Individual Details
Samuel Huff
( - By 1782)
John's parents were most likely a Samuel & Mary Huff, living in Henry Co, VA - in an area which became Patrick Co. in 1790. Samuel Huff was not the only man of that surname that lived there however. There is also the question of whether or not Huff or Hoff were used interchangeably - it's quite likely they were. I have simply included here any reference to either name that I've found in Henry Co - arranged by date.
Henry Co was formed 1777 from Pittsylvania Co.
Samuel Huff bought 75/76 acres from Benjamin Stinnett in 1771 . Original deed has survived, Henry Co VA.
Pittsylvania Co VA Deed Book 2, p.228
27 Jun 1771. Benjamin Stinnet, planter, to Thomas Hoff, planter, both of Pittsylvania Co, for three pounds, ten shillings, tract lying on Irvin River, four acres. signed: Benjamin (X) Stinnett. Wit: Samuel Packwood, Mark Foster. Ack by Benj. Stinnett on the same day.
p. 230
27 Jun 1771 Benamin Stinnet, planter, to Samuel Hoff, planter, both of Pittsylvania Co. For the sum of 30 pounds, a parcel situate on Irven River containing seventy six acres. (metes and bounds, no neighbors mentioned) signed: Benjamin (X) Stinnett. Wit: Samuel Packwood, Mark Foster. Acknowledged by Benjamin Stinnett on the same day.
The same property now in Henry Co:
Henry Co, DB 1, p.61
17 Mar 1777 Benjamin Stinnet & Usley his wife of Henry Co to Peter Harris of same for 70£, 71 acres north side Irvin (Smith) River. Begin two red oaks Samuel Huff's line, white oak Thomas Hoff's line. Signed: Benjamin (x) Stinnet. Wit: Thomas Henderson, John Henderson, John Kendrick.
In the book of deed abstracts of Henry Co deeds, there was a list of surveys by John Dickerson, 1778. On May 11, there is a survey for Peter Huff, south fork of the Blackwater.
Henry Co DB 1, p.200
25 Mar 1779 Peter Harris & Honour his wife sold to Richard Murill for 710#'s, 71 acres lying north side Irvin (Smith) River; lines of Samuel Hoff, Charles Witt's old patent line, Thomas Hoff. Signed: Peter Harris. Honour Harris, wife, relinquished dower rights.
Late 1779, early 1780:
Henry Co Court Order Book 1, p.73
Mathew Small, Samuel Hoff, Samuel Hylton and Thomas Hoff are appointed to view a way for a road from the fork of Smith’s River into the road that goes from Stewart Lovell’s to the road that leads down to the wagon ford on the Smith River.
County levy: To Samuel Hoff for one tythe overpaid 27 # tobacco
18 Jul 1780 Court Order Book 1 - Cases brought forth included Commonwealth vs. Huff
24 Nov 1780 Court Order Book 1 - Cases included Commonwealth vs. Huff, and Commonwealth vs. Nancy Huff [is it possible this was Mary and misread - I find these names frequently transcribed wrong]
Henry Co DB 2, p.130 [another sale of the same 71 acres sold in 1779 above but Samuel not mentioned]
26 Apr 1781
Richard Murrell & Mary his wife sole to Richard Pilson for 120£, 71 acres, lines of Charles Witt's old patent line to Thomas Hoff's line. Signed: Richard Murrell.
Henry Co DB 2, p.213
25 Dec 1770 Transfer of Title. Mark Foster of Pittsylvania Co, school master, and Mary Foster his wife to Charles Foster his son. Mary Foster, during her widowhood, by name of Mary Hoff, obtained warrant for tract in New Berrey Twp, York Co, PA on waters of Yealow Bretches adjacent land of William Pacwood & Thomas Camble, 100 acres. Mark & Mary for 5 shillings sell to Charles Foster the said tract, he paying the remainder of the purchase money, interest & quit rent to the Chief Lord or lords. Signed: Mark Foster, Mary (x) Foster. Wit: Wm. Jones, Samuel Packwood. Proved by Samuel Packwood, 23 May 1782.
Henry Co DB 2, p.317
8 Sep 1781 Samuel Fox & Mary his wife to John Huff of Henry Co for 45£. 119 acres by patent dated at Richmond, 1 Sep 1780. On Little Otter Creek, lines of Christopher Choats. Signed: Samuel (x) Fox, Mary Fox. Wit: Wm Mavity, Elijah Jones, Jacob Troupe, Mary Mavity.
If John Huff, son of Samuel was born in 1770 as supposed, this cannot be his transaction - but that of an earlier John Huff.
24 Jan 1782 Court Order Books Deed from Samuel Fox to John Huff
2 Mar 1782 Court Order Books Mary Huff is allowed for 300 pounds of beef furnished the same (Commissioner of Provisions - for the Revolutionary War)
After 1782 the property tax lists are for the acreage 75 acres bought from Benjamin Stinnett, but paid for Samuel Huff, deceased. Listed in Henry Co 1782, 1786, 1787, 1788, 1789, and 1790. Patrick Co for 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796, 1797. Then in 1798, John Huff paid tax on this land (of Samuel Huff, deceased). No deed or court record has been found to document this transfer, indicating it was likely an inheritance.
Mary Huff, perhaps not his widow - see Henry Co Deed of 25 Dec 1770, paid tax on livestock in Henry Co, 1782, 1783, 1784, 1785, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1790.
A Henry Co Deed, Book 3, p.43, 23 Sep 1784 - there is a deed from Henderson to Turner that references a boundary line between Mary Huff's and Turner's land, see later
Henry Co DB 2, p.352
22 Aug 1783. Thomas Huff sold to Adam Lackey for 110£, 165 acres begin the great rock south side Flat Creek to Chart Isam's line. signed: Thomas Hoff, Elizabeth Hoff. Wit: Richard Pilson, John Leacher.
Henry Co DB 3, p. 35-36
15 Aug 1784 John Kindrick of Henry to Nicholas Coger/Koger for 20#. Land on Smith River begin at Thomas Huff’s line, cross Buffalow Creek to Thomas Harbour’s corner on Smith River, 250 acres. Signed: John Kindrick. Proved 23 Sep 1784
Henry Co DB 3, p. 43-44
23 Sep 1784 John Henderson of Henry to Francis Turner for 250#’s land both sides Smith River begin at mouth of Flat Creek where it empties into the river, dividing line between Mary Huff and Francis Turner to an old on south side of river, 150 acres. Signed: John Henderson, Elizabeth Henderson. Wit: William Amos, Daniel (X) Casey. Proved 23 Sep 1784.
Henry Co DB 5, p.220-221
3 Sep 1788. Thomas Flowers of Henry to Henry Guffee for 25#’s, 200 acres waters of Smith River on Buffalow Creek, head of Old Still Branch, lines of John Lackey, Thomas Hoff, John Kindrick, Samuel Allen. Signed: Thomas Flowers. Wit: Adam Lackey, John Lackey, Richard Pilson. Proved 20 Feb 1789 and 30 Dec 1795.
Henry Co DB 4, p.51-53
28 Nov 1789 Nicholas Cogar/Kogar to Adam Turner both of Henry Co for 60#, land on Smith River with lines of Thomas Huff and opposite Thomas Harbour’s corner on Smith River, crosses Buffalow Creek. 250 acres. Signed: Nicholas Koger.
24 Sep 1790 - Mary Huff bought land from McDonald in Montgomery Co, DB B, p.66.
There is said to be a deed when John Huff sold 75/76 acres from then Patrick county Virginia. [I do not have a reference.] Since no recorded land transfer can be found, it was likely transferred through inheritance requiring no deed, indicating the probability that Samuel was John's father.
There is also a marriage in Bedford Co VA, 3rd day of March, 1773, between Samuel Huff and Sarah Hix, daughter of John Hix. Peter Huff, surety. Would be interesting to know how they might fit into the family. This would not seem early enough that they could be John Huff's parents, and certainly later the Samuel Huff of Henry Co was married to a Mary. In order for this to be the same Samuel Huff, he would have had to marry three times - to the mother of John, to Sarah Hix, and then to a Mary.
Death | By 1782 | Henry County, Virginia | |||
Marriage | Mary [Huff] |
Spouse | Mary [Huff] ( - ) |
Child | JOHN Huff (1770 - 1861) |