grate deal but I am now some little better but having no stomoch to eat any thing to do any good I am very weak and pore I many times think my time is at hand that I must give up this teniment and glory to my lord I submit freely to his will hoping and trustingthat I shall go to rest. You stated you wanted to hear from your uncles and brothers and sisters we have not heard from your uncles in some time and whare they live we know not your brothers and sisters are or ware well the last account and scattered in Allabama and tennessee only ursly we do not no where she is nelly and peggy live in twenty five miles of us so we do no more at present but Remains your affectionate father and mother till death write to us as often as you can.
David and Ursley Burleson
this to sary Rowland and mayrah brooks.

Will of David Burlason, Rutherford Co, TN (digitized in Tennessee Probates;
28 Feb 1828
In the name of God Amen, I, David Burleson in the County of Rutherford and the state of Tennessee calling to mind that it is once appointed for all men to die, and being in my perfect mind and memory and being desirous to settle my wordly affairs according to my own desire, do make and ordain this my last will and testament disposing of my worldly goods in the manner following:
Item 1---I give to my beloved wife, Ursula Burleson, the following property to dispose of as she may think fit. One Negro man by name Samuel, one bay mare and colt, one sorrel horse, four cows, two beds and furniture.
Item 2---I give to my sons John, Moses, David, William, Hill K. Burleson - one dollar each. I also give to my daughters Sarah Rollings, Mary Brooks, Nelly Rollings, Margaret Pope, Ursula Self - one dollar each. The balance of my estate, whether named or not, I give to my son Isaac Burleson, to him and his heirs forever. In witness whereas, I herewith set my hand and seal, this 28th day of February 1828.
Test: David (X) Burleson (his mark)
Benjamin Marable, Jurat
Fred E. Becton, Jurat

Rutherford County Court, Aug 1832. Will proven in court by Benjamin Marable and Frederick E. Becton. Recorded 12 Nov 1832.

10 March 1832
Records Book 9, p 25: David Burlason Dec'd Inventory. A true and just inventory of the Estate of David Burlison, deceased, one negro man Samuel, one sorrell horse, one bay mare & colt, four head of cattle, 2 beds & furniture.
Isaac Burlason, Admr
Recorded 28 March 1883


BirthCa 1753Montgomery County, North Carolina
Marriage1773Anson County, North Carolina - Ursula Weatherford
Military1776Pvt in James Farris' Battalion, Col. Wade's Regt. NC - Revolutionary War
Oath of Allegiance28 May 1778Anson County, North Carolina
Residence1790Montgomery, North Carolina, United States
Residence1800Near son Moses Burleson and son-in-aw William Brooks who married his - Montgomery, North Carolina
Residence1810Nashville, Rutherford, Tennessee, United States
Signed Petition20 Sep 1816Re site of the court house - Montgomery County, North Carolina
Residence1820Rutherford County, Tennessee
Property3 Dec 1822Land Grant - Marion County, Alabama
Death13 Aug 1832Murfreesboro, Rutherford County, Tennessee


SpouseUrsula Weatherford (1758 - 1835)
ChildJohn Washington Burleson (1775 - 1845)
ChildMoses Burleson (1777 - 1836)
ChildSarah Burleson (1778 - )
ChildMary Burleson (1785 - 1852)
ChildWilliam Burleson (1786 - 1850)
ChildHilkiah Burleson (1786 - 1856)
ChildDavid Franklin Burleson (1786 - 1856)
ChildEleanor "Nellie" Burleson (1789 - 1870)
ChildMargaret "Peggy" Burleson (1791 - 1839)
ChildUrsula Burleson (1793 - 1861)
ChildIsaac Burleson (1795 - 1865)
FatherJohn Burleson (1729 - 1775)
