Individual Details

James Thompson

(Ca 1777 - Ca 1813)

James married Nancy Dickerson, 7 Feb 1797, Montgomery Co, VA.

I this is James Thompson of Montgomery Co - his wife was Phoebe, not Nancy. It is plain that he was a reasonably young man with only a single child, a son, and a pregnant wife:

Montomgery Co, VA, Will Book 2, p.173-175
I James Thompson of Montgomery County and State of Virginia being of sound mind but Badly afflicted in body knowing the certainty of Death and the uncertainty of the time and to prevent any disputes respecting my little Estate after my departure from this world do make and ordain this my last will and Tesatment.
First I recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God, Trusting he will receive it through the merits of Jesus my Redeemer.
I Secondly wish to be buried in a plain and decent manner my burial expenses being first paid the residue of my property I wish disposed of as follows.
I wish my land to be sold on a credit of two Years. The one half of the purchase money to be paid at the expiration of Twelve months. The other half at the end of two years from the day of Sale. I Leave my Beloved wife Two feather Beds with their furniture, with all the balance of my household furniture, one Bay mare, on three year old heiffer, one red cow, to have and to hold in her own right during her widowhood. The residue of my personal property I wish sold at the discretion of my Executors. The full amount of money obtained for Land and for personal property I wish appropriated to the best use for my son & should the Child with which my wife is now pregnant live I wish it to have an equal part. for the carrying this my last Will and Testament into effect I depend upon my Friends Harmond Sifford and Philip Haymaker who I appoint as my Executors.
given under my hand this 10th day of October 1813
James (X) Thompson
done in the presence of William J. Ronald, David Stephens, Larkin Thompson
Cordorall: I wish out of my estate that fifty dollars should be appropriated for the schooling of a boy named George, the son of Tena Carden, formerly Tena Howery, supposed to be mine.
James (X) Thompson
Wit: William Ronald, David Stephens, Larkin Thompson
Mongomery December Court, 1813. This last Will & Testament of James Thompson with a Codicil thereto annexed was presented in Court and proved by the oaths of David Stephens & Larkin Thompson, Witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded. And on the motion of Harmon Sifford and Philip Haymaker the Executors therein named who made oath thereto according to Law, and with David Stephens & Samuel Lucas their Securities entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the penalty of One thousand Dollars conditioned as the Law directs. A Certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.
Test: Charles Taylor, mc

Phebe received none of the land under the above will which would have left her with no home - under the rights allowed her she disavowed the will which would then entitle her to one-third of her husband's real and personal property.
Montgomery WB 3,p. 50
Know all men by these presents that I Phoebe Thompson widow of James Thompson, deceased, do hereby solemnly declare that I will not take or accept the provision made for me by the Will of the sd James Thompson dec'd my lat husband or any part thereof and I do renounce all Benefit which I might claim by said will. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my name and seal this 31st day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and fourteen.
Phebey (X) Thompson
signed and sealed in presence of these witnesses: Henry Carty, Jotham Parce
At Montgomery February Court, 1814. This Renunciation was presented in Court, proven by the oaths of the Witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded
Teste: Charles Taylor, mc

WB 3, p.50 The Estate of James Thompson in account with Harman Leifford & Philip Haymarker, Extrs. Several paid accounts - one to Geo. Thompson, $74, one to Thos. Bowyer for $103.25, and many small ones. There was an amount rec'd by Mrs. Thompson in property taken at the appraisment - $93.34. The sale came to $792.78. The balance in the hands of the executors was $519.20.
In obedience to an order at the June Term 1818, the accounts & vouchers of the estate of James Thompson, Dec'd with Harmon Lifford & Phillip Haymaker, Extrs, were exhibited and respectfully submitted by: Lewis Anniss, Thos. H. Wilkinson
Court held Montgomery County first day of September 1818. The report was returned and ordered recorded.

Not until February of 1819 was the dower land laid off...
Montgomery WB 3, p.154
In the Margin: Thompson P, Report of Dower
The Commissioners named in the within Order, met on the Premises of the dec'd on the 25th day of February 1819 & agreeable to order proceeded to allot the widows dower as follows:
Beginning on a Double Black oak which they marked W.D. in the north line of the Plantation & running a S.E. course across the improvement 40 poles to a walnut marked A, near the chimney of the dwelling house, thence a South course 75 poles to a which oak on the south line of said land marked B. Assigning to the widow the west part of the plantation from the above marked line. Note the Bearings & lenghts of the above line was not corrected by a compass & chain.
Given under our hands: David Page, Ro. Gardner, Thos. Smith
At Montgomery March Court 1819 This report was returned and ordered to be Recorded.
Teste, Charles Taylor, mc

From the Court Orders of Montgomery Co, VA
Book 18, p.104 The last Will & Testament of James Thompson presented in court, proved by witnesses David Stephens & Larkin Thompson, Executors qualified, recorded, etc.
p.113 Renunciation of the Will by his widow Phoebe Thompson, presented in court.
Book 20, p.60 June Court 1818 Lewis Amiss, Thomas H. Wilkinson & William E. Rutledge or any two of them to examine and settle the accounts of Philip Haymaker and Harmon Lifford, Executors of James Thompson, dec'ed and make report to Court
p.95 The account of Harmon Lifford and Philip Haymaker, extrs of James Thompson, dec'd was return to court and ordered recorded
p.119 December Court 1818. Ordered David Page, Robert Gardner & Thomas Smith appointed commissioners to lay off and assign to Phebe Thompson, widow of James Thompson, her dower in the land of which the said James Thompson died seized and make report thereof to Court
p.155 March Court 1819 Report of laying off and assigning dower to Phoebe Thompson was returned and ordered recorded.


BirthCa 1777Patrick County, Virginia
DeathCa 1813Montgomery County, Virginia


FatherJAMES Thompson ( - 1813)
MotherSally Renfro ( - )
SiblingFRANCES "Fanny" Thompson (1769 - 1860)
SiblingJohn Thompson (1772 - )
SiblingHenry Thompson (1773 - 1847)
SiblingAdam Thompson (1778 - 1869)
SiblingNathaniel Thompson (1780 - 1858)
SiblingLetitia "Letty" Thompson (1783 - 1840)
SiblingMary "Polly" Thompson (1784 - 1806)
SiblingFrancis M. Thompson (1786 - 1860)
SiblingMildred Thompson (1787 - 1859)
SiblingWilliam Thompson (1788 - 1859)
SiblingElisha Thompson (1790 - 1849)